List of apple varieties / C

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Explanations and sources: See main article!

Apple variety image Crossing off First appearance Remarks swell
Cabarette, Mons-Boubert, Somme, Fri, expo du 29-10-2017 (9) .jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001398.jpg
Cabassou O
Cross section of Cabusse, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1950-155) .jpg
f, o
Cacanska Pozna
Cross section of Cacanska Pozna, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1975-176) .jpg
Cactus O
Cadel (apple) jm122737.jpg
Jonathan × Golden Delicious Yugoslavia O
Cross section of Cagarlaou, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1949-141) .jpg
Malus Calagolden 4508.jpg
Calvill of Anjou See: Kalvill von Anjou
Calvill by Boskoop See: Kalvill Von Boskoop
Calvillian Reinette
German Pomology - Aepfel - 082.jpg
Calville-like winter rose apple See: Danzig Kantapfel
Calville Blanche
Rozier - Cours d'agriculture, tome 8, pl.  21, calville blanche.png
Calville Blanche D'Hiver See: White Winter Calville
Calville D'Août
Cross section of Calville d'Aout, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1996-018) .jpg
Calville D'Automne Rayée See: Striped Autumn Calvary
Calville De Danzig See: Danzig Kantapfel
Calville De Doué
Cross section of Calville de Doue, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-114) .jpg
e, f, g (p. 196)
Calville De Maussion See: Maussions Kalvill
Calville De Rose See: Lothringer Bunter Gulderling
Calville De Saint-Sauveur See: Kalvill from Sankt Sauveur
Calville Des Femmes See: Frauenkalvill
Calville Des Prairies f
Calville D'Été
Rozier - Cours d'agriculture, tome 8, pl.  20, calville d'été.png
Calville D'Hiver Rouge See: Red Winter Calvill
Calville D'Oullins See: Kalvill Aus Oullins
Calville Du Roi
Calville du Roi, Mons-Boubert, Somme, Fri, expo du 29-10-2017 (62) .jpg
Calville D'Ulzen See: Kalvill from Uelzen
Calville Duquesne
Cross section of Calville Duquesne, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-276) .jpg
Calville Etoilée See: Rote Sternrenette, Calville Étoilée
Calville Malingre (or: Braunroter Winter-Calville, Malingre) description e, f
Calville Rose See: Lothringer Bunter Gulderling
Calville Rouge
Calville rouge - OPL Peillac.jpg
Calville Rouge D'Automne See: Roter Herbstkalvill
Calville Rouge D'Hiver See: Red Winter Calvill
Calville Rouge Du Mont D'Or
Cross section of Calville Rouge du Mont d'Or, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1949-115) .jpg
f, o
Calville Saint-Sauveur
Calville Saint-Sauveur, Mons-Boubert, Somme, Fri, expo du 29-10-2017 (7) .jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001727.jpg
Cambusnethan Pippin See: Cambusnethan apple
Cambusnethan apple (or: Cambusnethan Pippin)
Cross section of Cambusnethan Pippin, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1921-088) .jpg
Cross section of Camelot, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1957-252) .jpg
Cameo See: Caudle
Cameron e
Cross section of Campanino, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1958-140) .jpg
Harrison and Campfield.jpg
Camuzat e
Canada Baldwin
Pomological Watercolor POM00001732.jpg
Canada Blanc de la Creuse
Cross section of Canada Blanc de la Creuse, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-225) .jpg
Canada Blanche See: White Canada Arenette
Canada Grise See: Gray Canada Nette
Canadian Star O
Candil Sinap
Pomological Watercolor POM00000351.jpg
Candy crisp a
Cannelle See: Summer Cinnamon Apple
Cannelle D'Été See: Summer Cinnamon Apple
Cannelle Rayée D'Été See: Summer Cinnamon Apple
Pomological Watercolor POM00001568.jpg
Cantrel (or: Pride Of Washington)
Pomological Watercolor POM00001572.jpg
Cross section of Canvada, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1957-084) .jpg
Capendu See: Court Pendu Gris
Pomological Watercolor POM00001573.jpg
Capp Mammoth See: housemaid
Faîs'sie d'Cidre 2008 fries 2.jpg
Captain Broad f
Captain Kidd
Cross section of Captain Kidd, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1971-046) .jpg
a, f
Caravel on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1965-008) .jpg
e, f
Malus Carden 4569.jpg
Cardinal See: Api
Cardinal Blanc See: Flamed Cardinal
Cardinal by Galen a
Cardinals See: Api
Carin's Calvill See: Carin's Kalvill
Carins Kalvill (or: Carins Calvill) h (No. 9, p. 12)
Carlisle Codlin
Cross section of Carlisle Codlin (of Bultitude), National Fruit Collection (acc. 1923-011) .jpg
Carlos Queen a
Pomological Watercolor POM00001577.jpg
Carlton on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1952-114) .jpg
e, f
Carmeliter Reinette See: Carmelite Renette
Carmelite Renette See: Carmelite Renette
Carmes apple h (No. 629, p. 697)
Carmignolle (or: Carmingnolle)
Cross section of Carmingnolle, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-376) .jpg
f, g (p. 197)
Carmin-Calvill (or: Carminkalvill) h (No. 49, p. 54), o
Carminetchen h (No. 100, p. 114)
Carmining noll See: Carmignolle
Carminkalvill See: Carmine-Calvill
Carnet on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1950-132) .jpg
Carola (or: Five-Year Plan, Kalco)
Apple variety Carola (panorama) .jpg
Cox Orange × Unknown 1962 Müncheberg, GDR e, f, j, o
Caroli D'Italie
Cross section of Caroli d'Italie, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-318) .jpg
Carolina Red June around 1810 in Tennessee, USA a, c
Cross section of Caroline, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1946-108) .jpg
Caroline Auguste h (No. 152, p. 173)
Caroline Hopkins
Cross section of Caroline Hopkins, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1956-035) .jpg
f, j
Carousel See: Caudle
Carpentine (or: Carpentin-Renette, Kleine Graue Renette, Kleine Weinrenette)
Malus Carpentine 4504.jpg
h (No. 578, p. 640), j, o
Carpentine renette See: carpentine
Carrara Brusca
Cross section of Carrara Brusca, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1958-169) .jpg
Cross section of Carrata, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1958-156) .jpg
Cross section of Carrey, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1949-142) .jpg
Carroll 1947 a, c
Pomological Watercolor POM00001581.jpg
Carswell's Honeydew
Carswell's Honeydew on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1964-035) .jpg
Cox Orange × Unknown f
Carswell's Orange
Carswell's Orange on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1960-007) .jpg
Cox Orange × Unknown f
Cross section of Cartaut, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1949-144) .jpg
Carter's Blue
Cross section of Carter's Blue, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-300) .jpg
1840s in Alabama, USA c, f
Carter's Pearmain
Cross section of Carter's Pearmain, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-723) .jpg
Cartigny Making cider
Casa Nova De Alco Baca-9 e
Case Wealthy See: Double Red Wealthy
Castle Major See: Endsleigh Beauty
Castlemajor See: Endsleigh Beauty
Catarina Fuji × Unknown
Cathay e
Cross section of Catherine (M27), National Fruit Collection (acc. 1977-095) .jpg
Cross section of Catshead, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1927-027) .jpg
1600s in England a, c, f
Caudal Market
Cross section of Caudal Market, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1953-104) .jpg
Caudle (or: cameo, carousel)
Cameo (apple) jm26822.jpg
Golden Delicious × Red Delicious 1987 in Washington State, USA. Breeder or discoverer: Darrel Caudle a, c, o
Cross section of Cavallotta, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1958-029) .jpg
e, f
Cazo Jaune Making cider
Ceeval on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1994-008) .jpg
Celeste j
Pomological Watercolor POM00001749.jpg
Celler Dickstiel (or: Achimer Goldrenette, color box, color box, Feldkirchner Renette, Kaltmanns Renette, Krügers Dickstiel, Krügers Goldrenette, Sulzbacher Liebling, Sulzbacher Renette, Woltmanns Renette)
f, h (No. 430, p. 482), o
Malus Cellini 4510.jpg
a, f, h (No. 606, p. 673), j, o
Celt on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1951-221) .jpg
Cox Orange × Unknown e, f
Centurion e
Pomological Watercolor POM00001753.jpg
Červený Delicious
Otava a Červený Delicious.jpg
Chad's Favorite
Cross section of Chad's Favorite, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1962-022) .jpg
Cox Orange × Unknown f
Chailleux (or: Grain D'Or)
Chailleux, Grain d'or, Ailly-le-Haut-Clocher, Somme, Fr, Apple festival 03et04-11-2018 (87) .jpg
h (No. 518, p. 575), o
Chalmers Large See: Dutch kitchen apple
Cross section of Champ-Gaillard, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-207) .jpg
Champagne Reinette See: Champagne Renette
Champagne Renette (or: Champagne Reinette, Champagnerrenette, Glass Apple, Glasreinette, Herrenapfel, Annual Apple, Capuchin, Cheese Apple, Loskrieger, Reinette De Champagne, Schätzle, Silver Apple, Biennial, Onion Apple)
Malus champagne renette 4574.jpg
Champagnerrenette (apple) jm26576.jpg
Random seedling First described by the pomologist Adrian Diel before 1667, 1799 , Champagne , France description e, f, g (p. 259), h (No. 98, p. 112), j, o
Champagne renette See: Champagne Renette
champion See: Shampion
Champirac O
The apples of New York (1905) (19557877458) .jpg
Channel Beauty
Cross section of Channel Beauty, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1922-097) .jpg
Cox Orange × Unknown f
Chantecler 1958 in Angers, France. Breeder: Institut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA) f
Cross section of Chantegrise, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1999-008) .jpg
Sport from Chantecler After 1958 in France f
Character Renette h (No. 318, p. 356), o
Cross section of Charden, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1971-025) .jpg
a, f, j, o
Charlamoff See: Charlamowsky
Kharlamovsky See: Charlamowsky
Charlamowsky (or: Augustapfel, Borowitzky, Charlamoff, Charlamowski, Duchess Charlamowski, Duchess Of Oldenburg, Duchess Of Oldenburg Charlamowski, Early Joe, Ernteapfel, Herzogin Von Oldenburg)
Random seedling Around 1700 in Russia description a, c, d, f, g (p. 207), h (No. 169, p. 190), j, m (No. 041, p. 1), o
Charles Eyre
Cross section of Charles Eyre, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1921-010) .jpg
Charles Ross
Charles Ross (LA 69A) on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1979-156) .jpg
Cox Orange × Unknown 1890s in Berkshire, UK a, c, e, f, j, o
Cross section of Charlot, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-168) .jpg
Charlotte e, f, j
Charnavelle O
Châtagne O
Châtaignier See: Frauenrotacher
Chaunisser roses
Cross section of Chaux, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-235) .jpg
Chaxhill Red
Cross section of Chaxhill Red, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1952-052) .jpg
Cheal's Golden Gem e
Cheddar Cross
Cheddar Cross (LA 63B) on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1973-134) .jpg
a, e, f
Cheerfull gold
Cheerful-Gold (apple) jm122891.jpg
Cox-Orange x Golden-Delicius.
Cheese of Pennsylvania
Pomological Watercolor POM00001757.jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001762.jpg
Cross section of Chehalis, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1974-051) .jpg
a, d, e, f
Chela Pith
Chela Pith jm55147.jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001764.jpg
Chelmsford Wonder
Chelmsford Wonder on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1957-213) .jpg
About 1870 in Essex , UK c, f
Hoffy's North American pomologist (plate) (6048890373) .jpg
Chemise de Soie Blanche See: White silk shirt
Chenango See: Chenango Strawberry
Chenango Strawberry
The apples of New York (1905) (19557805478) .jpg
a, d, f
Cherry Cox
Cross section of Cherry Cox (Stogden), National Fruit Collection (acc. 1984-173) .jpg
Mutation of Cox Orange a, f, o
Cherry crab
Pomological Watercolor POM00003579.jpg
Crab apple variety
Chester Parmane h (No. 418, p. 466)
Chestnut O
Chevalier Jaune Making cider
Pomological Watercolor POM00001690.jpg
Chick-A-Dee Mcintosh (or: Mcintosh Chick-A-Dee) Mcintosh × unknown e
Cross section of Chieftain, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1974-053) .jpg
a, e, f
Chihuahua gold e
Chinook a, e
crisps f
Chisel Jersey a, f
Chivers Delight
Chivers Delight (LA 73A) on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1979-157) .jpg
1920s in Histon, Cambridgeshire, UK a, c, e, f, g (p. 199), o
Chivers's Seedling a
Chod apple O
Chorister Boy
Chorister Boy on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1934-027) .jpg
Chramiser roses O
Christmas apple See: Red Eiserapfel
Christie Manson
Cross section of Christie Manson, National Fruit Collection (acc. 2000-025) .jpg
Christkindler j, o
Christmas Apple See: Api
Christmas pearmain
Cross section of Christmas Pearmain, National Fruit Collection (acc. 2000-026) .jpg
a, f
Christmas Pippin a
Christofsker See: Bohemian Red Virgin Apple
Christ's Yellow Reinette O
Christ's Yellow August Apple h (No. 134, p. 154)
Christ's gold ribbon See: Hildesheimer Goldrenette, Kasseler Renette
Christ's wildling See: Hitchhiker's Guide to Apple
Chrummbächler O
Chrysofsker winter apple See: Bohemian Red Virgin Apple
Chüechliöpfel See: Jakob Lebel
C'Huero Briz Making cider
C'Huero Ru Making cider
Churzemuserli See: Api
Chüsenrainer jm55152.jpg
Around 1852 in Chüsenrain- Sempach , Switzerland. Named in 1891. f, g (p. 199), j, o
Cider Lady's Finger f
Cidor Making cider
Cigany Alma
Cross section of Cigany Alma, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-358) .jpg
Cinnamon See: Antonowka
Cinnamon Spice a
Cinq Côtes
Cross section of Cinq Cotes (Lot), National Fruit Collection (acc. 1949-146) .jpg
Cross section of Ciodo, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1958-031) .jpg
Circassian Apple e
Circe Fruit red-fleshed, sweet
Cissy f
Cis corner
Cross section of Cistecke, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1974-202) .jpg
Čistecké Lahůdkové
Čistecké lahůdkové (2) .jpg
Citrine j, o
Citron D'Hiver See: winter lemon apple
Civg 198 See: Modes
Civini e
Civni See: Rubens
Claimant See: Queen Apple
Claque Pépin De Normandie O
Cross section of Clarinette, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1950-043) .jpg
Clarke's Flowering Crab e
Clarke's Royal
Cross section of Clarke's Royal, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1999-045) .jpg
Mutation of Cox Orange f
Clark's Dwarf e
Clark's Seedling See: Royal George
Pomological Watercolor POM00001701.jpg
Claygate Pearmain (or: Claygate Pearmain)
Claygate Pearmain.jpg
1822 Claygate, Surrey a, c, f, h (No. 531, p. 588), o
Claygate Pearmain See: Claygate-Parmäne
Pomological Watercolor POM00001711.jpg
Clear gold See: Yellow Delicious
Cross section of Clearheart, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1966-041) .jpg
Cross section of Cleeve, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1938-003) .jpg
Clemens on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-600) .jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001715.jpg
Cleo See: Ortley
Cleopatra See: Ortley
Pomological Watercolor POM00001627.jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001770.jpg
Cross section of Climax, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1921-087) .jpg
Cliquette See: French rattle apple
Privy Councilor Dr. Oldenburg × Cox Orange In Müncheberg, Germany c, f, j, o
Clochard See: Renette Clochard
Cross section of Cloden, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1978-340) .jpg
f, g (p. 200)
Clopton Red Cox Orange × Unknown f
Clos Renaux Making cider
Close on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1952-012) .jpg
f, o
Close seedling
Pomological Watercolor POM00000273.jpg
Cloth of gold
Pomological Watercolor POM00001774.jpg
Clovis Spice e
Clozette Douce Making cider
Cludius 'Borsdorfer (or: Cludius' Grüner Borsdorfer)
Cludius Borsdorfer.png
h (No. 332, p. 374)
Cludius' Green Borsdorfer See: Cludius' Borsdorfer
Cludius' autumn apple
German Pomology - Aepfel - 015.jpg
description f, g (p. 200), h (No. 142, p. 162), j, o
Cludius' summer quince apple See: Cludius' summer apple
Cludius 'summer apple (or: Cludius' summer quince apple) h (No. 391, p. 439)
Clyde Beauty
Hoffy's North American pomologist (plate) (6048896929) .jpg
Clydeside on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-030) .jpg
f, g (p. 200)
CO See: Cox Orange
Coast Apple e
Coat jersey f
Cockett's Red
Cross section of Cockett's Red, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1930-040) .jpg
a, f, g (p. 200)
Cockle Pippin
Cross section of Cockle Pippin, National Fruit Collection (acc. 2000-027) .jpg
f, g (p. 200)
Cross section of Cockpit, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1943-012) .jpg
f, g (p. 200)
Cockpit Improved a
Codlin See: Dean's kitchen apple
Coe's Golden Drop e
Coeur De Boeuf
Cross section of Coeur de Boeuf, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-111) .jpg
a, f, g (p. 200)
Coeur De Pigeon See: Summer Cinnamon Apple
Pomological Watercolor POM00001648.jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001650.jpg
Cohau Rouge O
Coinsky's Striped Rambour h (No. 278, p. 310)
Cross section of Cola, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1958-129) .jpg
e, f
Cola Gelata
Cross section of Cola Gelata, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1958-128) .jpg
Colapuy, Mons-Boubert, Somme, Fr.JPG
f, o
The Pomological magazine (Pl. 104) (8744819452) .jpg
Cole's Quince a
The apples of New York (1905) (19557808128) .jpg
Collet e
Collina (apple) jm119841.jpg
1956, the Netherlands j, o
Collington Big Bitters f
Pomological Watercolor POM00001781.jpg
Colloget Pippin (or: Collogget Pippin) f
Collogget Pippin See: Colloget Pippin
Colonel Vaughan See: Red Kentish Pepping
Colonel Yate
Cross section of Colonel Yate, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1932-004) .jpg
Colonist apple j
Colorado orange
Pomological Watercolor POM00001792.jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001796.jpg
Columbia Crab e
Columnaris e
Pomological Watercolor POM00001297.jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001928.jpg
Colwall Quoining
Cross section of Colwall Quoining, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1949-023) .jpg
Combermere See: housemaid
Commander York e
Compact Mcintosh (or: Mcintosh Compact) Mcintosh × unknown e
Compact Rome e
Compspur Arkansas Black e
Compspur Granny Smith e
Compspur Mcintosh (or: Mcintosh Compspur) Mcintosh × unknown e
Compspur Rome Beauty See: Rome Beauty Compspur
Cross section of Comrade, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1957-269) .jpg
e, f
Comte See: De L'Estre
Conant's Red
American pomology - apples (1867) (17941432022) .jpg
Connell Red a
Constance O
The apples of New York (1905) (19557900590) .jpg
Contessa on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1958-033) .jpg
Coop 15 e
Coop 17
Coop 2 See: Great
Coop 22 See: Jonafree
Coop 25 a
Coop 29 a
Coop 30 See: Enterprise
Coop 31 a
Coop 33 See: Pixie Crunch
Coop 38 See: Goldrush
Coop 39 See: Crimson Crisp
Coop 4 See: Priscilla
Coop 42 e
Cooper Early White
Pomological Watercolor POM00000206.jpg
Cooper Market
Pomological Watercolor POM00001676.jpg
Cooper's Seedling f
Coo's River Beauty
Coo's River Beauty on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-720) .jpg
Cross section of Coquette, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-069) .jpg
Coquette D'Auvergne
Cross section of Coquette d'Auvergne, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-166) .jpg
f, o
Corail See: Pinova
Coralburst e
Pomological Watercolor POM00001837.jpg
Coreless & Seedless
Pomological Watercolor POM00003396.jpg
Cornell Fancy
Pomological Watercolor POM00001303.jpg
Cornelis house apple See: Aachen house apple
Cornelis apple See: Aachen house apple
Cornelli's house apple See: Aachen house apple
Cornely's Striped House Apple See: Aachen house apple
Cornish e
Cornish Aromatic
Cornish Aromatic apple.JPG
a, f, o
Cornish Gilliflower See: Cornwallis clove apple
Cornish honeypin
Cross section of Cornish Honeypin, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1955-078) .jpg
Cornish Pine
Cross section of Cornish Pine, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1954-035) .jpg
Cornwallis spice apple O
Cornwalliser clove apple (or: Cornish Gilliflower)
Cornish gillyflower.jpg
1813 in Cornwall, UK a, c, f, g (p. 201), h (No. 40, p. 44), j, o
Corolca (or: Karolka)
Cross section of Karolka, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-671) .jpg
Coromandel Red e
Coronation on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1922-013) .jpg
Corry's Wonder
Cross section of Corry's Wonder, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1945-049) .jpg
Cortland apples.jpg
Ben Davis × Unknown 1890s in New York a, c, d, f, j, o
Cortland Starkspur e
Cosmic Crisp (or: Wa 38)
Cosmic Crisp.jpg
Honeycrisp x Enterprise 2013, Wenatchee , Washington . Breeder: Washington State University
Costard Before 1325 in England description g (p. 39)
Faîs'sie d'Cidre 2009 05.jpg
Cottenham Seedling
Cottenham Seedling on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1924-010) .jpg
a, f
Pomological Watercolor POM00001832.jpg
Coul Blush f
Couleur De Chair See: summer silk shirt, summer cinnamon apple
Coulon See: Coulons Renette
Coulons Renette (or: Coulon, Reinette Coulon)
German Pomology - Aepfel - 031.jpg
f, h (No. 321, p. 359), j, o
Couronne Des Dames See: Baumann's Renette
Court Of Wick (or: Pepping Aus Court Of Wick, Pepping Von Court Of Wick)
Court of Wick on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1970-083) .jpg
a, f, g (p. 201), h (No. 545, p. 603)
Court Pendu See: Royal Short Stem
Court Pendu De France e
Court Pendu Gris (or: Capendu)
Court-pendu-Gris, Ailly-le-Haut-Clocher, Somme, Fri, Apple festival 03et04-11-2018 (101) .jpg
as Capendu on the market in Rouen before 1280 g (p. 38)
Court Pendu Noir
Court Pendu Plat
Court Pendu Plat on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-328) .jpg
Court Pendu Rosé e
Court Pendu Rouge See: Royal Red Short Stem
Court Royal f
Courtagold See: Golden Delicious
Cousinot D'Été See: Summer silk shirt
Coussinet See: Summer Cinnamon Apple
Coutras O
Pomological Watercolor POM00001835.jpg
Cowichan description e
Cox See: Cox Orange
Cox Early Export (or: Cox's Early Export)
Cox's Early Export on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1953-139) .jpg
Cox Orange × Unknown f
Cox Golden
Pomological Watercolor POM00001840.jpg
Cox La Vera
Cross section of Cox La Vera, National Fruit Collection (acc. 2000-120) .jpg
Mutation of Cox Orange f
Cox Narancs Renet See: Cox Orange
Cox Orange (or: Apelsinnyi Renet, Aranciata Di Cox, Co, Cox, Cox Narancs Renet, Cox Orange Pippin, Cox Oranges Pippin, Cox Oranges Reinette, Cox Oranges Renette, Cox Orangenrenette, Cox's Orange Pippin, Cox 'Oranges, Cox' Oranges -Renette, Cox's Orange, Cox's Orange Pepping, Cox's Orange Reinette, Cox's Orange-Pippeling, Cox's Orangen Pippin, Cox's Orangen-Reinette, Cox's Pomeranzen-Pepping, Coxova Reneta, Kemp's Orange, Kempe's Orange, Koksa Pomaranczowa, Koksova Oranjeva Reneta De Cox, Oranjevii Renet, Peppeling Cox Orange, Pomaranczowe Coxa, Reinette Orange, Reinette Orange De Cox, Renet Coksa, Renet Cox Portocaliu, Renet Coxa, Renet Portocaliu, Reneta Coxa Pomaranzowa, Russet Pippin, Improved Muscat Reinette)
Cox Orange (Apple) jm99046.jpg
Ribston Pepping ×? Bred in England around 1825 by Richard Cox . Very aromatic, sweet with a pleasant acidity. See also List of Cox Orange Cultivars . description a, c, d, e, f, g (p. 202), h (No. 515, p. 572), j, o
Cox Orange Pippin See: Cox Orange
Cox Orange Pippin (Potter) (or: Cox's Orange Pippin (Potter), Potter Cox)
Cox's Orange Pippin (Potter) on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1957-156) .jpg
1957 at Howlett's Farm, Molash, Canterbury, Kent. Breeder: CA Potter. e, f
Cox's oranges See: Cox Orange
Cox oranges Pippin See: Cox Orange
Cox oranges Reinette See: Cox Orange
Cox's orange reindeer See: Cox Orange
Cox oranges Renette See: Cox Orange
Cox Orange Renette See: Cox Orange
Cox Pomona (or: Cox's Pomona, Pomona)
description f, h (No. 270, p. 302), j, o
Cox Queen (or: Queen) a, j
Cox Rouge Des Flandres (or: Rouge Des Flandres)
Cross section of Cox's Orange Pippin (HTC), National Fruit Collection (acc. 1982-202) .jpg
Coxova Reneta See: Cox Orange
Cox's Early Export See: Cox Early Export
Cox's Orange See: Cox Orange
Cox's Orange Pepping See: Cox Orange
Cox's Orange Pippin See: Cox Orange
Cox's Orange Pippin (Potter) See: Cox Orange Pippin (Potter)
Cox's Orange Reinette See: Cox Orange
Cox's Orange Pippeling See: Cox Orange
Cox's oranges Pippin See: Cox Orange
Cox's Orange Reinette See: Cox Orange
Cox's bitter orange pepping See: Cox Orange
Cox's Pomona See: Cox Pomona
Coxstone on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1930-045) .jpg
Crab C e
Cross section of Craciunesti, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-640) .jpg
Crackling Pippin See: Goldrenette
Craggy's Seedling f
Cramoisie De Gascogne
Cramoisie de Gascogne, Mons-Boubert, Somme, Fri, expo du 29-10-2017 (26) .jpg
Cranberry Pippin
Pomological Watercolor POM00001460.jpg
Cross section of Cravert, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-236) .jpg
Cravert Rouge
Cross section of Cravert Rouge, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-237) .jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001859.jpg
Crawley Beauty
Crawley Beauty (LA 65A) on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1973-170) .jpg
a, e, f, j, o
Crawley Reinette
Cross section of Crawley Reinette, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1941-025) .jpg
Creamy Kitaika e
Credés Quince Renette description h (No. 385, p. 433), o
Credes pigeon apple h (No. 246, p. 273)
Credes Wilhelmsapfel h (No. 78, p. 87), o
Pomological Watercolor POM00001861.jpg
Creo DSC00319.jpg
j, o
Malus' Creston'.jpg
Cretesc (or: Cretesc Rosu)
Cross section of Cretesc Rosu, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1958-099) .jpg
Cretesc De Breaza
Cross section of Cretesc de Breaza, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1958-100) .jpg
Cretesc Rosu See: Cretesc
Crimson Mutation of Gravensteiner Around 1945 in Canada
Crimson Beauty
Continental Nurseries Page 1 apple - Crimson Beauty, North Star.tiff
f, j
Crimson Beauty Of Bath
Cross section of Crimson Beauty of Bath (LA 65A), National Fruit Collection (acc. 1975-303) .jpg
Crimson Bramley
Pomological Watercolor POM00001863.jpg
Crimson Cox
Cross section of Crimson Cox, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1957-238) .jpg
Mutation of Cox Orange f, j
Crimson Crisp (or: Coop 39)
Cheerful-Gold (apple) jm122891.jpg
Cross of 2 selections from Rutgers Fruit Research and Development Center Breeder: Purdue research foundation a, j
Crimson Delight
Crimson Delight Apple.png
In Washington c
Crimson gold
Crimson gold apples (23388670556) .jpg
1944 in California c
Crimson Jonagold e
Crimson King f, f
Crimson Newton
Crimson Newton on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1957-177) .jpg
Crimson Peasgood f
Crimson Queening
Crimson Queening on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1949-092) .jpg
Crimson Snow
Crimson Snow apple with cut (fcm) .jpg
Crimson track e
Crimson Spy
Cross section of Crimson Spy, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1967-065) .jpg
Crimson Superb e, f
Crimson Victoria f
Cripps Pink (or: Pink Lady)
Pink Lady (apple) jm28129.jpg
Lady Williams × Golden Delicious 1973 in Australia . Breeder: John Cripps Pink Lady is a club variety to Cripps Pink . a, c, d, g (p. 252), j, o
Cripps Red (or: Joya, Sundowner)
Cripps Red (Sundowner) apples, labels hidden.jpg
a, e, j, o
Crispin See: Mutsu
Cross section of Criterion, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1976-077) .jpg
1898 in New York a, c, f
Crofton a
Crofton Scarlet a
Cromelor See: White Matapfel
Croncels See: Apple From Croncels
Croque O
Pomological Watercolor POM00001867.jpg
Crown Pippin
Pomological Watercolor POM00001871.jpg
Crown Prince Rudolph See: Crown Prince Rudolf
Crown gold
Cross section of Crowngold, National Fruit Collection (acc. 2000-012) .jpg
Sport by Jonagold f
Crystal Blaze e
Csikos Orias Halasi
Cross section of Csikos Orias Halasi, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-359) .jpg
Cumberland See: Duke of Cumberland
Cumberland track e
Cummy Norman f
Cross section of Cure, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-300) .jpg
f, o
Curl tail
Cross section of Curl Tail, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1941-017) .jpg
Cusset Blanc
Cusset Blanc on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-110) .jpg
Cut-Leaved Crab e
Cutleaf Crab e
Cutler Grieve
Cross section of Cutler Grieve, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1924-021) .jpg
Cybele See: Delrouval
Cybelle See: Delrouval
FRIES (CYBERG) - cliche Jean Weber (23649177706) .jpg
Czernikowitz Green Renette O

Individual evidence

  1. ^ NFC variety description: Calville Malingre , accessed on February 17, 2017
  2. Description of the variety Candil Sinap (PDF; 169 kB)
  3. Institute Français des Productions Cidricoles (IFPC): Pomme a cider. Les variétés . August 2009. p. 6. Accessed November 7, 2018
  4. Institute Français des Productions Cidricoles (IFPC): Pomme a cider. Les variétés . August 2009. p. 6. Accessed November 7, 2018
  5. Brand description Champagne Renette (PDF; 167 kB)
  6. Charlamowsky variety description (PDF; 251 kB)
  7. Pomme Châtagne - ACL L015 . Retrieved November 20, 2019
  8. Institute Français des Productions Cidricoles (IFPC): Pomme a cider. Les variétés . August 2009. p. 6. Accessed November 7, 2018
  9. Institute Français des Productions Cidricoles (IFPC): Pomme a cider. Les variétés . August 2009. p. 6. Accessed November 7, 2018
  10. Institute Français des Productions Cidricoles (IFPC): Pomme a cider. Les variétés . August 2009. p. 6. Accessed November 7, 2018
  11. Institute Français des Productions Cidricoles (IFPC): Pomme a cider. Les variétés . August 2009. p. 6. Accessed November 7, 2018
  12. Institute Français des Productions Cidricoles (IFPC): Pomme a cider. Les variétés . August 2009. p. 6. Accessed November 7, 2018
  13. Institute Français des Productions Cidricoles (IFPC): Pomme a cider. Les variétés . August 2009. p. 6. Accessed November 7, 2018
  14. Description of the variety Cludius
  15. New US variety: “Super apple” is supposed to conquer the world . Retrieved November 20, 2019
  16. ^ NFC variety description: Costard , accessed on February 17, 2017
  17. ^ Temperate Orchard Conservancy: Apple Varieties from the Nick Botner Collection and other generous sources , p. 4. Retrieved November 14, 2018
  18. ^ NFC variety description: Cowichan , accessed on February 17, 2017
  19. Description of the variety Cox Orangenrenette
  20. Description of the variety Cox Pamona (PDF; 333 kB)
  21. Description of the variety Credes Quince Renette (PDF; 231 kB)