List of Japanese inventors and discoverers

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The List of Japanese Inventors and Discoverers is a list of inventors and discoverers from Japan in alphabetical order by family name.






  • Kunitomo Ikkansai
  • Kikunae Ikeda , chemist, in 1907 he discovered the fifth sense of taste, which he called umami (from Japanese "umai": "meaty and hearty", "tasty"). In 1908 he isolated crystalline monosodium glutamate from kombu (seaweed) and established the connection between glutamate and the taste-enhancing effect of seaweed. Ikeda's invention is now used as a spice Ajinomoto sold
    Kikunae Ikeda
  • Mamoru Imura
  • Daisuke Inoue , inventor of the karaoke machine
  • Toshio Iue
  • Toru Iwatani , inventor of the Pac-Man video game




  • Nagai Nagayoshi , Chemist, Synthesis of Methamphetamine , 1893
  • Ei-ichi Negishi , chemist, Nobel Laureate 2010 - "for palladium-catalyzed cross-couplings in organic synthesis" (together with Akira Suzuki from Japan and Richard F. Heck from the United States)
    Nakamatsu Yoshirō
  • Yoshiro Nakamatsu , in 1952 he received a patent for an early form of floppy disk including a drive. He claims to have licensed about a dozen patents to IBM in 1979, which an IBM spokesman denies. Other patents such as a putt exercise device for golfers, a device for the direct conversion of radiant energy such as light or heat into rotational energy or an energy system for supplying a hydrogen-gasoline mixture in engines show the enormous diversity of NakaMat
  • Shuji Nakamura , physicist, developer of the first blue light-emitting diode (LED)
  • Takeo Nakasawa , mathematician, theory of the matroid
  • Yōichirō Nambu , physicist, Nobel Prize winner 2008 - "for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking in elementary particle physics"
  • Chūhachi Ninomiya
  • Jun'ichi Nishizawa , electrical engineer, co-inventor of optical fibers, Static Induction Transistor (SIT), laser diodes, PIN diodes
  • Yasujiro Niwa



  • Kitasato Shibasaburō , physician, in 1897 he and his student Kiyoshi Shiga found the pathogen of dysentery , which was named after him Shigella dysenteriae
  • Osamu Shimomura , chemist, Nobel Laureate 2008 - "for the discovery and further development of the green fluorescent protein" (together with the Americans Martin Chalfie and Roger Tsien)
  • Hideki Shirakawa , chemist, Nobel laureate 2000 - "for the discovery and development of conductive polymers" (together with the American Alan J. Heeger and the New Zealander Alan MacDiarmid)
    Sakuma Shozan
  • Sakuma Shōzan , politician, inventor and scholar of the Edo period
  • Kyota Sugimoto , copy of a typewriter
  • Nobuchika Sugimura
  • Akira Suzuki , chemist, Nobel Laureate 2010 - "for palladium-catalyzed cross-couplings in organic synthesis" (together with the Japanese Ei-ichi Negishi and the US-American Richard F. Heck)
  • Umetaro Suzuki , chemist, vitamin B1