State collection point for radioactive waste

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State collecting points for radioactive waste are interim storage facilities for (low) radioactive waste that are maintained by the German federal states .

According to the Atomic Energy Act, radioactive waste must be disposed of in an orderly manner. The respective waste producer is responsible for this, according to the polluter pays principle . Ultimately, they are disposed of in a repository . Is to such a repository is available, the waste must temporarily stored are. For radioactive waste from medicine , industry and research , the law has imposed the obligation on the federal states to set up collection points for the interim storage of the radioactive waste generated in their area. These are partly operated jointly by several federal states (see below).


state Operator, location
Baden-Württemberg Karlsruhe
Bavaria Mitterteich interim storage facility , Mitterteich
Berlin Helmholtz Center Berlin for Materials and Energy
Hesse Ebsdorfergrund / Roßberg
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Interim storage facility north , Rubenow / Greifswald
Lower Saxony Research Center Jülich , Jülich
North Rhine-Westphalia
Rhineland-Palatinate Hoppstädten-Weiersbach
Saxony VKTA - Radiation Protection, Analysis & Disposal ,
Rossendorf (Dresden)
Hamburg GKSS Research Center , Geesthacht


Schulze, R. (2001). Tasks of the state collecting points . in: Radiation Protection - Scientific Basics, Legal Regulations, Practical Applications: Compendium of the Summer School Radiation Protection. G. Buchert, R. Czarwinski, A. Kaul et al., H. Hoffmann Verlag: 239-250

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety - Interim storage facility for radioactive waste with negligible heat generation
  2. DER SPIEGEL 38/1981 - Konrad doesn't help
  3. Bavaria
  4. State collection point Berlin (Central Office for Radioactive Waste - ZRA)
  5. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania ( Memento from May 17, 2008 in the Internet Archive )
  6. State collection point NRW
  7. ^ State collection point Lower Saxony
  8. Radioactive waste is now coming to Rhineland-Palatinate. In: Saarbrücker Zeitung . April 10, 2016, accessed September 6, 2018 .