Leonhard Presting

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Leonhard Presting (born July 23, 1807 in Rastenburg ; † 1885 in Bischweiler ) was a Prussian lawyer and district judge. He was a member of the Frankfurt National Assembly from August 1848 to May 1849 .


Ernst Alexander Leonhard Presting was born as the son of Ernst Michael Presting. As a merchant and mayor, his father was a respected citizen of the city of Rastenburg, his mother Caroline Friederike was born Krause. Due to the position of his father, the district administrator of Stechow and the wife of Pastor Hagemann were Leonhard's godparents .

Presting began studying law at the Albertina in Königsberg in October 1828 , which he successfully completed in 1831. At Königsberg University he had been a member of the student corps since 1828 . As early as 1832 he was accepted into the Prussian judicial service as an auscultator and trainee lawyer. On January 8, 1839, he was appointed assessor at the Higher Appeal Court in Königsberg and on April 7, 1843, he was transferred as such to the Land, City and Shipping Court in Memel . In the summer of 1844 he was able to take part in the three hundredth anniversary of the Albertina, his university in Königsberg, and to enter himself in the memorial book. In May 1848 Presting was one of the founders of the Constitutional Club in Memel, which he also chaired for a few months.

In the election to the Frankfurt National Assembly on May 10, 1848, Presting was appointed deputy in constituency 1, Memel in the province of Prussia . A few months later, he was informed that the MP Johann August Muttray had resigned from his seat. The senior president in Königsberg asked Presting to succeed him. An application initially submitted by Presting for the granting of an advance on travel expenses was answered negatively by the Upper President, and funds for such a payment were not available. On August 2, 1848 Presting was for the first time as a member of the Paulskirche in Frankfurt and already took part in votes. He later joined the casino faction in the National Assembly. At the beginning of 1849, Presting had requested and received four weeks' leave in order to be able to sort out family matters. When exactly he finished his parliamentary work in Frankfurt am Main is not evident from the minutes of the meeting, since the end of January 1849 he has been absent from votes, excused. An entry by him in the parliamentary album is dated April 23, 1849, he was officially a member of the Frankfurt National Assembly until May 30, 1849.

From 1855 to 1861 Presting took over the office of district judge in Heilsberg . He retired in 1876 and first settled in Königsberg, then in 1879 went to Gebweiler in Alsace . Leonhard Presting died in 1885 in Bischweiler, Alsace, in the house of his son-in-law.


  • Bernhard-Maria Rosenberg: The East Prussian MPs in Frankfurt 1848/49. Biographical contributions to the history of political life in East Prussia. Grote, Berlin / Cologne 1970. Pages 101–104.

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