Karlstein toll

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Karlstein toll
Notice board on the brine pipeline path

Notice board on the brine pipeline path

Creation time : High medieval
Castle type : Höhenburg, spur location
Conservation status: Burgstall
Standing position : Ministeriale, counts
Place: Bad Reichenhall - Karlstein
Geographical location 47 ° 43 '10.5 "  N , 12 ° 50' 56.3"  E Coordinates: 47 ° 43 '10.5 "  N , 12 ° 50' 56.3"  E
Height: 530  m above sea level NHN
Toll to Karlstein (Bavaria)
Karlstein toll

The toll to Karlstein was a rock castle in the Bad Reichenhaller district Karlstein in the district of Berchtesgadener Land in Bavaria . The Burgstall is registered under the number D-1-8243-0135 as a ground monument in the Bavarian monument list.

Geographical location

The toll to Karlstein was located on a 530 meter high rock spur above the 2101 state road in the immediate vicinity of the later Gasthof Kaitl and today's Kugelbachweg.


It is unclear when the Karlstein toll came about. It is certain that the fortified complex served the Peilsteiners at Karlstein Castle as a toll station in the High Middle Ages . The toll to Karlstein was above today's State Road 2101 , which was followed by widely branched trade routes as early as the Bronze Age . The Peilsteiners were able to collect tolls from traders and haulers on the way to and from Reichenhall. With the disappearance of the Peilsteiner in 1218, the toll to Karlstein was probably also dropped. Due to extensive developments in the 17th century in the course of the construction of the brine pipeline from Reichenhall to Traunstein , the exact size of the system is no longer traceable today.


The Karlstein toll was a fortified system on a rock spur . Access was via the north-western corner of the structure, which could probably only be reached on foot and via a six-meter-long wooden bridge . Whether the eastern areas were also used by the toll station can no longer be traced due to the extensive building activity in the 17th century, but a bailey is suspected on a hill .


  • Johannes Lang : Reichenhaller Burgenweg - guide to the castles and palaces in the Reichenhaller area . Published by the Association for Local History Bad Reichenhall and Surroundings e. V., Bad Reichenhall 2004

Individual evidence

  1. Johannes Lang: Reichenhaller Burgenweg - Guide to the castles and palaces in the Reichenhaller area