Waldsassen district court

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The Waldsassen Regional Court was an older Bavarian regional court that existed from 1810 to 1879 and was based in Waldsassen in what is now the Tirschenreuth district . In the Kingdom of Bavaria , the regional courts were judicial and administrative authorities, which were replaced in administrative matters by the district offices in 1862 and in legal matters by the local courts in 1879 .


In the course of the administrative restructuring of Bavaria, the Waldsassen district court was established in 1810 . This was added to the Mainkreis , whose capital was Bamberg .

On the occasion of the introduction of the Courts Constitution Act on October 1, 1879, the district court of Waldsassen was established, the district of which was identical to the former district of Waldsassen and was made up of the villages of Fuchsmühl , Großensees , Grossensterz , Groschlattengrün , Kondrau , Konnersreuth , Lengenfeld bei Groschlattengrün , Leonberg , Mitterteich , Münchenreuth , Neualbenreuth , Ottengrün , Pechofen , Pfaffenreuth , Pleußen , Querenbach , Rodenzenreuth , Schönhaid , Voitenthan , Walbenreuth , Waldershof , Waldsassen, Wernersreuth and Wiesau existed.


Individual evidence

  1. Royal Highest Ordinance of April 2, 1879, concerning the determination of the court seats and the formation of the court districts ( GVBl. P. 381 )
  2. Waldsassen Regional Court. In: Royal. Bayer. Statistical Bureau (ed.): Complete list of localities of the Kingdom of Bavaria. Ackermann, Munich 1877, Col. 965-970.