List of apple varieties / B

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Explanations and sources: See main article!

Apple variety image Crossing off First appearance Remarks swell
Pomological Watercolor POM00000913.jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00000916.jpg
Babcock's No. 13
Pomological Watercolor POM00001065.jpg
Baby blush
Pomological Watercolor POM00001066.jpg
Baked apple See: Flamed Cardinal
Baked apple j
Backwell Red f
Baddow Pippin a
Badischer Brauner See: Brauner Matapfel
Baggetorp in Baggetorp, Sweden
The apples of New York (1905) (19559304859) .jpg
Around 1840 in New York c
Bailey Sweet
Pomological Watercolor POM00001069.jpg
Bailleuil See: Gros-Hôpital
Bailleul Bouvresse
Bailleul Bouvresse.JPG
Bailleul Mesnil
Bailleul Mesnil, Mons-Boubert, Somme, Fri, expo du 29-10-2017 (79) .jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001351.jpg
Baker's Delicious
Cross section of Baker's Delicious, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-039) .jpg
description f, g (p. 187)
Balcom's Best
Pomological Watercolor POM00001353.jpg
Soon mountain e
Baldenheim white apple O
Cross section of Balder, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1966-044) .jpg
description f, g (p. 187)
Baldwin (or: Baldwin's Red Pepping, Butters, Pecker, Red Baldwin, Woodpecker)
Baldwin (apple) .jpg
Random seedling About 1740 in Wilmington, Massachusetts, USA Tartaric taste. Triploid. description a, c, d, e, f, g (p. 187), h (no. 211, p. 233), h (no. 474, p. 527), j, m (no. 022, p. 1 ), o
Baldwin's Red Pepping See: Baldwin
Baldwin Spot
Pomological Watercolor POM00001096.jpg
Ballarat Seedling (or: Stewart's Ballarat Seedling)
Ballarat Seedling on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1930-057) .jpg
Dunn's Seedling × Unknown Discovered by Mrs. Stewart in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia around 1900 Sour taste. description a, e, f, g (p. 187)
Ballard Beauty
Cross section of Ballard Beauty, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1954-025) .jpg
Cox Orange × Unknown 1946 in Bedfordshire, breeder: A. Norman description b, f, g (p. 187)
ballerina Wijcik Mcintosh × unknown in Kent, breeder: Watkins and Tobutt g (p. 187)
Ballerina Waltz
Malus Waltz 4189.jpg
Ball's Pippin (or: Lane's Oakland Seedling)
Cross section of Ball's Pippin, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1926-035) .jpg
Cox Orange × Striker Pippin First launched in 1923 by JC Allgrove in Langley, Bucks description f, g (p. 188)
Pomological Watercolor POM00001304.jpg
Bally Fatten See: Ballyfatten
Ballyfatten (or: Bally Fatten)
Ballyfatten on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1949-222) .jpg
About 1740 in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland. Documented 1802 description c, f, g (p. 188)
Baloffe O
balm a
Pomological Watercolor POM00001311.jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001312.jpg
Bamberg See: Red Eiserapfel
Bamberg blue apple j
Bamberg Renette j
Bamberg Wollerling m (No. 023, p. 1)
Banana See: Winesap, winter banana apple
Banana apple Gföhlerwald O
Banana Renette O
Bancroft (or: Bankroft)
Bancroft on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1950-150) .jpg
Forest x Mcintosh 1930 in Ottawa. Market launch around 1935 description f, g (p. 188), j, m (No. 024, p. 1)
Bánffy Pál
Cross section of Banffy Pal, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-354) .jpg
f, g (p. 188)
Pomological Watercolor POM00001191.jpg
Bankroft See: Bancroft
Pomological Watercolor POM00001192.jpg
Banning Red Fuji e
Banns on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1928-033) .jpg
f, g (p. 188)
Banon's Seedling e
Cross section of Banziger, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-095) .jpg
f, g (p. 188), j, o
Pomological Watercolor POM00001193.jpg
Barbarossa (apple) jm120643.jpg
Nela x Delbarestivale State teaching and research institute for viticulture and fruit growing in Weinsberg, Baden-Württemberg

Barbel O
Pomological Watercolor POM00001194.jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001196.jpg
Barcelona Pearmain
The Pomological magazine (Pl. 85) (8726427198) .jpg
Barchard's Seedling f, g (p. 188)
Pomological Watercolor POM00001197.jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001199.jpg
Bardsey Apple (or: Afal Enlli, Bardsey Island)
Bardsey Island Image.jpg
Discovered in 1998 by Andy Clarke in Bardsey Island , Wales Variety description a, c
Bardsey Island See: Bardsey Apple
Barkley Red Rome
Cross section of Barkley Red Rome, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1969-064) .jpg
Barnack Beauty
Cross section of Barnack Beauty, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1957-207) .jpg
a, f, g (p. 188)
Barnack Beauty Sport
Barnack Beauty sport on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1944-012) .jpg
f, g (p. 188)
Barnack Orange
Barnack Orange on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1925-004) .jpg
Cox Orange × Unknown f, g (p. 188)
Pomological Watercolor POM00001200.jpg
Barnhill Pippin f, g (p. 188)
Barnes Best
Pomological Watercolor POM00002647.jpg
Barnhill Pippin
Cross section of Barnhill Pippin, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1949-207) .jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001201.jpg
Baron De Berlepsch See: Berlepsch
Baron Ward
Cross section of Baron Ward, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-031) .jpg
f, g (p. 188)
Baron Wood
Cross section of Baron Wood, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1999-074) .jpg
f, g (p. 188)
Cross section of Barraude, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-161) .jpg
f, g (p. 188)
Barre (Seine & Marne) on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-310) .jpg
f, g (p. 188)
Barré à grappe O
Pomological Watercolor POM00001202.jpg
Cross section of Barry, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1958-018) .jpg
Cox Orange × Unknown a, e, f, g (p. 188)
Barton's favorite
Pomological Watercolor POM00001204.jpg
Barty Sweet
Pomological Watercolor POM00001561.jpg
Baschi apple O
Bascombe Mystery
Cross section of Bascombe Mystery, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1935-006) .jpg
f, g (p. 188)
Pomological Watercolor POM00001205.jpg
Baskatong description
Cross section of Bassard (Seine & Marne), National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-311) .jpg
f, g (p. 188)
Bassett Best
Pomological Watercolor POM00001207.jpg
Bastard Kalvill See: London Pepping
Cross section of Bastien, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-323) .jpg
f, g (p. 188)
Bates Lobo e
Batschueli O
Pomological Watercolor POM00001208.jpg
Cross section of Batul-Alma, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-353) .jpg
e, f, g (p. 188)
Batullenapfel (or: Pomme De Transylvanie) Transylvania Substitute variety for the Styrian Maschanzker. Variety description h (No. 670, p. 746), j, m (No. 025, p. 1), o
Bauer's anniversary O
POMMES Baujade Studio-1-cliche Jean Weber (23592783051) .jpg
j, o
Building line
FRIES (BAULINE) -1-cliche Jean Weber (23047112054) .jpg
Baumann See: Baumann's Renette
Baumann's Reinette See: Baumann's Renette
Baumanns Renette (or: Baumann, Baumann's Reinette, Baumanns Rote Winterrenette, Baumanns Winterrenette, Couronne Des Dames, Red Winter Renette, Reinette De Bollvilla, Reinette Rouge D'Hiver Baumann, Rote Winterrenette)
Malus Baumanns Renette 4586.jpg
Random seedling Around 1800 Belgium a, e, f, g (p. 189), h (no. 435, p. 487), j, m (no. 026, p. 1), o
Baumann's red winter renette See: Baumann's Renette
Baumann's winter renette See: Baumann's Renette
Sapling's apple See: tree apple
Sapling apple (or: sapling apple)
Tree apple Europom Luxembourg 304.jpg
h (No. 503, p. 556)
Tree apple See: Brauner Matapfel
Cross section of Baunen, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1999-004) .jpg
Bavendorfer apple jm55132.jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001210.jpg
e, f
Baxter's Pearmain
Cross section of Baxter's Pearmain, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-105) .jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001214.jpg
Bay 3484 See: Baya Marisa
Bay 4069 See: Countess Goldach
Bay 4146 See: Freiherr Von Hallberg
Bay D'Or See: Goldzeugapfel
Bay State
Pomological Watercolor POM00001452.jpg
Baya Marisa (or: Bay 3484)
Baya Marisa (apple) jm121884.jpg
Weirouge x breeding clone 166 Breeder: Michael Neumüller in the Bavarian Fruit Center in Hallbergmoos Description Ripe for consumption: September to December. First red-fleshed apple variety with table fruit quality. Allergy-friendly (times d1)! a, o
Pomological Watercolor POM00001454.jpg
Bavarian Brünnerling O
Bayh's cider apple j
Pomological Watercolor POM00001462.jpg
Beach seedling
Cross section of Beach Seedling (Heseltine), National Fruit Collection (acc. 1984-104) .jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001463.jpg
1936 in Minnesota, USA a, c, e, f, o
Pomological Watercolor POM00001464.jpg
Beau Jade e
Beau Rose e
Beautiful arcade a, e
Beauty of Australia
Natal province - descriptive guide and official hand-book (1911) (14573867420) .jpg
Beauty Of Bath See: Beautiful From Bath
Beauty Of Bedford
Beauty of Bedford on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1913-009) .jpg
1913 in Bedfordshire b, f
Beauty Of Blackmoor
Cross section of Beauty of Blackmoor, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1981-092) .jpg
Beauty Of Hampshire a
Beauty Of Hants
Cross section of Beauty of Hants (Myers), National Fruit Collection (acc. 1924-054) .jpg
Beauty Of Kent See: Beautiful From Kent
Beauty Of Moray
Cross section of Beauty of Moray, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1942-035) .jpg
Beauty Of Stoke
Cross section of Beauty of Stoke, National Fruit Collection (acc. 2000-019) .jpg
Beauty Of The West See: Beautiful from Westland
Beauty Of Wales See: Red Astrakhan
Beauty Of Wiltshire See: Beautiful From Wiltshire
Bébé Rose
Bebe Rose on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-350) .jpg
f, g (p. 189)
Bec D'Oie
Cross section of Bec d'Oie (Cher), National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-774) .jpg
f, o
Becherings seedling h (No. 109, p. 123)
Bedan, Mons-Boubert, 29 Oct.  2017.jpg
Making cider
The Apple and pear as vintage fruits (Page 93) BHL6364600.jpg
Bedford Pippin Before 1913 in Bedfordshire b, e
Bedford Red
Pomological Watercolor POM00001467.jpg
Bedford Spice
Pomological Watercolor POM00001468.jpg
Bedfordshire Foundling See: Bedfordshire Boulder
Bedminster Pippin
Bedminster Pippin on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1952-054) .jpg
Scented long stem
Pom.Mon.Hefte 1857 Selection of apple varieties economical plantings.jpg
Bedwyn Beauty
Cross section of Bedwyn Beauty, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1957-264) .jpg
Beecher's Red Crab
Pomological Watercolor POM00001469.jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001470.jpg
Beeley Pippin
Cross section of Beeley Pippin, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1916-006) .jpg
a, f
Beerbacher taffeta apple j, o
Beffert O
Beforest Winter apple
Begginger Bell Apple O
Confession O
Bel-El (or Elstar Bel-El)
Cross section of Bel-el, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1999-005) .jpg
Mutant by Elstar e, f
Pomme chantecler belchard.jpg
Belfler Brabantskii See: Brabanter Bellefleur
Belfort m (No. 027, p. 1)
Cross section of Belgica, National Fruit Collection (acc. 2004-076) .jpg
Launched in Belgium in 2008 f
Belgian pineapple apple h (No. 167, p. 188)
Belgian short handle See: Royal Short Stem
Belgian snow apples h (No. 17, p. 20)
Bellaqueeny on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-743) .jpg
Belle Cox e
Belle D'Avril O
Belle De Boskoop See: Beautiful from Boskoop
Belle De Crollon e
Belle De Fontanette O
Belle De Flandres See: Brabanter Bellefleur
Belle De France
Cross section of Belle de France, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1982-285) .jpg
Belle De Longue
Cross section of Belle de Longue, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1950-116) .jpg
Belle De Magny See: Beautiful from Magny
Belle De Nordhausen See: Beautiful from Nordhausen
Belle De Pontoise See: Beautiful from Pontoise
Belle De Tours
Cross section of Belle de Tours, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-295) .jpg
Belle De Vennes
Belgique horticole (Plate (43)) BHL42946015.jpg
Belle Des Buits See: Beautiful Off Buits
Belle duck
Belle Duck on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-202) .jpg
Belle Fille See: Gray French Renette
Belle Fille de la Manche f
Belle Fille de la Manche Making cider
Belle Fille De L'Indre O
Belle Fille De Salins
Belle Fille de Salins, Mons-Boubert, Somme, Fr.JPG
Belle Fille Normande
Belle Fille Normande.JPG
f, o
Belle Flavoise See: Yellow Bellefleur
Belle Fleur
Pomological Watercolor POM00003447.jpg
Belle-Fleur Bashkirskiy
Belle-Fleur Brabant See: Brabanter Bellefleur
Belle-Fleur Dachy See: Pomme Belle-Fleur Dachy
Belle-Fleur D'Automne See: Brabanter Bellefleur
Belle-Fleur De Brabant See: Brabanter Bellefleur
Belle-Fleur De France See: Langer Bellefleur
Belle-Fleur De Saint-Benoit f
Belle-Fleur D'Hiver See: Brabanter Bellefleur
Belle-Fleur Double See: Langer Bellefleur
Belle-Fleur Jaune See: Yellow Bellefleur
Belle-Fleur Kitaika (or: Bellefleur Kitaika, Bellefleur Kitajka)
Cross section of Bellefleur Kitaika, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1975-341) .jpg
f, j, o
Belle-Fleur Krasny (or: Bellefleur Krasnij, Bellefleur Krasnyi)
Cross section of Bellefleur Krasny, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1975-342) .jpg
f, j
Belle-Fleur Large Mouche
Cross section of Belle-Fleur Large Mouche, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-595) .jpg
f, o
Belle-Fleur Simple See: Brabanter Bellefleur
Belle Imperiale e
Belle Joséphine O
Belledge Pippin
Cross section of Belledge Pippin, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1949-134) .jpg
Bellefleur Brabandse Zure See: Brabanter Bellefleur
Bellefleur D'Argonne O
Bellefleur Kitaika See: Belle-Fleur Kitaika
Bellefleur Kitajka See: Belle-Fleur Kitaika
Bellefleur Krasnij See: Belle-Fleur Krasny
Bellefleur Krasnyi See: Belle-Fleur Krasny
Bellefleur Krasny See: Belle-Fleur Krasny
Bellefleur record m (No. 028, p. 1)
Bellflower See: Yellow Bellefleur
Cross section of Bellida, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1994-013) .jpg
Belmac a
Pomological Watercolor POM00001474.jpg
Belvoir Seedling f
Bemali e
Ben Capp
Pomological Watercolor POM00001477.jpg
Ben Davis
Pomological Watercolor POM00001247.jpg
In the southeastern United States a, c, d, f
Ben Hur
Pomological Watercolor POM00001252.jpg
Bender's sweet apple See: Kloppenheimer Streifling
Bendetta description h (No. 440, p. 492)
Bénédictin (or: Bénédictin De Jumièges, Reinette Normande)
Bénédictin, Mons-Boubert, Somme, Fr.JPG
Bénédictin De Jumièges See: Bénédictin
Benenden Early
Cross section of Benenden Early, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1954-008) .jpg
Benet Blanc e
Pomological Watercolor POM00001250.jpg
Benham Brown
Pomological Watercolor POM00001249.jpg
Beni Shogun Sport of Fuji
Benifuji e
Pomological Watercolor POM00001514.jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001538.jpg
The apples of New York (1905) (19124921293) .jpg
a, f, g (p. 191), j, m (No. 029, p. 1), o
Ben's Red
Cross section of Ben's Red, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1957-208) .jpg
Benseman's Seedling e, f
Bentleben rose apple See: Danzig Kantapfel
Bentleber rose apple See: Danzig Kantapfel
Bentley Sweet
Pomological Watercolor POM00001548.jpg
Pomme Béraud.JPG
Bereczki mate
Cross section of Bereczki Mate, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-349) .jpg
Beregi Sóvári
Cross section of Beregi Sovari, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-355) .jpg
e, f, g (p. 191)
Bergamot See: Antonowka
Bergerac, Ailly-le-Haut-Clocher, Somme, Fr, Apple festival 03et04-11-2018 (124) .jpg
Bergerner Weinling See: Lime Renette
Bergisch sheep nose
Bergische SchafsnaseEuropom Luxemburg 312 Sep 25 201610-37.jpg
18th century, Bergisches Land
Bergischer Herrenapfel
Bergischer Herrenapfel 00305.jpg
Around 1900 in Rösrath , Bergisches Land
Mountainous countries O
Bergvik (or: Bergviksäpple) Hälsingland Province , Sweden
Bergviksäpple See: Bergvik
Berkersheimer Roter
Malus Berkersheimer Roter 4247.jpg
j, o
Berleis Roter Berlepsch × Roter Eiserapfel Breeder: Matthias Markl from Weilheim on Lake Constance. Recognized as a variety by the Bundessortenamt in 2008 . Skin: green-yellow and red. Flesh: cream-colored and firm. Taste: sweet and sour. Harvest: mid-October. Can be stored until May. Little susceptible to disease. O
Berlepsch (or: Baron De Berlepsch, Freiherr Von Berlepsch, Goldrenette Freiherr Von Berlepsch, Hohenzollernapfel)
Berlepsch (apple) jm26578.jpg
Pineapple Renette × Ribston Pepping 1880 in Grevenbroich . Breeder: Diedrich Uhlhorn junior f, g (p. 214), j, o
Donut See: Prinzenapfel
Berliner Schafnase (or: Berliner Schlotterapfel, Kelsterbacher Roter, Ruhm Aus Kelsterbach, Schafsnase)
Malus fame from Kelsterbach 4328.jpg
unknown, Prussia Old variety. The fame from Kelsterbach was a local Hessian variety in 2018. h (No. 82, p. 91), j, o
Berlin Schlotterapfel See: Berlin sheep nose
Berlon j
Cross section of Berna, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1999-006) .jpg
Amber rose See: Bern rose apple
Bernese roses See: Bern rose apple
Berner Rosenapfel (or: Berne Rose, Berner Rosen, Neuer Berner Rosenapfel)
Random seedling 1888 Canton of Bern , Switzerland description a, e, f, j, o
Bernhardzeller O
Berry Red
Pomological Watercolor POM00001595.jpg
Bess pool
Cross section of Bess Pool, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1957-209) .jpg
a, e, f, o
Bessemânka Mičurinskaâ See: Bessemyanka Michurina
Bessemyanka Michurinskaya See: Bessemyanka Michurina
Bessemyanka Michurina (or: Bessemânka Mičurinskaâ, Bessemyanka Michurinskaja)
Cross section of Bessemyanka Michurina (MMI06), National Fruit Collection (acc. 1976-103) .jpg
f, j
Pomological Watercolor POM00001601.jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001606.jpg
Cross section of Betsey, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-505) .jpg
Betty Geeson
Cross section of Betty Geeson, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1982-205) .jpg
Betzinger green apple j
Cross section of Beurriere, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-316) .jpg
Beutchin O
Beutelsbacher Rambour j
Beutelsbacher Renette O
Beverley Pippin a
Beverly e
Beverly Hills
Cross section of Beverly Hills, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1964-033) .jpg
1997 in California, USA a, c, f, g (p. 192)
Cross section of Bielaar, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1999-036) .jpg
Bieling See: Beautiful from Boskoop
Bielorussky Sinap O
Biesterfelder Renette
Malus Biesterfelder Renette 4519.jpg
Random seedling 1905 Biesterfeld Castle near Bad Pyrmont f, j, m (No. 030, p. 1), o
Cross section of Bietigheimer, National Fruit Collection (acc. 2000-021) .jpg
Bigg's nonsuch f
Pomological Watercolor POM00001371.jpg
Bihorel Renette O
Billie Bound a
Billinge (or: Billingeäpple) Däldernas nursery in Skövde , Sweden
Billingeäpple See: Billinge
Binet Blanc Making cider
Binet Rouge
Binet Rouge, Mons-Boubert, Somme, Fri, expo du 29-10-2017 (51) .jpg
Making cider a
Binet Violet Making cider
Bionda Bella description
Bionda Marilyn description
Bionda Patrizia description
Birgit Bonnier
Birgit Bonnier äpplen i korg.jpeg
in Sweden c, f
Birch fields red apple See: Birkenfeld Rotäpfelchen
Birkenfelder Rotäpfelchen (or: Birkenfelder Rotapfel) Variety description O
Pear-shaped apple
Pear-shaped apple jm55135.jpg
Variety description h (No. 469, p. 521), j, m (No. 031, p. 1), o
Bisbee e
Bishop's hat j, o
Bishop's cap See: Flamed Cardinal
Bishop's hat after anger j
Bismarck See: Bismarck apple
Bismarck apple (or: Bismarck, Prince Bismarck)
Malus Bismarck apple 4523.jpg
Random seedling 1870 Bismarck , Tasmania a, c, f, j, m (No. 033, p. 1), o
Bisquet Making cider
Bittenfelder (or: Bittenfelder seedling)
Malus Bittenfelder 4527.jpg
Random seedling j, o
Bittenfelder seedling See: Bittenfelder
Bitter pit
Pomological Watercolor POM00000767.jpg
Bjelorusski Sinap j
Black Amish a
Black Annette
Pomological Watercolor POM00001617.jpg
Black Ben Davis
Pomological Watercolor POM00001377.jpg
Black cabinet f
Black Diamond See: Black Diamond
Black Gilliflower
Pomological Watercolor POM00001381.jpg
a, d
Black Lady Apple See: Black Api
Black Mcintosh (or: Mcintosh Black)
Cross section of Black McIntosh (EM), National Fruit Collection (acc. 1952-016) .jpg
Mcintosh × unknown e, f
Black Mickey Mcintosh × unknown f
Black Oxford
Pomological Watercolor POM00001388.jpg
a, e
Black Twig
Stark fruits (1896) (20544921625) .jpg
Black Vallis f
Cross section of Blackjon, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1967-062) .jpg
a, f
Blackmack (or: Mcintosh Blackmack) g (p. 241)
Blackmoor's Upright
Cross section of Blackmoor's Upright, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1999-038) .jpg
Blackstayman See: Stayman Winesap
Blacktwig a
Blahova Reneta
Cross section of Blahova Reneta, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1974-201) .jpg
Blahova Ruzena e
Blairmont e
Blanc-Duriau See: Blandurel
Blanc Sur Making cider f
Blanc Vert
Blanc Vert, Ailly-le-Haut-Clocher, Somme, Fr, Apple festival 03et04-11-2018 (123) .jpg
Blanchet Making cider
Blandurel (or: Blanc-Duriau) Introduced to England from France around 1280 Historic variety g (p. 38)
Blandurette (or: Blandurette (Corrèze))
Cross section of Blandurette, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1950-154) .jpg
description f, g (p. 192)
Blandurette (Corrèze) See: Blandurette
Blanik j
Bare apple O
Blauacher See: Blauacher Wädenswil
Blauacher Hessenreuter O
Blauacher seedling See: Blauacher Wädenswil
Blauacher Wädenswil (or: Blauacher, Blauacher Sämling)
Blauacher Wädenswil jm55139.jpg
1968 in Landschlacht, Thurgau Most apple variety e, j, o
Blauensteiner's pointed apple O
Blue Cologne
Blauer Kölner.jpg
1895 by Diedrich Uhlhorn Junior, Grevenbroich sweet, aromatic and strongly colored table apple
Blue tail See: Small long handle
Cross section of Blaxtayman, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1950-140) .jpg
Cross section of Blaze, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1974-047) .jpg
Blenheim (or: Blenheim Orange, Blenheim Pippin, Blenheimer Goldrenette, Blenheimer Renette, Goldrenette Aus Blenheim, Goldrenette Von Blenheim, Kempster's Pippin, Northwick Pippin, Pomme De Blenheim, Woodstock Pippin)
Random seedling About 1740 or 1800 in Blenheim Palace , England Variety description a, c, f, h (No. 514, p. 571), j, o
Blenheim Orange See: Blenheim
Blenheim Pippin See: Blenheim
Blenheim gold renette See: Blenheim
Blenheim Renette See: Blenheim
Blenken's gold ribbon m (No. 034, p. 1)
Ll e
Blondy, Blondi
Blondy (apple) jm120630.jpg
Bloody Butcher
Cross section of Bloody Butcher, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1950-075) .jpg
Bloody Plowman
Cross section of Bloody Plowman, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1962-042) .jpg
About 1800 in Carse of Gowrie, Scotland a, c, f
Blue Pearmain
Blue Pearmain on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1957-210) .jpg
a, d, f
Bluemoon O
Blumberger long handle
Blumberger long handle jm55138.jpg
j, o
Flower calvilli See: Gravensteiner
Blush June a
Blushing Golden
Cross section of Blushing Golden, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1975-179) .jpg
a, e, f
Blood apple (or: Pomme Sanguinole, purple apple) h (No. 651, p. 723), j, o
Blood-red Rhenish Renette (or: Reinette Sanguine Du Rhin) f, h (No. 492, p. 545)
Blood red cardinal See: Blood Red Cardinal
Blood-red Gravensteiner Mutation of Gravensteiner
Blood Red Cardinal (or: Blood Red Cardinal) h (No. 285, p. 318), m (No. 036, p. 1)
Böbling See: Böblinger street apple
Böblinger apple See: Böblinger street apple
Böblinger street apple (or: Böbling, Böblinger apple)
Böblinger street apple jm55143.jpg
j, o
Bockenhusen j
Floor fields Renette h (No. 382, ​​p. 430), o
Bodensee-Rambur O
Bödikers Gold-Renette (or: Bödikers Gold-Renette)
Bodikers Gold Reinette on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-322) .jpg
f, h (No. 508, p. 565)
Bödiker's gold ribbon See: Bödikers Gold-Renette
Bodil Neergaard
Cross section of Bodil Neergaard, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1927-004) .jpg
e, f, o
Boerekamp See: Elstar Boerekamp
Bogatyr. 2008-01-17.jpg
1927 in Michurinsk , Russia Breeder: S. Chernenko
Bogh's lemon apple m (No. 037, p. 1)
Cross section of Bohemia, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1999-007) .jpg
Ruby × Unknown f, g (p. 264)
Bohemia gold O
Böhmer (or: Edel-Böhmer, Edelböhmer, Pomme Passe-Böhmer)
Pom.Mon.Hefte 1857 Boehmer.jpg
h (No. 205, p. 227), o
Bohemian Cox j, o
Bohemian Maschkanzker O
Bohemian Borsdorfer
Sebastian Wegmayr apple varieties.jpg
Bohemian Brünnerling m (No. 038, p. 1)
Bohemian rose apple (or: Large Bohemian rose apple)
Bohemian rose apple.jpg
h (No. 197, p. 219), m (No. 039, p. 1), o
Bohemian red virgin apple (or: Altenstädter Roter, Christofsker, Chrysofsker winter apple, Panenské, red virgin apple, Christmas apples)
Malus Bohemian Red Virgin Apple 4253.jpg
description h (No. 216, p. 238), j, o
Bohnapfel (or: pendant, bell apple, large bean apple, large Rhenish bean apple, Rabiner, Rhenish bean apple, sheep's head, roma apple, wine apple, white bean apple, carpenter's man)
Bohnapfel (apple) jm26577.jpg
Random seedling Around 1775, Neuwied basin description f; h (No. 611, p. 678), j, o
Boiken See: Boikenapfel
Boikenapfel (or: Boiken, Real Boiken)
1828 Bremen f, h (No. 94, p. 108), j, m (No. 040, p. 1), o
Boisbunels Calvill h (No. 46, p. 51)
bolero See: Tuscan
Bolier apple O
Bollen apple See: Api
Bölleöpfel See: Api
Boller Mcintosh (or: Mcintosh Boller) Mcintosh × unknown e
bomb O
Bon Père O
Bon Pommier See: Brabanter Bellefleur
Bon Pommier D'Automne See: Brabanter Bellefleur
Bonalle O
Cross section of Bondon, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-164) .jpg
f, o
Bonne Hotture
Cross section of Bonne Hotture, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-212) .jpg
f, o
Bonnet Carré
Cross section of Bonnet Carre, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-159) .jpg
Bonnet De Comte
Cross section of Bonnet de Comte, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-283) .jpg
Bonnie Best a
Pomological Watercolor POM00001524.jpg
h (No. 480, p. 533)
Bonza a, j, o
Boone Crab
Pomological Watercolor POM00003578.jpg
Crab apple variety
Borovinka See: Borowinka
Borowinka (WUG booklet 2012) n1x.jpg
m (illustration no.410), o
Borowitzky See: Charlamowsky
Borsdorfer See: Edelborsdorfer
Borsdorf autumn tenets O
Borsdorf Renette See: Doberaner Borsdorfer Renette
Börtlinger cider apple See: Börtlinger Weinapfel
Börtlinger Weinapfel (or: Börtlinger Mostapfel)
Börtlinger Weinapfel jm55142.jpg
j, o
Bosbury Pippin
Cross section of Bosbury Pippin, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1945-133) .jpg
Boskoop See: Beautiful from Boskoop
Boskoop Rouge e
Boskoop Wilhelmy j
Cross section of Bossom (Johnson), National Fruit Collection (acc. 1991-001) .jpg
Cross section of Botden, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1989-041) .jpg
f, g (p. 190)
Bottle greening
Pomological Watercolor POM00001421.jpg
Around 1800 in Green Mountains, USA a, c
Boettner's seedling m (No. 042, p. 1)
Bouet De Bonnetable
Cross section of Bouet de Bonnetable, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-263) .jpg
Bougie See: Elstar Bougie
Boulonnais O
Cross section of Bountiful, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1977-054) .jpg
a, f
Cross section of Bouquepreuve, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-301) .jpg
Bouscasse De Brès
Cross section of Bouscasse de Bres, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-232) .jpg
f, g (p. 193), o
Rennes - École nationale supérieure agronomique 20140920 13.jpg
Bouteille De Liseux See: Bouteille De Lisieux
Bouteille De Lisieux (or: Bouteille De Liseux) a, e
Cross section of Bovarde, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-082) .jpg
Around 1800, Romanel-sur-Lausanne , Lausanne region (Canton of Vaud) Green ground color, sunny side yellow with crimson stripes; Descriptions e, f, o
Bovarde Corbaz Canton of Vaud description
Bovarde Tardive Cossonay (Canton of Vaud) description
Bow Hill Pippin
Bow Hill Pippin on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1957-212) .jpg
Bowden seedling e
Bowyer's Russet
The Pomological magazine (Pl. 121) (8743708229) .jpg
Box Apple
Cross section of Box Apple, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1955-077) .jpg
Brabandsche Belle-Fleur See: Brabanter Bellefleur
Brabandse Bellefleur Appel See: Brabanter Bellefleur
Braban Belle-Fleur See: Brabanter Bellefleur
Brabant See: Brabanter Bellefleur
Brabant Belle-Fleur See: Brabanter Bellefleur
Brabant Belle-Flower See: Brabanter Bellefleur
Brabant Bellflower See: Brabanter Bellefleur
Brabant Belle Fleur See: Brabanter Bellefleur
Brabanter Bellefleur (or: Belfler Brabantskii, Belle De Flandres, Belle-Fleur Brabant, Belle-Fleur D'Automne, Belle-Fleur D'Hiver, Belle-Fleur De Brabant, Belle-Fleur Simple, Bellefleur Brabandse Zure, Bon Pommier, Bon Pommier D'Automne, Brabandsche Belle-Fleur, Brabandse Bellefleur Appel, Brabansche Belle-Fleur, Brabant, Brabant Belle-Fleur, Brabant Belle-Flower, Brabant Bellflower, Brabant Belle-Fleur, Brabantse Belle-Fleur, Enkele Bellefleur, Gloire De Flandre , Glory Of Flanders, Großer Brabanter Belle-Fleur, Iron, Iron Apple, Kenteman's Appel, Kentemans Apfel, Keulemans, Kleine Belle-Fleur, Kleiner Brabanter, Kleiner Brabanter Belle-Fleur, Koolappel, Large Mouche, New Scarlet Pearmain, Petit Bon Pommier , Petite Belle Fleur, Petite Bonne Ente, Rambour Rouge, Strieping, Sweet Laden, Sweet Lading, Sweet Laydon, Sweet Leyden, Westland Bellefleur, Westlandische Belle-Fleur, Westlandse Bellefleur, Winter-Belle-Fleur)
Cross section of Brabant Bellefleur, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1945-079) .jpg
e, f, o
Brabant Gray Renette O
Brabantse Belle-Fleur See: Brabanter Bellefleur
Pomological Watercolor POM00001429.jpg
Braddick Nonpareil See: Braddick's special equals
Braddick's Nonpareil See: Braddick's special equals
Braddicks Nonpareil See: Braddick's special equals
Braddick's special matches (or: Braddick Nonpareil, Braddick's Nonpareil, Braddick's Nonpareil)
German Pomology - Aepfel - 069.jpg
a, e, f, h (No. 415, p. 463), o
Braeburn jm26189 ji.jpg
Random seedling 1952 in New Zealand Very aromatic a, c, d, e, f, j, o
Braeburn Hillwell See: Hillwell
Braeburn type cutter j
Braestar a
Braintree Seedling
Braintree Seedling on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1954-028) .jpg
Brambacher m (No. 043, p. 1)
Bramley See: Bramley's seedling
Bramley's Seedling (or: Bramley, Bramley's Seedling, Triomphe De Kiel)
Bramley's seedling jm55141.jpg
Bred 1809–1813 in Southwell , Nottinghamshire. Launched in 1865. a, c, d, e, f, g (p. 194), j, m (No. 044, p. 1), o
Bramley's Seedling See: Bramley's seedling
Bramshott Rectory
Cross section of Bramshott Rectory, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1957-273) .jpg
Bramtot e
Bran Rose
The Apple and pear as vintage fruits (Page 98) BHL6364605.jpg
Brandenburg's cousinot O
Fire dead
Rennes - École nationale supérieure agronomique 20140920 13.jpg
Brazil apple See: Red Eiserapfel
Bratwurstapfel j
Fried apple O
Braunauer rosemary apple h (No. 231, p. 257), o
Brauner Matapfel (or: Badischer Brauner, Bäumleapfel, Echter Kohlapfel, Kohlapfel, Maedapfel, Mate Brune, Mohrenapfel, Pomme D'Enfer, Pomme De Bohémien, Pomme De Charbon, Pomme De Dame, Pomme De Maure, Pomme Noire D'Hiver., Schmiedeapfel , Black-brown Matapfel, Schwarzer Matapfel, Schwarzlicher, Unterländer apple)
Malus Brauner Matapfel 4602.jpg
Around 1600 h (No. 622, p. 690), j, m (No. 045, p. 1), o
Brown-red raspberry apple See: Roter Herbstkalvill
Brown-red winter Calville See: Calville Malingre
Brunswick O
Brunswick milk apple h (No. 140, p. 160)
Braunschweiger Tafel-Rambour h (No. 162, p. 183)
Bridal apple See: Roter Herbstkalvill
Bridal gowns h (No. 472, p. 525)
Brava O
Bravo apples.jpg
Bravo De Esmolfe 18th century in Esmolfe , Penacova, Portugal c
Breakey a, e
Breakwell's Seedling f
Breedon Pippin 1801 in England c, f
Breedons pepping h (No. 353, p. 400)
Breitaar See: Breitacher
Breitacher (or: Breitaar, Breitaer, Breitapfel, Breitiker, Breitor, Fuchsapfel, Muser, Pomeranzenapfel, Schiebler, Schweizer Breitacher, Schweizerbreitacher, Sonnenwirbel, Spotschiebler, Sternborsdorfer) Known in Eastern Switzerland before 1774; comes to Germany only after 1790 description e, f, o
Breitaer See: Breitacher
Broad apple See: Breitacher
Wide ass j
Wide eye j
Broad Tyrolean leather apple m (No. 046, p. 1)
Widerla O
Breitiker See: Breitacher
Wide leather O
Cross section of Breitling, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-474) .jpg
Breitor See: Breitacher
Wide pocket See: Styrian Passaman
Bremen doodle apple j
Bremerling O
Bremervörder winter apple j
Brenchley Pippin f
Brentewinar O
Rennes - École nationale supérieure agronomique 20140920 13.jpg
Bret (or: Le Bret) f
Brettacher (or: Brettacher seedling)
Malus Brettacher 4532.jpg
Random seedling 1911 Langenbrettach , Heilbronn district e, f, j, m (No. 047, p. 1), o
Brettacher seedling See: Brettacher
Breuhahn See: Privy Councilor Breuhahn
Malus Breuhahn 4604.jpg
Brewington Pippin
Pomological Watercolor POM00001438.jpg
Brickley Seedling
The Pomological magazine (Pl. 124) (8744829614) .jpg
Bridgewater Pippin f
Brietling See: housemaid
Bright Future a
Cross section of Brighton, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1951-242) .jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001445.jpg
Brill's seedling O
Brina 1998 in Italy c
Brinaling See: Brünnerling
Cross section of Britemac, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1974-049) .jpg
a, f
Britten apple m (No. 048, p. 1)
Brixener Plattling O
Brixen table apple See: Lime Renette
Broad-eyed Pippin
Cross section of Broad-Eyed Pippin (of Bultitude), National Fruit Collection (acc. 1929-029) .jpg
a, f
Broad-Leaved Hereford See: Hereford Broadleaf
Broadholme Beauty a
Broadleaf Norman f
Pomological Watercolor POM00001670.jpg
a, e
Brogdale Crab In France. Documented in England in 1831. description
Broholm's rose apple h (No. 230, p. 256), o
The Apple and pear as vintage fruits (Page 99) BHL6364606.jpg
Brondaeble O
Brooke Blushed
Pomological Watercolor POM00001672.jpg
Cross section of Brookes's, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-039) .jpg
e, f
Brookfield Gala Mutation of Gala
Broutin Rouge
Broutin RougeAilly-le-Haut-Clocher, Somme, Fri, Apple festival 03et04-11-2018 (122) .jpg
Brown Crofton f
Brown Kenting
Cross section of Brown Kenting, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-025) .jpg
Brown Russet a
Brown snout About 1850 in Herefordshire, England c, e, f
Brown Sweet a
Brown Thorn f
Brownlees Renette m (No. 049, p. 1), o
Brownlees' Russet See: Brownlees Russet
Brownlees Russet (or: Brownlees' Russet)
Cross section of Brownlees Russet, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1957-179) .jpg
a, e, f, g (p. 195), h (No. 565, p. 626), j, o
Brown's Apple a, e, f
Brown's Golden Sweet See: Tolman Sweet
Brown's Seedling a, f
Brown's South Lincoln Beauty See: Allington Pepping
Broxwood Foxwhelp a, f
Brugger Renette O
Brühler short handle h (No. 433, p. 485)
Greenling See: Brünnerling
Well apple m (No. 050, p. 1)
Brunner See: Brünnerling
Brünnerling (or: Brinaling, Brünerling, Brunner, Plinaling) Random seedling Around 1600 in Upper Austria Variety description See also: Oberösterreichischer Brünnerling. O
Brunnsäpple e, o
Brushy Mountain Limbertwig a
Brussels monochrome renette h (No. 364, p. 411)
Breast apple h (No. 628, p. 696)
Brzęczka O
Buchholzer Calvill h (No. 31, p. 35)
Buchser roses O
Buckeye Gala Mutation of Gala
Pomological Watercolor POM00001720.jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001722.jpg
Budai Ignac
Cross section of Budai Ignac, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-345) .jpg
Cross section of Budimka, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1936-021) .jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00001656.jpg
Bühler's strawberry apple O
Bühlhölzler O
Bukhovitsa See: Bukowitza
Bukovica See: Bukowitza
Bukowitza (or: Bukhovitsa, Bukovica)
Cross section of Bukhovitsa, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1957-075) .jpg
Bulgaria f, g (p. 195)
Bulcher O
Bullock See: Bullocks Pepping
Bullock's pepping
German Pomology - Aepfel - 073.jpg
h (No. 571, p. 632)
Bulmer's Norman a, f
Pomological Watercolor POM00001665.jpg
Bundy's Ringwood Red a
Bunegger O
Colorful Prague h (No. 627, p. 695), o
Luther Burbank- his methods and discoveries and their practical application.  Prepared from his original field notes covering more than 100,000 experiments made during forty years devoted to plant (14598419110) .jpg
Burchardts Carolin h (No. 228, p. 254)
Burchardt's Netzrenette See: Burchardts Renette
Burchardts Reinette See: Burchardts Renette
Burchardts Renette (or: Burchardts Netzrenette, Burchardts Reinette)
Cross section of Burchardt's Reinette, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-065) .jpg
f, h (No. 316, p. 354), j, o
Citizen Apple See: Flamed Cardinal
Burgess Seedling f
Burgstädter Renette j
Burgundy jm55144.jpg
Macoun × Monroe 1953 (breeding) in Geneva , USA. 1974 (market launch) a, d, f, g (p. 195)
Pomological Watercolor POM00001667.jpg
Burkhardt's Nestrenette
Burns Seedling (or: Burn's Seedling) f
Burn's Seedling See: Burns Seedling
Burr knot
Cross section of Burr Knot (Howard), National Fruit Collection (acc. 1952-182) .jpg
Burrowhill Early f
Burton's Beauty See: housemaid
Bushey Grove
Cross section of Bushey Grove, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1924-057) .jpg
a, f
Butters See: Baldwin
Buttner's Renette h (No. 495, p. 548)
Bützberger O
Buzaval Ero Alma f
Cross section of Byeloborodovka, National Fruit Collection (acc. 2000-023) .jpg
Byfleet Seedling
Byfleet Seedling on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1931-008) .jpg
In England c, f
Byford Wonder
Cross section of Byford Wonder, National Fruit Collection (acc. 2000-024) .jpg

Individual evidence

  1. ^ NFC variety description: Baker's Delicious . Retrieved February 20, 2017
  2. ^ NFC variety description: Balder . Retrieved February 20, 2017
  3. ^ NFC variety description: Baldwin . Retrieved February 20, 2017
  4. ^ NFC variety description: Ballarat Seedling . Retrieved February 20, 2017
  5. NFC variety description: Ballard Beauty . Retrieved February 20, 2017
  6. NFC variety description: Ball's Pippin . Retrieved February 20, 2017
  7. variety description of the NFC: Ballyfatten . Retrieved February 20, 2017
  8. Description of the NFC variety: Bancroft . Retrieved February 20, 2017
  9. Description of the variety Bardsey Apple . Retrieved February 14, 2017
  10. ^ NFC variety description: Baskatong . Retrieved February 17, 2017
  11. Variety description Batullenapfel (PDF; 254 kB)
  12. Description of the variety: Baya Marisa . Retrieved February 20, 2017
  13. Institute Français des Productions Cidricoles (IFPC): Pomme a cider. Les variétés . August 2009. p. 6. Accessed November 7, 2018
  14. Gerhard Baab. Elstar. Still a star with new mutants . 2011. p. 4
  15. Institute Français des Productions Cidricoles (IFPC): Pomme a cider. Les variétés . August 2009. p. 6. Accessed November 7, 2018
  16. Bendetta at
  17. It still tastes good in May . In: Chrismon plus. 10.2018. P. 22
  18. With stem, juice and aroma . In Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of January 3, 2019. p. 29
  19. Variety description Berner Rosenapfel (PDF; 185 kB). Retrieved February 14, 2017
  20. ^ NFC variety description: Berner Rosen . Retrieved February 14, 2017
  21. Institute Français des Productions Cidricoles (IFPC): Pomme a cider. Les variétés . August 2009. p. 6. Accessed November 7, 2018
  22. Institute Français des Productions Cidricoles (IFPC): Pomme a cider. Les variétés . August 2009. p. 6. Accessed November 7, 2018
  23. Institute Français des Productions Cidricoles (IFPC): Pomme a cider. Les variétés . August 2009. p. 6. Accessed November 7, 2018
  24. Apple Bionda Bella. Retrieved September 14, 2017 .
  25. Apple Bionda Marilyn. Retrieved September 14, 2017 .
  26. Apple Bionda Patrizia. Retrieved September 14, 2017 .
  27. Description of the variety Birkenfelder Rotapfel . Retrieved February 10, 2017
  28. Description of the variety pear-shaped apple (PDF; 218 kB)
  29. Institute Français des Productions Cidricoles (IFPC): Pomme a cider. Les variétés . August 2009. p. 6. Accessed November 7, 2018
  30. Institute Français des Productions Cidricoles (IFPC): Pomme a cider. Les variétés . August 2009. p. 6. Accessed November 7, 2018
  31. Institute Français des Productions Cidricoles (IFPC): Pomme a cider. Les variétés . August 2009. p. 6. Accessed November 7, 2018
  32. variety description of the NFC: Blandurette . Retrieved February 17, 2017
  33. Description of the variety Goldrenette von Blenheim (PDF; 193 kB)
  34. ^ Writings and negotiations of the economic society in the Kingdom of Saxony. Volume 7. Dresden 1830. Walther. S. 108. In Google Books: [1] . Retrieved October 25, 2017
  35. Chrysofsker variety description (PDF; 244 kB)
  36. Description of the variety Big Bohnapfel (PDF; 238 kB)
  37. Swiss apple varieties: Pommes Bovarde , from: Schweizerischer Landwirtschaftlicher Verein: Schweizerische Obstsorten , 1863. Retrieved on March 5, 2017
  38. Pomme Bovarde , description page on (National DB Switzerland). Retrieved March 5, 2017
  39. Pomme Bovarde Corbaz , description page on (National DB Switzerland). Retrieved March 5, 2017
  40. Pomme Bovarde tardive , description page on (National DB Switzerland). Retrieved March 5, 2017
  41. The Muser variety from St. Gallen is now regarded as belonging to the Breitacher variety: Muser , description page on (National DB Switzerland). Retrieved March 5, 2017
  42. ^ Swiss apple varieties: Breitacher , from: Swiss Agricultural Association: Swiss Fruit Varieties , 1863. Retrieved on March 5, 2017
  43. Breitacher , description page on (National DB Switzerland). Retrieved March 5, 2017
  44. ^ NFC variety description: Brogdale Crab . Retrieved February 17, 2017
  45. . Retrieved November 27, 2019
  46. Description of the variety Brünnerling (PDF; 2 MB). Retrieved November 15, 2018
  47. International Plant Management . Retrieved November 27, 2019