List of Turkish ambassadors in Singapore

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On February 12, 1969, the governments of Suleyman Demirel and Lee Kuan Yew established diplomatic relations. On November 1, 1985, the Turkish Embassy in Singapore was opened.

ambassador comment Prime Minister of Turkey Prime Minister of Singapore Leave post
Dec 1, 1985 Rıza towers Turgut Özal Lee Kuan Yew Sep 1 1989
Sep 1 1989 Yüksel Söylemez (* June 11, 1931 in Istanbul ; † January 23, 2013) 1956: Studied law at the University of Istanbul , 1957: Joined the foreign service, October 19, 1981–1984: Ambassador in Lagos at the same time in Equatorial Guinea, Angola, Cameroon, Togo, São Tomé and Príncipe Islands , Chad, Benin and Ghana accredited, 1989–1993: Ambassador to Singapore, 1993–1994: Ambassador to Zagreb , 1995: retirement , 1995–1998: Trade Representative Taiwan Turkey, 2001– 2007: Advisor to the Southeast Anatolia Project . Yıldırım Akbulut March 1, 1993
March 1, 1993 Mehmet Güney (* 1936 in Siirt ) Abitur: Pertevniyal High School , studied political science at the University of Ankara and the European University of Brittany , 1962: Kaymakam (District Administrator) von Mengen (Bolu) 1964: Joined the foreign service, 1989–1993: Ambassador in Havana, 1993–1995: Ambassador to Singapore, 1995–1997: Member of the UN International Law Commission, 1998–1999: Ambassador to Jakarta. Tansu Çiller Goh Chok Tong Aug 1, 1995
Aug 1, 1995 Oktay Özüye August 1, 1995 - March 1, 1998: Ambassador to Singapore, Nov. 30, 2004 - Dec. 28, 2008: Ambassador to Beijing . March 1, 1998
Apr 1, 1998 Füsun Çetintaş (* September 13, 1941 in Ankara) 1964: Studied political science at Ankara University , Mesut Yılmaz June 1, 2002
June 1, 2002 Hayri Erol Abdullah Gul Dec 1, 2006
Jan. 1, 2007 Ahmet Bülent Meriç (* February 22, 1957 in Ankara) 1978: Studied political science at Ankara University , joined the foreign service in 1980, 2007–2009: Ambassador to Singapore, 2009–2011: Ambassador to Kiev, April 14, 2014: Ambassador to Tokyo Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Lee Hsien Loong Nov 16, 2009
Dec 1, 2009 Esat Şafak Göktürk (* August 28, 1957 in Bonn ) 1996–1999: Consul General in Frankfurt. 1999–2001: Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, 2005–2009: Ambassador to Cairo , 2009–2011: Ambassador to Singapore, since March 1, 2014: Ambassador to Oslo . Nov 16, 2011
Nov 16, 2011 Hakkı Taner Seben (* May 14, 1954 in Erzurum ) 2004–2008: Ambassador in Almaty

Individual evidence

  1. Mehmet Güney
  2. Oktay Özüye
  3. Hakkı Taner Seben
  4. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Singapore Büyükelçiliği