List of ground monuments in Bad Reichenhall

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The archaeological monuments of the Upper Bavarian district town Bad Reichenhall are compiled on this page . This table is a partial list of the list of ground monuments in Bavaria . The basis is the Bavarian Monument List , which was first drawn up on the basis of the Bavarian Monument Protection Act of October 1, 1973 and has since been managed by the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation . The following information does not replace the legally binding information from the monument protection authority.

Bad Reichenhall coat of arms

Archaeological monuments by district

Bad Reichenhall

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St. Zeno
( location )
Underground medieval and early modern findings in the area of ​​the former collegiate and catholic parish church of St. Zeno in Bad Reichenhall and its predecessor buildings as well as the attached monastery buildings and baroque gardens. D-1-8243-0018 Underground findings in the area of ​​the Church of St. Zeno
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Im Kirchholz
( location )
Section fortification from the early Middle Ages . D-1-8243-0034 BW
At the parish church of St. Nikolaus
( location )
Underground medieval and early modern findings in the area of ​​the Catholic parish church St. Nikolaus in Bad Reichenhall and its predecessor buildings. D-1-8243-0104 Inactive findings in the area of ​​the Church of St. Nicholas
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Alte Saline , Ensemble Obere Stadt
( location )
Underground medieval and early modern settlement parts in the area of ​​the historic old town and the salt works of Bad Reichenhall. D-1-8243-0137 Underground parts of the settlement in the area of ​​the historic old town and old saltworks
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Salzburger Strasse, confluence with Klosterstrasse
( location )
Lost church “St. Maria ”of the Middle Ages and early modern times with the associated cemetery. D-1-8243-0147 Lost Church of St. Mary
At the Hotel Axelmannstein
( location )
Underground late medieval and early modern findings in the area of ​​the former Achselmannstein Castle in Bad Reichenhall and its predecessor buildings. D-1-8243-0149 Underground findings in the area of ​​the former Achselmannstein Castle
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In the area of ​​the city ​​wall
( location )
Underground medieval and early modern findings in the area of ​​the former city fortifications of Bad Reichenhall. D-1-8243-0163 Inactive findings in the area of ​​the former city fortifications
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At Gruttenstein Castle
( location )
Underground medieval and early modern findings in the area of ​​Gruttenstein Castle in Bad Reichenhall and its predecessor buildings. D-1-8243-0164 Underground findings in the area of ​​Gruttenstein Castle
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At the Church of St. Aegidia
( location )
Underground medieval and early modern findings in the area of ​​the Catholic Church of St. Giles in Bad Reichenhall. D-1-8243-0165 Underground findings in the area of ​​the Church of St. Aegidia
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At the Church of St. John
( location )
Underground medieval and early modern findings in the area of ​​the Catholic hospital church St. Johannes in Bad Reichenhall and its predecessor buildings as well as the expired Johannesspital. D-1-8243-0166 Underground findings in the area of ​​the Johannes Hospital Church
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Today's Brunnhaus Chapel
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Underground early modern findings in the area of ​​the St. Rupert Catholic Saline Chapel in Bad Reichenhall and its predecessor building. D-1-8243-0167 Cath. Saline Chapel St. Rupert
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Area of ​​the former drift systems ;

Anton-Winkler-Strasse, Berchtesgadener Strasse, Innsbrucker Strasse, Wittelsbacherstrasse
( location )

Underground medieval and early modern findings in the area of ​​suburban settlement expansions and drift systems of Bad Reichenhall. D-1-8243-0169 BW
Salzburger Strasse, near Rinckstrasse
( location )
Lost church “St. Michael ”of the Middle Ages and early modern times with the associated leper house . D-1-8243-0182 Lost Church of St. Michael
Gmainer Straße, Pfannhauserweg
( location )
High medieval pre-fortification of the city ​​wall of Bad Reichenhall and Gruttenstein Castle . D-1-8243-0194 Pre-fortification of the city wall and Gruttenstein Castle
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Schmalschlägerstraße, above Moserweg
( location )
Cremation graves and settlement from the Urnfield period and settlement from the late Latène period . D-1-8243-0045 BW
Schmalschlägerstraße, Pankrazberg, Burgberg
( location )
Settlement of the Bronze Age , settlement and cremation graves of the Urnfield Age , settlement of the Hallstatt Age and the late Latène Age as well as the Roman Empire . D-1-8243-0049 Settlements Bronze Age, Urnfield Age, Hallstatt Age, La Tenè Age, Roman Empire
( location )
Late La Tène settlement. D-1-8243-0063 BW
( location )
Bronze Age settlement. D-1-8243-0065 BW
( location )
Burnt offering place and burial site from the Bronze Age. D-1-8243-0066 BW
Fischzuchtstrasse / Poschengrund
( location )
Cremation cemeteries from the Roman Empire and settlement from the Latène period. D-1-8243-0067 BW
( location )
Body graves and settlements from the Bronze Age and settlements from the Roman Empire. D-1-8243-0068 Settlements from the Bronze Age and Roman Empire
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Castle stable of the high Middle Ages . D-1-8243-0133 Amerang Castle Stables
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( Location ) Castle stable of the high Middle Ages. D-1-8243-0134 Burgstall Vager
Above Gasthof Kaitl
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Burgstall and the old toll station of the high Middle Ages, so-called Maut zu Karlstein . D-1-8243-0135 Karlstein toll
At the castle ruin Karlstein
( location )
Underground medieval and early modern findings in the area of ​​the Karlstein castle ruins. D-1-8243-0170 Underground findings in the area of ​​the Karlstein ruins
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( location )
Underground medieval and early modern findings in the area of ​​the St. Pankraz Church on the Pankranzberg and its predecessor buildings. D-1-8243-0171 Underground findings in the St. Pankraz area
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Schmalschlägerstraße, near Schlössl
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Settlement of prehistoric times, u. a. the bronze age . D-1-8243-0193 Settlement u.  a.  the bronze age
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Near Hirschmühlenweg
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Row burial ground of the early Middle Ages . D-1-8243-0015 Row grave field Hirschmühlenweg
Am Schroffen
( location )
Settlement of prehistoric times, u. a. the bronze age . D-1-8243-0021 Settlement on the rugged
Am Kirchberg, near Thumseestraße 10/11
( location )
Castle stables of the high Middle Ages with the abandoned St. Georg chapel. D-1-8243-0037 Burgstall Kirchberg
Thumseestraße / Schödtlweg
( location )
Desolation of the high or late Middle Ages . D-1-8243-0042 BW
Thumseestr. 11
( location )
Underground medieval and early modern findings in the area of ​​the Kirchberg-Schlössl in Bad Reichenhall and its predecessor buildings. D-1-8243-0181 Underground findings in the area of ​​the Kirchberg-Schlössl
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Nonner Unterland, at house number 32
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Bronze Age settlement . D-1-8243-0057 BW
( location )
Bronze Age settlement. D-1-8243-0062 Bronze Age settlement
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At the Nonner Kircherl
( location )
Underground medieval and early modern findings in the area of ​​the Catholic branch church St. Georg in Nonn and its predecessor buildings. D-1-8243-0172 Underground medieval and early modern finds
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Am Thumsee , Madlbauer car park
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Settlement of the Roman Empire . D-1-8242-0002 BW


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( location )
Settlement of prehistoric times, u. a. the Bronze Age , cremation graves from the Urnfield Age and Villa rustica from the Roman Empire . D-1-8243-0079 Settlement in the area of ​​villa rustica
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( location )
Leveled burial mound of prehistoric times. D-1-8243-0083 Burial mound
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North of Marzoll Castle
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Prehistoric settlement. D-1-8243-0086 Prehistoric settlement
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( location )
Settlement of the Bronze Age and the Urnfield Age. D-1-8243-0116 Settlement of the Bronze and Urnfield Ages
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Marzoll Castle
( location )
Underground medieval and early modern findings in the area of ​​Marzoll Castle and its predecessor buildings with associated gardens. D-1-8243-0158 Underground findings in the area of ​​Marzoll Castle
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St. Valentin Church
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Underground medieval and early modern findings in the area of ​​the Catholic parish church of St. Valentin in Marzoll and its predecessor buildings. D-1-8243-0159 Underground findings in the area of ​​St. Valentine's Church
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Am Goring
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Lair of the early modern period . D-1-8243-0109 BW
At the Buchenhof
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Early modern ski jump. D-1-8243-0110 BW


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Grenzlandstraße / Olympiaring
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Bronze Age settlement . D-1-8243-0081 Bronze Age settlement


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( Coordinates are missing! Help me. ) Cremation cemetery of the more recent urn field time . D-1-8243-0195

See also


  1. This list may not correspond to the current status of the official list of monuments. The latter can be viewed on the Internet as a PDF using the link given under web links and is also mapped in the Bavarian Monument Atlas . Even these representations, although they are updated daily by the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation , do not always and everywhere reflect the current status. Therefore, the presence or absence of an object in this list or in the Bavarian Monument Atlas does not guarantee that it is currently a registered monument or not. The Bavarian List of Monuments is also an information directory. The monument property - and thus the legal protection - is defined in Art. 1 of the Bavarian Monument Protection Act (BayDSchG) and does not depend on the mapping in the Monument Atlas and the entry in the Bavarian Monument List. Objects that are not listed in the Bavarian Monument List can also be monuments if they meet the criteria according to Art. 1 BayDSchG. Early involvement of the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation according to Art. 6 BayDSchG is therefore necessary in all projects.

Web links

Commons : Ground monuments in Bad Reichenhall  - collection of images, videos and audio files