Landsmannschaft Frankonia zu Triesdorf

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coat of arms Circle

Circle of L!  Frankonia
University : Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences
Founding: April 6, 1922
Place of foundation: Bodenbach / Elbe (Sudetenland),
Czech Děčín ( Czech Republic )
Reactivation: June 11, 1968
Reactivation location: Triesdorf
Map: Germany
In a nutshell...
Association : Association-free, BDIC until 1985
Weapon ring: Franconian weapon ring (FWR)
Colours: Colors of the L!  Frankonia
blue-silver-green with red percussion, fuchsia light blue-white with red percussion
Type of Confederation: Men's association
Position to the scale : optional striking
Motto: Honor, freedom, fatherland
Field shout ( Panier ): Frankonia is the banner
Motto: Franconians in the colors blue-silver-green want to be true to their homeland!
Total members: 290
Active (as of 2011): 21st

The Landsmannschaft Frankonia zu Triesdorf , formerly Egerland Landsmannschaft Frankonia zu Bodenbach / Elbe is a former Sudeten German student union at the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences . The Frankonia is the oldest connection in Triesdorf .

In 1985 Frankonia fell out with its then umbrella organization, the Bund Deutscher Ingenieur-Corporationen (BDIC), and resigned from it. After that, further connections emerged, mainly from southern Germany, which led to the de facto dissolution of the regional association south of the BDIC. Frankonia is also a founding member of the Franconian Arms Ring .


Frankonia in Bodenbach

The Aktivitas of Bodenbacher Frankonia in 1923
Portal of the technical college in Bodenbach (used today as a primary school)
The Bodenbach Technical College

The Association of German- Aryan Students Vandalia , which wore the colors blue-silver-gold, had existed at the Bodenbach technical college since 1920 . As more and more Egerlanders joined the Vandalia, it was decided to convert the association into a Egerlander Landsmannschaft , which relied particularly on the students in Bodenbach and was supposed to support the Germans' "national struggle" against the Czechoslovak Republic. So on April 6, 1922, the Egerländer Landsmannschaft Frankonia zu Bodenbach was founded.

The Bodenbacher Frankonia 1922–1938

The new connection took on the colors blue-silver-green, the colors of the Egerland. The hat color remained red, like that of the previous association Vandalia. At that time, there were three other technician connections in Bodenbach at the HTL, the Technical Burschenschaft Rugia (founded in 1911, now Mannheim), the Burschenschaft Saxonia (founded in 1921 by splitting off from Rugia) and the VdaSt. Allemania (founded 1922). In addition there were the non-striking connections Albia (Catholic) and Keatit (Jewish).

Since the Frankonia was compulsory and every Francone had to undergo the prescribed determination of the markings, the Frankonia merged with the other three striking associations to form the Technical Delegate Convent (TDC). Disputes within the TDC led to its dissolution in 1932. As a replacement, the Frankonia country team and the Rugia fraternity founded the Eiserner Ring cartel , which the other two associations rejoined in the following semesters.

In addition to the aforementioned Bodenbach arms connections, Frankonia was in a friendship and Pauk relationship with the Mache fraternities in Reichstadt (Zákupy, CZ) , Ostmark with Aussig ( Ústí nad Labem , CZ) and Elektrik with Teplitz-Schönau (Teplice, CZ) . Since the Frankonia relied on the Egerländer studying in Bodenbach, the collaboration with the Egerländer Gmoi was also lively.

Frankonia obtained permission to wear the colors through a personal visit to the Ministry of the Interior in Prague, for which a bilingual ID was issued. The finished engineers who passed over to the Philistine became more and more numerous, so that the foundation of an old man's association Frankonia with its seat in Karlsbad (Karlovy Vary, CZ) came about . The headquarters were later moved to Bodenbach.

The Bodenbacher Frankonia 1938–1945

With the Munich Agreement , concluded by the British and French governments under the mediation of Benito Mussolini , the Sudetenland was annexed to the German Empire. The Czechoslovak government was not involved in the negotiations. After the agreement was concluded on September 30, 1938, the incorporation of the Sudetenland was completed on the following two days, October 1 and October 2, 1938. The Egerländer Landsmannschaft felt the same as all other connections in the following years , they had to suspend themselves in 1938 in order not to join the National Socialist Student Union .

Many Confederate brothers died during the Second World War . The expulsions of Germans from Czechoslovakia that followed the World War and the German defeat ended German cultural life in the Sudetenland and thus also the corporate tradition of Frankonia.

Frankonia Triesdorf since 1968

It was a long time before the Franconians found each other again. On the occasion of a meeting of the association of graduates of the Bodenbach technical college in Nördlingen , an old man's association (AHV) Frankonia was founded there on May 27, 1967 . At the second main convention on May 18, 1968 in Nördlingen, the AHV decided to reactivate it.

At the same time, a group of students in Triesdorf who had previously formed a loose clique were interested in founding a student union . After a request from the students to the Federation of German Engineering Corporations (BDIC), a contact was established with the Alte-Herren-Verein on June 4, 1968 through the agency of the BDIC. Just a week later, on June 11, 1968, the Egerland Landsmannschaft Frankonia zu Bodenbach-Triesdorf was reactivated in the Gasthaus Gesell in Weidenbach.

Aktivitas took over the colors, names and traditions of the Bodenbacher association and committed itself. The application for membership in the BDIC umbrella organization was granted on May 17, 1969 by the General Convention in Koblenz. The technical association Amicitia zu Nürnberg and the technical corporation Bund Balduria zu Weihenstephan were put to the side of Frankonia as surety / sponsor corporations .

From engineering school to technical college

At the beginning of the 1970s, the engineering schools in the Federal Republic of Germany were dissolved and the infrastructure used to build up the new type of university, the technical college . This step became necessary because the industry demanded a universally applicable, academically educated engineer. The same fate was envisaged for the engineering school Triesdorf as the agricultural engineering schools in Schönbrunn and Landsberg / Lech: It was also to be closed, and the training of agricultural engineers in Bavaria was to be centralized in Freising - Weihenstephan .

The Frankonia campaigned against this dissolution. and played a key role in maintaining Triesdorf as a university location. The active members of this time formulated the "Triesdorf Resolution 1977". In cooperation with five regional members of the state parliament (Lechner, Bauereisen, Maurer, Flath and others) an application was submitted to the Bavarian state parliament. "The Bavarian State Parliament may decide [...] to keep Triesdorf as a university location". Of the 180 MPs at the time, more than 140 MPs were personally visited by the members of the Landsmannschaft to explain the importance of the vote for the location. In contrast to the other Bavarian agricultural engineering schools, the Triesdorf school was not dissolved, but became a department of the Weihenstephan University of Applied Sciences. In 2009 the Senate decided to take account of the increased importance of the Triesdorf location and to rename the university from FH Weihenstephan to Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf .

In 1985 there was a rift between the BDIC and the Frankonia country team. The central point of contention was the inclusion of mixed-sex connections in the umbrella organization. The Frankonia campaigned against the admission of female members. After an application by the Frankonia was narrowly rejected, the Franconians left the umbrella organization. Frankonia communicated its decision in a letter to the member unions. This was followed by a wave of resignation that led to the de facto dissolution of the Regional Association South of the BDIC.

Frankonia today

Contacts to other connections were established through the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Waffenstudentischer Korporationen Bayerns (AWKB) and the designated mensuras were also covered. In 1999 Frankonia left the AWKB and became a founding member of the Franconian Arms Ring (FWR). In addition, there is a friendship relationship with TWV Teutonia Rosenheim , also a former BDIC corporation.

Fraternity house

The old court garden palace of the Margraves of Brandenburg-Ansbach, today the house of Frankonia

Frankonia's constant, the court garden palace , was not built as a corporation house. Triesdorf was the summer residence of the Margraves of Brandenburg-Ansbach in the 17th and 18th centuries . In particular, the Margraves Carl Wilhelm Friedrich , called the Wilde Margrave and Christian Friedrich Carl Alexander , called the Last Margrave , built a court in Triesdorf with all the associated buildings. Court gardeners also belonged to the residence, for whom a special building was built. In 1701 the first residential house for the Triesdorf court gardener was built under the direction of Gabrielis . In 1723 the courtyard garden was relocated to the site from its cramped location and surrounded by a brick wall to prevent it from being damaged by wild animals . Fifty years after the new kitchen garden was laid out, the court gardener received a new house, today's court garden palace.

In a protocol from State Building Director Steingruber from March 14, 1772, the construction of a new court gardener's palace was reported. The construction report was confirmed by the contents of a chamber decree of April 4, 1772, in which it was ordered that the building material from the abandoned Carls-Passage (a pleasure house for hunting parties) be used to build the new court gardener's palace.

After Frankonia initially pubs in the Gsell restaurant , on February 25, 1969, it took over the Hofgarten Palace from the Middle Franconia district . The building was more or less dilapidated at the time and has been and has been renovated since then. In particular, the house was set up for the needs of a fraternity. For example, by renovating a large vaulted cellar, the Markgrafenkeller .

Time calculation according to Noreia

The country team was heavily involved in the so-called "Volkstumskampf" of the Sudeten Germans against the Czechoslovak state. It was hoped that the Catholic Church would support this nationalist cause, but it largely stayed out of the conflict. The Bodenbacher Frankonia reacted by "abolishing" the Christian era and introducing the era according to Noreia, which was invented in 1887 by Georg von Schönerer , a German national politician and radical anti-Semite. As zero hour Schönerer has the Battle of Noreia selected, the v in 113th Between Roman troops under the consul Papirius Carbo and the Cimbri , Teutons and Ambrones . This battle is considered the first written mention of Germanic tribes.

The Noreia calendar is still used today within Frankonia. The year 2011 corresponds to the year 2124 AD (according to Noreia) in the Frankonia calendar. For the same reason as the abolition of the Christian calendar, Frankonia celebrates a Yule festival every year in December as an alternative to the church's Christmas festival.

Coat of arms and compasses

Circle and coat of arms of the Frankonia country team

Blazon of the coat of arms

  1. Shield quartered
    1. top right: the colors blue-silver-green (colors of Frankonia and colors of Egerland)
    2. Above left: an oak wreath as a symbol of the German, inside two crossed rackets and the date of foundation June 4, 1922
    3. below right: the circle of the Frankonia country team
    4. bottom left: the city arms of Eger, the capital of the Egerland
  2. The helmet has three feathers in the colors blue-silver-green as a crest ornament
  3. The helmet cover is designed as a decorative, sweeping accessory
  4. Panier: Frankonia's Panier
  5. Motto: Honor - Freedom - Fatherland

The circle

The circle contains the letters L and F for L andsmannschaft F rankonia and the letters E, F, V to the motto E hre, F reedom, V aterland.

Famous members

Individual evidence

  1. a b School files of the HTL in the archive of the city of Dêcin at Dêcin Castle
  2. ^ A b Archives of the Landsmannschaft Frankonia zu Bodenbach / Elbe, today in the archives of the Landsmannschaft Frankonia zu Triesdorf
  3. a b c d e Archives of the Frankonia Landsmannschaft zu Triesdorf
  4. ^ Protocol of the General Convention of the BDIC 1969 in Koblenz
  5. ^ Minutes of the meetings of the Senate of the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences
  6. Michael Wladika: Hitler's generation of fathers. The origins of National Socialism in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy . Böhlau Verlag, Vienna / Cologne / Weimar 2005, ISBN 3-205-77337-3 , p. 191.
  7. ^ Theodor Mommsen , Roman History , Nobel Prize in Literature Collection, Coron-Verlag Zurich, p. 314.


  1. Current and former members of the FWR: Burschenschaft der Bubenreuther zu Erlangen in the NDB (until 2011), Old Brno Burschenschaft Suevia Regensburg in the DB, Burschenschaft Pythagoras Nürnberg (now postponed), Singer Franco-Palatia zu Bayreuth in the DS, Burschenschaft Baltia -Gotia Ilmenau-Cologne to Ilmenau

Web links

Commons : Landsmannschaft Frankonia zu Triesdorf  - Collection of images, videos and audio files