List of Apache Software Foundation projects

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The Apache Software Foundation

The projects of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) are one of the most important actively maintained collections of partly essential software for the IT industry, which has been developed in voluntary work since the late 1990s . They include the Apache web server . The ASF estimates the commercial value at over $ 20 billion.

Over 7800 committers and 813 members maintain the currently 368 active projects.


The following list contains some of the important and active Apache projects:

Project name description
Apache HTTP Server currently (April 2016) market-dominating HTTP server. The founding project of the Apache Software Foundation.
ActiveMQ Java Message Service 1.1 (JMS) message broker
Ant command line based "build tool"
Apache Portable Runtime (APR) platform-independent runtime environment
Archiva Repository management software
Atlas Governance and metadata framework for Hadoop
Axis XML -based web service framework
Bloodhound Project management and bug tracking software
Camel rule-based routing and conversion engine
Cassandra distributed database management system for very large structured databases (so-called " NoSQL " database system)
Cayenne ORM framework
Celix C based implementation of the OSGi specification
Cocoon XML processing framework
Commons several reusable Java components
Cordova Framework for creating hybrid applications for mobile devices
CouchDB Database for JSON documents, written in Erlang, connection via REST
CXF Services Framework
DB various database solutions - u. a. Derby : a pure Java - Database
Directory Directory services ( LDAP ) solutions , especially Apache Directory Server
Felix Open source implementation of the OSGi R4 Service Platform
Flex Open source component framework (formerly Adobe Flex )
Nimble Framework for distributed, scalable, high-performance data stream processing
Forrest Framework for software documentation
Geronimo J2EE compliant server
Giraph distributed graph analysis system
Gora Framework for in-memory data models and big data
Gump Continuous Integration Tool
Hadoop Map / Reduce Framework, consisting of several small sub-projects
HttpComponents Libraries, utilities and extensions related to HTTP
MyBatis Persistence framework
Incubator Project that raises or checks projects migrating to Apache to the level required by ASF
Isis Framework for creating domain-driven design applications based on the naked objects approach
Jackrabbit Implementation of the Content Repository for Java Technology API
James Mail server implementation in Java
JMeter Tool for performing load tests in client / server applications
Kafka Software for logging data streams, storing and sending messages
Labs Experimentation space for Apache developers to drive innovation
Logging services Implementation of logging APIs in different languages, e.g. B. log4j (Java), log4net (.NET), log4php (PHP). Also chainsaw for reading log files
Lucene Search engine implementation in Java
Mahout Machine learning library with a focus on scalability
Maven "Java Build Tool" with "Dependency Management" etc.
MINA Framework for network-based applications
MyFaces Implementation of JavaServer Faces
NetBeans IDE formerly developed by SUN / Oracle
NiFi System for processing and distributing data on the Hadoop platform
Nutch web search engine based on Lucene and Hadoop
mod perl Apache module for integrating Perl
mod python Apache module for integrating Python
Pivot Platform for rich internet applications in Java or a JVM compatible script language
OFBiz Open source ERP software
OpenEJB Implementation of EJB 3.0
OpenJPA Implementation of the Java Persistence API
OpenNLP Java library for processing in the area of computational linguistics and natural language processing (NLP)
OpenOffice free office package, formerly
PDFBox Java library for editing (creating, displaying, extracting, merging, etc.) of PDF files
POI Java API with which Microsoft file formats can be used
Portals freely available portal software
ranger Framework for activating, monitoring and managing comprehensive data security across the entire Hadoop platform
Scooter Multi-user blog server on J2EE basis
Santuario XML Security for Java and C ++
ServiceMix Enterprise Service Bus
ShardingSphere Distributed databases middleware solution contains 3 independent products: Sharding-JDBC, Sharding-Proxy and Sharding-Sidecar (in preparation)
SIS library Apache Spatial Information System
Solr a search server based on Lucene
SpamAssassin Perl implementation of a spam identifier
Spark Framework for cluster computing
Stanbol Multilingual tool for semantic expansion of a CMS
Storm Software for distributed computing and real-time data processing
Struts Action-oriented web application framework
subversion free software for versioning files and directories.
Synapse lightweight enterprise service bus
Tagus a Big Data - Warehouse system as an add-on Hadoop
Tapestry Web application framework
Tcl a scripting language
TinkerPop is a graph computing framework for graph databases ( OLTP ) and graph analysis systems (OLAP).
Tomcat extensive Java servlet container
TomEE A Tomcat extended by Java EE
turbine Web application framework
UIMA Framework for NLP programming
Velocity a Java-based template engine
Web services Collection of libraries and frameworks for creating web services
Wicket component-based Java web framework
Xalan XSLT processor for Java and C ++
Xerces validating XML parser
Apache POI ( XMLBeans ) XML-Java binding tool
XML Graphics Conversion of XML formats to graphics (e.g. Batik - for SVG editing or FOP conversion of XSL-FO files into PDF or printable output data)

The following are closed or discontinued Apache projects:

Project name description
Apache Abdera an implementation of Atom Feeds
Apache ACE Framework for software distribution
Apache Avalon , Some component framework for web container in Apache Excalibur risen
Beehive Object model visualization
Crimson an XML parser
Continuum Continuous Integration Server
Excalibur Dependency Injection Framework, on the basis of which other projects such as Cocoon or James are based
Apache Harmony a Java Virtual Machine
Apache Hivemind lightweight dependency injection framework
Lenya Content management system based on Cocoon
ODE BPEL engine for orchestrating web services
Apache Shale Web application framework based on JavaServer Faces
Jakarta Slide Content repository as the basis for content management systems and frameworks
Tiles Framework for web application templates ("templates")
Tuscany Service Component Architecture implementation
Wink Framework for RESTful web services creation
Wookie Java server application for W3C / OpenSocial / Google Wave widgets
WS Muse Java-based implementation of the WS-Resource Framework
Xang XML web framework
Apache Xindice XML database
Apache XML project XML solutions

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Announcing the release of "Trillions and Trillions Served": ASF Marketing and Publicity. In: Retrieved June 12, 2020 .
  2. Status: 14. June 2020
  3. Apache Projects List. In: Retrieved June 14, 2020 (English).
  4. Apache Projects List. Retrieved January 16, 2020 .
  5. See:
  6. ^ The Apache SIS library. Accessed January 21, 2020 .
  7. Subversion slips out of the Apache incubator., 2010, accessed on February 19, 2010 .
  8. Apache TomEE. Retrieved January 19, 2020 .
  9. The Apache Attic - Apache Attic. Retrieved January 15, 2020 .