List of cultural monuments in Auenhain

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In the list of cultural monuments in Auenhain , all cultural monuments of Auenhain , a settlement of the Saxon town of Markkleeberg , are recorded. The listed objects were recorded in the list of monuments by the State Office for Monument Preservation Saxony as of 2017. It is a partial list of the list of cultural monuments in Saxony .


  • Image: shows a picture of the cultural monument and, if applicable, a link to further photos of the cultural monument in the Wikimedia Commons media archive
  • Designation: Name, designation or the type of cultural monument
  • Location: If available, street name and house number of the cultural monument; The list is basically sorted according to this address. The map link leads to various map displays and gives the coordinates of the cultural monument.
Map view to set coordinates. In this map view, cultural monuments are shown without coordinates with a red marker and can be placed on the map. Cultural monuments without a picture are marked with a blue marker, cultural monuments with a picture are marked with a green marker.
  • Dating: indicates the year of completion or the date of the first mention or the period of construction
  • Description: structural and historical details of the cultural monument, preferably the monument properties
  • ID: is awarded by the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony. It clearly identifies the cultural monument. The link leads to a PDF document from the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony, which summarizes the information on the monument, contains a map sketch and often a detailed description. For former cultural monuments sometimes no ID is given, if one is given, this is the former ID. The corresponding link leads to an empty document at the state office. The following icon can also be found in the ID column Notification-icon-Wikidata-logo.svg; this leads to information on this cultural monument at Wikidata .


image designation location Dating description ID
Subject aggregate Southern Battlefield 1813 (Map) 1813 Extensive cultural monument studded with apple stones and memorial stones for the battle of the Battle of the Nations near Leipzig 09257274
Apelstein No. 47
More pictures
Apelstein No. 47 Auenhainer Allee 13 (behind)
re. 1863, built in 1938 1 Memorial stone commemorating the battles of the Battle of Leipzig in 1813, 5,320 Austrians under Lieutenant Field Marshal Count Weißenwolf against French troops under Victor 09257273


1 There is a copy at the specified location and the original Apelstein is at Museum Torhaus Markkleeberg.

Web links

  • State Office for the Preservation of Monuments Saxony Dynamic web application: Overview of the monuments listed in Saxony. The location “Markkleeberg, Stadt, Auenhain” must be selected in the dialog box, after which an address-specific selection is made. Alternatively, the ID can also be used. As soon as a selection has been made, further information about the selected object can be displayed and other monuments can be selected via the interactive map.