List of Municipios in the Departamento del Cauca

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The Departamento del Cauca consists of 42 Municipios . These are subdivided into a community center ( Cabecera Municipal ) and the surrounding area ( Resto Rural ). The surrounding area is further subdivided into so-called police inspections ( Inspecciones de Policía Municipal ), smaller offices ( Corregimientos ), settlement centers ( Centros Poblados ) and homesteads ( Caseríos ). The following lists the Municipios with their total number of inhabitants from the census of the Colombian statistical office DANE from 2005, extrapolated for the year 2018.

Municipio Population 2018
Almaguer 21,351
Argelia 27,454
Balboa 26,210
Bolívar 44,836
Buenos Aires 34,037
Cajibío 38,428
Caldono 33,910
Caloto 17,736
Corinto 33,107
El Tambo 47,958
Florencia 6,175
Guachené 19,920
Guapi 29,931
Inzá 32,150
Jambaló 18,663
La Sierra 10,576
La Vega 47.007
López de Micay 20,721
Mercaderes 18.198
Miranda 41,925
Morales 26,535
Padilla 7,744
Páez 36,254
Patía 37.209
Piamonte 7,437
Piendamó 45,355
Popayan 284,737
Puerto Tejada 46,088
Puracé 15,275
Rosas 13,542
San Sebastian 14,314
Santander de Quilichao 97.965
Santa Rosa 10,780
Silvia 32,588
Sotará 17,416
Suarez 18,485
Sucre 8,880
Timbío 35,160
Timbiquí 21,969
Toribío 30.110
Totoró 21,016
Villa Rica 16,781

Individual evidence

  1. Extrapolation of the population of Colombia on the official DANE website