List of mayors of Radeberg

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Radeberger city arms

The list of mayors of Radeberg includes all known mayors of the city of Radeberg . The former community leaders and mayors of the community of Lotzdorf , which was united with Radeberg on January 1, 1920, and the incorporated towns of Liegau-Augustusbad (April 1, 1995), Großerkmannsdorf and Ullersdorf (both January 1, 1999) are not included in the following list.

Development of the mayor's office after 1412

On 16 March 1412 the was a market town Radeberg the city and precincts rights conferred. From the early history of Radeberg as a city up to around 1550, only a few and incomplete information is available. The reasons for this are the city fire of 1521, when the city burned down almost completely, and the great city fire of 1714, in which the church and the town hall with most of the archives were also destroyed.

Since the elevation of Radeberg to the major district town on January 1, 2009, the mayor has been lord mayor .

According to Section 51 of the Saxon Municipal Code of April 21, 1993, the mayor's term of office is seven years. In the event of re-election, it can be extended accordingly. He is elected in a general, direct, free, equal and secret ballot. The mayor has the position of a full-time civil servant and is chairman of the city council and head of the city administration.

Late Middle Ages

Until 1692 there were three mayors, from 1692 only two, who changed with each other annually. As a rule, only the name of the “incumbent” mayor is listed in the literature, that of the “dormant” (vice-mayor) rarely appears. The fiscal year ran from May 1st to April 30th.

Term of office Surname Vice-BM; Assessor annotation image
1429 Peter Arnold Foundation of the tailors' guild in 1449
1513 Gregor Butterschneyder For the first time, the names of the city councils in the form of a complete council list are mentioned in a document from the Meißner Hochstift dated March 23, 1513 .
1552 Georg Wilhelm
1568 George Plow also: Pflugk, † 1574
1569 George Wilhelm
1570, 1591 Martin Wegner
1572 George Plow
1573, 1584, 1587, 1603 Christoph Brückner † 1603
1574, 1576, 1582 Martin Wegner
1575 George Wilhelm
1581, 1586, 1593, 1596, 1602 Caspar Richter † 1605
1585, 1601 Martin Wegner Christoph Brückner
1600 Johann Christoph Graefe was an innkeeper, † 1603
1603, 1610, 1613 Nickel Wilhelm
1605 Nickel Wilhelm Balthasar Beinrodt also: leg wheel
1605, 1609, 1612, 1621, 1624, 1627 Balthasar Beinrodt
1607 Nickel Wilhelm Christoph Gersteck also: Christoff Gerstäcker
1608, 1611, 1614 Christoph Gersteck
1615, 1622, 1625 Jacob Wiedemann
1617, 1626, 1629, 1632 Christoff Gebauer
1620 Andreas Zschiedrich Jacob Wiedemann, Johann Böhme
1628, 1649, 1651 Heinrich Kauderbach previously clerk, † 1653
1630 Johann Lorenz Jacob Wiedemann, Martin Hofmann, Balthasar Beinrodt
1631 Jacob Wiedemann Christoh Gebauer
1633 Jacob Wiedemann
1633, 1637, 1643 Christoph Graefe
1636, 1642, 1645, 1661 Andreas Zschiedrich
1638 Johann Lorenz
1639 Andreas Zschiedrich Heinrich Kauderbach
1640, 1646, 1650, 1656 Jacob Buttner
1644 Christoph Graefe Jacob Buttner
1648 Christoph Graefe Jacob Büttner, Heinrich Kauderbach
1654, 1657, 1663 Johann Hoffmann
1664 George Burdock Johann Hoffmann, Johann Büttner also: Clette. The Klette family was still the owner of the Kletten Vorwerck in 1760
1665 Johann Büttner Johann Boehme
1666 Christian (Benjamin) hunter Johann Hoffmann, Johann Boehme
1667, 1669 Johann Hoffmann Johann Boehme
1668 Adam Beautiful Christoph Klotzsche, Johann Hoffmann, Johann Böhme
1670 Georg Klette Adam Schöne, Johann Hoffmann, Johann Böhme
1671 Johann Boehme Johann Hoffmann, Georg Klette
1673 Michael Koch Christian Zschiedrich, Johann Hoffmann, Johann Böhme
1675, 1681 Georg Klette
1677 Christian Zschiedrich Johann Hoffmann, Johann Heinrich Kauderbach Ch. Zschiedrich was also an escort . JH Kauderbach was also General Accise Inspector , † January 2, 1720
1677 Christoph Kretschmar Christian Zschiedrich
1678 Georg Müller
1680 Christian Zschiedrich Christoph Kretschmar
1682 Christian Zschiedrich
1683 Georg Klette Andreas Schöne, Christoph Kretschmar
1684 Andreas Schöne
1685 Gottfried Teichmann Andreas Hoffmann, Ehrenfried Kretschmar Teichmann † 1686
1686 Christoph Kretschmar Andreas Hoffmann, Ehrenfried Kretschmar
1687 Andreas Hoffmann Christoph Kretschmar
1687, 1689, 1690, 1692, 1694, 1696, 1698 Jacob Berthold Vice-BM 1692: Georg Klette, Christoph Kleppisch. Berthold was a white tanner and still lived in 1709 as an emeritus
1689, 1691, 1693, 1695, 1697, 1701, 1703 Christoph Kleppisch From 1692 there were only two mayors who i. d. R. changed annually. The fiscal year ran from May 1st to April 30th.
1700 Balthasar Thomas Georg Klette, Jacob Berthold Thomas was a butcher , † 1703
1702 Balthasar Thomas
1704 J. Christoph
1705 Johann Heinrich Kauderbach
1707 Christoph Seydel Johann Heinrich Kauderbach, Johann Christoph Kleppisch, Adam Gruntzsch Seydel was originally a carpenter, but discovered the Augustusbad in 1717 . JH Kauderbach was also General Accise Inspector , † January 2, 1720
Epitaph Seydels at the town church Radeberg
1709 Christoph Seydel Adam Gottfried Boehme
1714 Adam Gottfried Boehme Christoph Seydel Böhme was a butcher, † November 4, 1724
1715 Christoph Seydel NN Thieme
1717 Adam Gottfried Boehme Christoph Seydel
1721-1743 Gottfried Tritzschler Christoph Seydel Until 1743 Seydel and Tritzschler changed annually according to the rules of the time.
1744 Christoph Seydel From 1744 there was only one mayor.
1745 Christian Teichmann
1746-1754 Christian Teichmann Gottfried Tritzschler Teichmann and Tritzschler alternate every year
1754 Johann George Heymann
1754 George Heinrich Müller
1755-1759 Christian Teichmann Johann George Heymann Teichmann and Heymann alternate every year
1759-1765 Heinrich Daniel Kluge Johann George Heymann Kluge and Heymann alternate every year
1765-1784 George Heinrich Müller Johann George Heymann Müller and Heinrich alternate every year. For the first time 2 senators are elected.
1784-1796 Gottlieb Leberecht Scheller Johann Georg König Scheller and König alternate every year. Senators: J. Ch. Tretzsch until 1787, Joh. Gottfr. Sunday from 1787, CF Naumann
1797 Gottlieb Leberecht Scheller Traugott Leberecht Rumpelt Senators: TL Rumpelt, Carl Friedrich Thier, Johann Friedrich Balthasar Thieme. Rumpelt was a trimmings manufacturer, † August 29, 1807
1798 Traugott Leberecht Rumpelt Gottlieb Leberecht Scheller Senators: Carl Friedrich Thier, Johann Friedrich Balthasar Thieme
1799 Johann Friedrich Balthasar Thieme Traugott Leberecht Rumpelt
JFB Thieme, around 1800
1806 Carl Friedrich Thier
1807-1813 Carl Gottlob Liebscher Carl Friedrich Thier Liebscher and Thier alternate every year.
1814 Gotthelf Ernst Reinicke Carl Gottlob Liebscher Reinicke was a white baker. On March 31, 1814, he became “1. General Mayor ”elected and held office alternately until 1836.
1827 Karl Gottlob Hofmann Gotthelf Ernst Reinicke Hofmann retired in 1830. † April 1843 at the age of 76
1828 Gotthelf Ernst Reinicke Georg Heinrich Schmidt
1829-1830 Karl Gottlob Hofmann Gotthelf Ernst Reinicke Hofmann and Reinicke alternate every year.

From 1830

With the introduction of the new town regulations for the Kingdom of Saxony in 1832, there was only one mayor.

Term of office Surname Deputy annotation image
1830-1837 Gotthelf Ernst Reinicke Sole mayor until his death on January 1st, 1837.
1837-1873 Carl Gottfried Kuntzsch
November 18, 1873 to September 30, 1895 August Max Rumpelt Made an honorary citizen in 1895.
August Max Rumpelt around 1875
October 3, 1895– October 23, 1916 Otto Bauer Was elected for life in 1900. † October 23, 1916
Otto Bauer around 1910
1916-1920 Ewald Bose Bose was appointed Ministerialrat in the Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture in 1920.
1920–9.3.1933 Otto Uhlig Dr. Erich Weise (from 1923) Impeachment on March 9, 1933. Made an honorary citizen in 1948.
9.3.1933-2.8.1933 Erich Möckel was a vocational school teacher
August 3, 1933-1935 Otto Rasch Erich Möckel, from September 1933 to May 1934. Paul Gubitz from 1934 to 1936. He was quickly indicted as a war criminal in the Einsatzgruppen trial (Case IX) , left the trial due to illness, and died on November 1, 1948 in Nuremberg .
Otto Rasch as a defendant in the Einsatzgruppen trial
1936–7 May 1945 Paul Hermann Gubitz During the Second World War : Dr. Müller, Dr. Hilpert

From 1945

Term of office Surname Deputy annotation image
8.5.1945-2.6.1945 Hans Wächtler Wächtler (1898–1963) was appointed provisional BM for the city of Radeberg by the Soviet city ​​command, then party secretary of the KPD in Radeberg. Appointed honorary citizen of Radeberg in 1946.
9.5.1945–1.9.1945 Georg Wehner Wehner was appointed mayor of the district by the Soviet city command (for the villages in the Radeberg area), then district administrator of the Dresden district. Appointed honorary citizen of Radeberg in 1946.
5.6.1945-10.11.1948 Paul Brückner Friedrich Weitzmann (2nd mayor from September 1945, when Brückner was also appointed as Rajon mayor) Brückner (1886–1963) was the first elected mayor for the city of Radeberg after the Second World War and from September 1, 1945 until the dissolution of the Soviet Rajon headquarters in 1948, also Rajon mayor. From November 10, 1948 District Administrator of the Löbau district . Retired in 1952.
11/10/1948–8/14/1950 Friedrich Weitzmann Was 2nd mayor from September 1945 until the dissolution of the Soviet Rajon commandantary in 1948.
August 14, 1950– December 31, 1953 Willy Burckhardt From 1954 functionary at VEB Sachsenwerk Radeberg .
1.1.1954-30.6.1957 Rudolf Thomas Afterwards company legal advisor . Thomas (1916–1996) retired in 1982.
1.1.1957-31.3.1960 Alfred Konrad Lange Later active in the council of the Dresden district .
July 21, 1960 to December 31, 1985 Gunter Hauswald Made an honorary citizen in 1989
1.1.1986–31.3.1987 Hans-Jürgen Eberhardt Afterwards economic function in VEB Robotron-Elektronik Radeberg .
1.6.1987-30.5.1990 Siegfried Hennig

Since 1990

The first direct mayor election in Radeberg after the fall of the Wall took place in 1994.

Term of office Surname Deputy annotation image
May 30, 1990 to July 31, 1994 Frank Petzold Elected by the then city council.
since 1.8.1994 Gerhard Lemm Mayor since January 1, 2009 (Radeberg was raised to the status of a major district town)

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Local law on the unification of the rural community Lotzdorf with the city of Radeberg. File Radeberg City Archives.
  2. StBA: Changes in the municipalities in Germany, see 1999
  3. a b Radeberger Chronik 1550–1839. Handwritten manuscript. Archive no. 00003476. Museum Schloss Klippenstein Radeberg.
  4. Announcement of the new version of the Saxon municipal code of March 9, 2018 . 2018, § 48 ff ( full text on REVOSax ).
  5. Heinrich von Martius : Radeberg and his surroundings: A historical sketch. CFA Weller, Bautzen 1828. Online resource OCLC 812364395
  6. Otto Mörtzsch: The oldest known Radeberg council list . In: Address book for the city of Radeberg as of March 1, 1910. Verlag Buchdruckerei der "Radeberger Zeitung" Max Mauersberger.
  7. File 192, Radeberg City Archives.
  8. File 96, Radeberg City Archives.
  9. ^ File 57 Radeberg City Archives.
  10. Repertory on the general order of cities for the Kingdom of Saxony ... from February 2, 1832. Leipzig 1834 .
  11. Files 60, 272, 661 Radeberg City Archives.
  12. Files 879 and 1451A Radeberg City Archives.
  13. File 346 Radeberg City Archives.
  14. Files 251, 388, 404 Radeberg City Archives.
  15. See Andreas Reichel: Otto Uhlig (1872–1950) . In: Institute for Saxon History and Folklore (Ed.): Saxon Biography .
  16. a b File 62b Radeberg City Archives.
  17. ^ Radeberger Zeitung and Tageblatt of August 4, 1933
  18. Affidavit of Paul Blobel with mention of Otto Rasch
  19. ^ Radeberger market stories . Ed. Council of the City of Radeberg in cooperation with the Kulturbund der DDR, local group Radeberg 1989.
  20. File 4018/5, Radeberg City Archives
  21. acts 4133a city archives Radeberg
  22. File 4018/6 Radeberg City Archives
  23. acts 4133a city archives Radeberg