List of apple varieties / H

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Explanations and sources: See main article!

Apple variety image Crossing off First appearance Remarks swell
H 158
H 158.jpg
H 1969
H 1969.jpg
The Canadian horticulturist (monthly), 1888 (1878) (14800692413) .jpg
Habarach O
Haberich O
Haccourter Gulderling h (No. 105, p. 119)
Chopper apple j
Pomological Watercolor POM00002255.jpg
Hadelner Red Franch j, o
Hadelner Summer Prince
Hadelner Sommerprinz.jpg
j, o
Oat apple See: Prinzenapfel, Weißer Klarapfel
Hagenower Grand Richard See: Yellow Richard
Hagensche Goldrenette O
Hagloe (or: Hagloe Crab, Summer Hagloe)
Pomological Watercolor POM00002258.jpg
c, j
Hagloe Crab See: Hagloe
Rooster pepping h (No. 369, p. 416)
Halberstädter Jungfernapfel (or: Jungfernapfel, Ziemerling)
Halberstadt Virgin Apple jm55250.jpg
f, h (No. 85, p. 94), j, o
Semi-white rosemary apple h (No. 221, p. 246)
Heaps O
Halder See: Apple from Halder
Hallischer Herrnapfel h (No. 631, p. 699)
Hallauer Maienapfel O
Hambledon Deux Ans See: permanent apple from Hambledon
Hambling's Seedling
Cross section of Hambling's Seedling, National Fruit Collection (acc. 2000-042) .jpg
1882 in Geisenheim
Mutton little girl (or: Simmedeiner) O
Hammerstein See: Minister von Hammerstein
Hampers h (No. 200, p. 222)
Hampshire a
Hampshire Beauty a
Hamvas Alma
Cross section of Hamvas Alma, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-370) .jpg
Hana (apple) jm119847.jpg
Hanbury a
Hangdown in Somerset c, f
Hanna Claussen See: Rosa Claussen
Hannaäpple O
Hannan Seedling
Hannan Seedling on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1945-167) .jpg
Hans Müller O
Hans Ulrichs apple O
Hans Wassard
Hansa j
Hanseatic apple See: Red winter raspberry apple
Hansueli O
Hanwell Souring
Cross section of Hanwell Souring, National Fruit Collection (acc. 2000-044) .jpg
Cross section of Hapsburg, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-746) .jpg
Haralred a
Haralson apples.jpg
1923 in Minnesota, USA a, c, f
Harang Alma
Cross section of Harang Alma, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-373) .jpg
Harbert See: Harberts Renette
Harberts Ramburrenette See: Harberts Renette
Harberts Reinette See: Harberts Renette
Harberts Renette (or: Harbert, Harberts Ramburrenette, Harberts Reinette, Harberts Renettenartiger Rambour, Königsapfel, Stiftsapfel)
Malus Harberts Renette 4442.jpg
Random seedling 1830 Westphalia description f, h (No. 536, p. 593), j, o
Harberts Renetten-like Rambour See: Harberts Renette
Harbords Renette
Harcourt a
Cross section of Hared, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1999-019) .jpg
Harling Hero
Cross section of Harling Hero, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1994-023) .jpg
harmony See: Delorina
Harrislee apple
Harrislee apple.jpg
Harrison See: Harrison Cider Apple
Harrison Cider Apple (or: Harrison)
Pomological Watercolor POM00002268.jpg
1770 in New Jersey, USA c
Harry Masters Jersey a, f
Hartapfel (or: Eckbepler, Wetzlarer Hartapfel)
Malus hard apple 4267.jpg
Wetzlar local variety, widespread in the first half of the 20th century Juicy, tartly, moderately aromatic. Takes its name from the hard wood of the tree; the apple itself is rather soft. description O
Pomological Watercolor POM00002272.jpg
Hartwig's autumn apple h (No. 465, p. 517), o
Harvest Festival
Cross section of Harvest Festival, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1968-190) .jpg
Cross section of Harvey, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1920-016) .jpg
Harvey's golden apple h (No. 547, p. 605)
Pomological Watercolor POM00002274.jpg
Hasenkopf See: Finkenwerder Herbstprinz, Prinzenapfel
Hasenkopp See: Prinzenapfel
Haslinger description O
Hastings Red
Pomological Watercolor POM00002277.jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00002278.jpg
Cross section of Hatsuaki, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1994-042) .jpg
Hattstedter Streifling
Tusk Pippin a
Haughty's Red
Cross section of Haughty's Red, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1946-082) .jpg
Haunschilds Goldparmäne See: Strauwaldts Goldparmäne
Hausener Gray Renette See: Zabergäurette
Hausmütterchen (or: Brietling, Burton's Beauty, Capp Mammoth, Combermere, Mère De Ménage, Pound Apple, Queen Emma, ​​Large Rambour, Plate)
Cross section of Mere de Menage, National Fruit Collection (acc. 2000-067) .jpg
f, h (No. 250, p. 281) j, o
Haute Bonté
Rozier - Cours d'agriculture, tome 8, pl.  23, haute bonté.png
Haux See: Hauxapfel
Hauxapfel (or: Haux)
Haux apple jm55252.jpg
a, j, o
Havelgold j, o
Hawaii 1945 (market launch) a, c, d
Hawkeye Delicious a
Pomological Watercolor POM00002284.jpg
Hawthornden (or: Hawthornden apple)
German Pomology - Aepfel - 052.jpg
f, h (No. 660, p. 736), o
Hayne's Seedling a
Cross section of Hazen, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1981-026) .jpg
a, f
Heco j
Hector Macdonald
Cross section of Hector MacDonald, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1949-101) .jpg
Hediger O
Hedinger O
Pomological Watercolor POM00002483.jpg
Heimeldinger2 Hue.jpg
j, o
Heimenhofer O
Heimenschwander O
Heinemann's anniversary apple j
Heinemann's Schlotterapfel j
Hejocsabai Sarga
Cross section of Hejocsabai Sarga, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-376) .jpg
Helenan Kulta O
Heliodor Golden Delicious × Topaz Institute of Experimental Botany Prague O
Cross section of Helios, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1994-041) .jpg
f, j, o
Pomological Watercolor POM00002486.jpg
Helmbacher Advent apple O
Hendrick Sweet
Pomological Watercolor POM00002487.jpg
Hendunger white apple j
Henniker See: Lady Henniker
Henrick's Sweet See: Winesap
Henrietta Crosby description
Henry Clay
Pomological Watercolor POM00002490.jpg
a, f
Henzens See: Henzens Parmäne
Henzen's Parmane Mutation of Gravensteiner probably Germany h (No. 452, p. 504), o
Autumn lemon apple h (No. 371, p. 419)
Autumn rabble See: Gray autumn tenette
Herbst-Streifling (or: Herbststreifling, Livlander Grafensteiner, Livlander Gravensteiner, Striepeling)
Herbststreifling - Livlander Gravensteiner.jpg
in the Netherlands or Western Europe c, j
Autumn parmane O
Autumn prince See: Finkenwerder Herbstprinz
Autumn rambour See: Eifeler Rambur
Autumn Streifling See: Herbst-Streifling
Autumn violet apple O
Herceg Batthyanyi Alma
Cross section of Herceg Batthyanyi Alma, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-375) .jpg
Hereford Broadleaf (or: Broad-Leaved Hereford) f
Hereford Cross
Hereford Cross on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1930-032) .jpg
Cox Orange × Unknown f
Hereford White f
Pomological Watercolor POM00000353.jpg
Herefordshire Beefing
Herefordshire Beefing on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 2000-046) .jpg
f, o
Herefordshire Margil See: Margil
Herefordshire Parmane (or: Royale D'Angleterre) h (No. 524, p. 581), l (p. 25)
Herefordshire Redstreak a
Herefordshire Russet
Cross section of Herefordshire Russet, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1994-017) .jpg
2002 in Kent, UK a, c, f
Cross section of Herma, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1977-093) .jpg
f, j, o
Hermann j
Apple See: Aargauer Herrenapfel, Champagne Renette, Flamed Cardinal, Gelber Edelapfel, Gloria Mundi
Gentleman guest See: Gray French Renette
Manor houses White autumn cherry apple h (No. 149, p. 169)
Herrgottsapfel (or: Kindsbacher apple, Schragenapfel) before 1539, West Palatinate O
Herring's Pippin
Herring's Pippin on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1921-011) .jpg
a, f
Herrapfel See: Ditzel's rose apple
Herrnapfel From Waldgirmes j
Herrnhut See: Beautiful Von Herrnhut
Herrnhutske See: Beautiful Von Herrnhut
Renette here h (No. 424, p. 472)
White reindeer away O
Heart apple See: Roter Eiserapfel, Rote Sternrenette
Heartbreaker j
Herzog Bernhard (also: winter pineapple)
Sebastian Wegmayr apple varieties.jpg
h (No. 41, p. 45), l (p. 9)
Duke of Cumberland (also: Cumberland)
Duke of Cumberland Apple.jpg
j, o
Duke of Devonshire h (No. 367, p. 414)
Duke of York O
Duchess Olga (or: Olga apple, later clear apple, lemon apple)
Duchess Olga jm55251.jpg
description h (No. 135, p. 155), j, o
Duchess of Oldenburg See: Charlamowsky
Heslacher Luiken j, o
Hesselmann's Schlotterapfel h (No. 90, p. 100)
Hesse Mutation of Gravensteiner Hungary
Hessian deep bloom O
Heßlacher Gereutapfel
Heßlacher Gereutapfel jm55256.jpg
Heuchelheimer snow apples
Heuchelheimer snow apples jm55255.jpg
Hessian local variety 2003 j, o
Heusgen's Golden Reinette See: Peter Heusgens Goldrenette
Pomological Watercolor POM00003580.jpg
Crab apple variety
Heyder's darling h (No. 327, p. 369)
Heyer 12 a, c
Heyer 20th a
Hibbs Seedling f
Hibernal jm55254.jpg
f, j, o
Hibernal 4n j
Hidala Braeburn f
Hidden Rose (or: Hidden Rose) a, o
Hidden rose See: Hidden Rose
Pomological Watercolor POM00000371.jpg
High View Pippin
Cross section of High View Pippin, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1928-004) .jpg
Cox Orange × Unknown f
High fill
Pomological Watercolor POM00000373.jpg
Hilde jm55259.jpg
Random seedling Wedel, Schleswig-Holstein Must variety. description j, o
Hildesheim yellow winter pepping Breeder: Hermann Heimart Cludius
Hildesheimer Goldrenette (or: Christs Goldrenette)
Malus Hildesheimer Goldrenette 4440.jpg
Origin unknown, probably from Hildesheim (Lower Saxony) Local variety, vigorous growth, somewhat susceptible to speck. Description from Willi Votteler h (No. 534, p. 591), j, o
Hildesheim Juice Renette h (No. 403, p. 451)
Hilliards rosemary apple h (No. 224, p. 249)
Hillwell (or: Braeburn Hillwell, Red Braeburn)
Hillwell appel.JPG
Himbacher Grüner (or: Green Himbacher)
Himbacher Green jm55258.jpg
j, o
Raspberry apple See: Danzig Kantapfel, Flammter Kardinal, Roter Herbstkalvill, Red winter raspberry apple
Raspberry Apple From Holofaus See: Raspberry Apple by Holowaus
Raspberry Apple From Holovousy See: Raspberry Apple by Holowaus
Raspberry apple from Holowaus (or: raspberry apple from Holofaus, raspberry apple from Holovousy, Malinové Holovouské)
Malinové hornokrajské.jpg
Bred by M. Levener in Holovousy , Bohemia, and distributed in 1850. description h (No. 153, p. 174), o
Raspberry Apple From Sloupno O
Raspberry's Rambour h (No. 287, p. 320), o
Himekami Fuji × Unknown
Sky rooster See: Flamed Cardinal
Himmelstalund Apple.jpg
Hindenburg See: Beautiful from Nordhausen
Rattlers O
Hinznang apple
Hinznang apple jm55257.jpg
Shepherd O
Histone Favorite
Cross section of Histon Favorite, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1953-050) .jpg
a, f
St. 17
HL 17.jpg
St. 186 A
HL 186A.jpg
St. 1940
HL 1940.jpg
The apples of New York (1905) (19557967008) .jpg
Hoary Morning See: morning scented apple
Wedding apple
Malus wedding apple 4265.jpg
j, o
Hocking's Green
Cross section of Hocking's Green, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1984-001) .jpg
Hodge's Seedling f
Hoe South Korea f, g (p. 224)
Hoed orange See: Ingrid-Marie
Hofstetter j
Hog Island Sweet
Pomological Watercolor POM00000378.jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00000377.jpg
Hog's Snout
Cross section of Hog's Snout, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-235) .jpg
Sovereign apple h (No. 637, p. 705)
Pomological Watercolor POM00000381.jpg
Hohenzollern apple See: Berlepsch
Hollow cackle See: Flamed Cardinal
Hollow house See: Flamed Cardinal
Hohms Renette h (No. 509, p. 566)
Hokuto Fuji × Unknown a
Cross section of Holiday, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1965-034) .jpg
a, f, j
Holland Pippin
Pomological Watercolor POM00000383.jpg
a, f
Hollandberry Admirable
Pomological Watercolor POM00000384.jpg
Hollandbury See: Kirkes Beautiful Rambour
Dutch gold renette See: Kasseler Renette
Dutch Renette See: Kanadarenette
Dutch Bellefleur See: Wagenerapfel
Dutch gray rabble h (No. 583, p. 646)
Dutch kitchen apple (or: Chalmers Large, Dutch Codlin, White Codlin)
Cross section of Dutch Codlin, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1946-100) .jpg
f, h (No. 61, p. 69), l (p. 17)
Dutch nonpareil O
Dutch prince O
Dutch red winter calvilla O
Holland's Red Winter See: Winesap
Holly a
Holstein See: Holsteiner Cox
Holsteiner Cox (or: Holstein, Holsteiner Gelber Cox, Vahldiks Seedling No. 3)
Malus - Holsteiner Cox.JPG
Cox Orange ×? Around 1900 Eutin , Schleswig-Holstein Nice and sweet with rounded and tangy acidity, very good aromatic and spicy, delicately melting and juicy, delicate skin, soft husks a, d, f, j, o
Holsteiner Cox Esselborn j
Holsteiner Yellow Cox See: Holsteiner Cox
Holstein stone apple
Holsteiner split apple jm55195.jpg
Holstein rose hanger O
Holstein lemon apple See: Dean's kitchen apple
Holstein lemon apple See: Holstein lemon apple
Holstein lemon apple (or: Holstein lemon apple) h (No. 643, p. 714)
woodapple O
Crab apple Rudolph
Crabapple Rudolph jm55196.jpg
Homer O
Cross section of Hommet, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1949-152) .jpg
Honey Pippin a, f
1960 in Minnesota, USA a, c, d, o
Honey Crunch (apple) jm58128.jpg
'Macoun' x 'Honeygold' University of Minnesota, USA "Global GAP" certified, a
Cross section of Honeygold (MM106), National Fruit Collection (acc. 1976-002) .jpg
1969 in Minnesota, USA a, c, f, j
Honey milk apple j
Honti Alma See: Entz rosemary
Hood's Supreme
Hood's Supreme on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1938-005) .jpg
The apples of New York (1905) (19559384279) .jpg
Hoople's Antique Gold a
Pomological Watercolor POM00000391.jpg
Hopa (or: Hopa Crab) description
Hopa Crab See: Hopa
Hope Cottage Seedling f
Hörbijgaard's November apple h (No. 62, p. 70)
Cross section of Horei, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1953-014) .jpg
f, j
Horgen milk apple See: Zürcher Transparent
Hörlin's pepping h (No. 368, p. 415)
Hormead Pearmain
Cross section of Hormead Pearmain, National Fruit Collection (acc. 2000-049) .jpg
Horneburger See: Horneburg pancake apple
Horneburg pancake See: Horneburg pancake apple
Horneburg pancakes See: Horneburg pancake apple
Horneburger pancake apple (or: Horneburger, Horneburger pancake, Horneburger pancake)
Horneburg pancake (apple) jm29913 ji.jpg
Possibly identical to Altländer pancake apple, see there. description a, f, j, o
Hornu O
Hornussi O
Horrenberger Renette j, o
Pomological Watercolor POM00000395.jpg
Horsford Prolific
Cross section of Horsford Prolific, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1964-037) .jpg
Horskreiger See: Hoskreiger
Hoskreiger (or: Horskreiger)
Cross section of Horskreiger, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1950-098) .jpg
Hossfeld's Gulderling h (No. 123, p. 138), j
Cross section of Hosszufalusi, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-372) .jpg
Houblon on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1921-013) .jpg
Cox Orange × Unknown f
Hounslow Wonder
Cross section of Hounslow Wonder, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1941-030) .jpg
Høve Reinet O
Howgate Wonder
Cross section of Howgate Wonder (LA 65A), National Fruit Collection (acc. 1962-016) .jpg
1960 in Isle of Wight , UK a, c, f, j
Höxmarker red O
Hoya gold reindeer h (No. 537, p. 594)
Hua Niu Red Delicious
Huaguan Fuji × Unknown
Huashuai Fuji × Unknown
Hubbard's Pearmain f
Pomological Watercolor POM00000400.jpg
Hubbardston Nonesuch See: Special Matches From Hubbardston
Hubbardston nonsuch See: Special Matches From Hubbardston
Pomological Watercolor POM00000405.jpg
Hudson's Golden Gem a, d
Hughes Gold Pepping
Apple 073 Hughes Goldpepping (fcm) .jpg
h (No. 356, p. 403), o
Pomological Watercolor POM00002466.jpg
Hunt Russet a
Hunter Kinkead Spy f
Hunter Melba
Hunter Melba on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1974-060) .jpg
Hunter Ottawa f
Hunter Sandow f
Hunter Spartan f
Hunter's Majestic
Hunter's Majestic on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1928-013) .jpg
Hunthouse a
Huntingdon Codlin
Flowers of Huntingdon Codlin, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1950-297) .jpg
Hunt's Duke Of Gloucester
Cross section of Hunt's Duke of Gloucester, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-508) .jpg
Hunt's Early
Cross section of Hunt's Early, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1999-080) .jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00002389.jpg
Hunza Apple.jpg
Huovilan Omena See: Suislepper
Hürth apple O
Husveti rosemary See: Entz rosemary
Husveti Rozmarin See: Entz rosemary
Hutching's Seedling See: Sugar Loaf Apple
Hutchins Red
Pomological Watercolor POM00002393.jpg
Hutsching's Seedling See: Sugar Loaf Apple
Huttwiler rose apple O
Hyde King
Pomological Watercolor POM00002531.jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00003817.jpg
Crab apple variety

Individual evidence

  1. Harberts Renette variety description (PDF; 173 kB)
  2. Hartapfel: Hessische Lokalsorte 2017 ( Memento of the original from March 3, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Flyer of the Pomologists Association, LGr. Hessen, accessed on March 3, 2017 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Haslinger variety description (PDF; 187 kB)
  4. ^ NFC variety description: Henrietta Crosby , accessed on February 17, 2017
  5. Description of the variety Duchess Olga (PDF; 230 kB)
  6. With stem, juice and aroma . In Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of January 3, 2019. p. 29
  7. Winter apple 'Hilde', accessed on January 13, 2017
  8. ^ Willi Votteler: Directory of apple and pear varieties . 3rd edition, Munich 1993.
  9. Description of the raspberry apple variety from Holovous (PDF; 227 kB)
  10. ^ NFC variety description: Hopa , accessed on February 17, 2017
  11. Description of the variety Horneburg pancake apple (PDF; 373 kB)
  12. Our Planet: Rare Black Apples for the Price of US $ 20 - Farmers are still not thrilled . Retrieved April 27, 2020