List of Turkish ambassadors in Israel

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This is a list of the Turkish ambassadors in Israel . The Turkish Embassy is located at 202 Rehov Hayarkon, Tel-Aviv .


Appointment / accreditation Surname Leave post
1954 Şefkati Nuri İstinyeli November 26, 1956
1991 Onur Gokce 1995
1995 Barlas Özener 1999
2003 Feridun Sinirlioglu 2006
2007 Namik Tan 2009
2009 Ahmet Oguz Çelikkol 2010
2010 Ceylan Özen
2010 Kerim Uras 2010

Israeli-Turkish relations

Diplomatic relations between Turkey and Israel were established in March 1949. Turkey was the first Muslim majority country to recognize the State of Israel. In 1958 David Ben-Gurion and Adnan Menderes signed a treaty to work against radicalism and the influence of the Soviet Union in the Middle East. Turkey and Israel are militarily and economically linked. In 1986 the Turkish government appointed an ambassador to Tel Aviv as chargé d'affaires . In 1991 the two governments exchanged ambassadors. In February and August 1996, the Ankara and Jerusalem governments signed military cooperation agreements . Çevik Bir reported on a joint strategic study group, joint maneuvers such as the Reliant Mermaid Exercise , a sea maneuver in January 1998, Operation Orchard of the air force, and Israeli military advisers in the Turkish armed forces .

The Republic of Turkey sources a number of strategic products from Israel. An Israeli-Turkish free trade agreement has been in force since January 1st, 2000 .

See also