List of apple varieties / E

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Explanations and sources: See main article!

Apple variety image Crossing off First appearance Remarks swell
Eady's Magnum
Cross section of Eady's Magnum, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1924-016) .jpg
Earl Cowper
Cross section of Earl Cowper, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1949-055) .jpg
Earliblaze a
Earlichief e
Earliest Eclat Red O
Earliest Eclat white O
Earligold a
Earlistripe e
Early bergamot
The Pomological magazine (Pl. 101) (8744817922) .jpg
Early breakfast
Pomological Watercolor POM00000203.jpg
Early Chandler
Pomological Watercolor POM00000204.jpg
Early cluster
Pomological Watercolor POM00000205.jpg
Early Colton
Stark fruits (1896) (20356766610) .jpg
Early Cooper
Pomological Watercolor POM00000209.jpg
Early Cortland e
Early Edward
Pomological Watercolor POM00000211.jpg
Early Fuji a, d
Early Geneva
Early Geneva.jpg
Early Granee e
Early Harvest
Pomological Watercolor POM00003772.jpg
a, e
Early Joe See: Charlamowsky
Early Julyan
Cross section of Early Julyan, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1949-288) .jpg
Early Margaret
Pomological Watercolor POM00000474.jpg
Early Mcintosh (or: Mcintosh Early)
Cross section of Early McIntosh, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1929-042) .jpg
Mcintosh × unknown f, j, o
Early Pennock
Pomological Watercolor POM00001815.jpg
Early Queen See: Jonagold Boerekamp
Early Red
Pomological Watercolor POM00001816.jpg
Early Red Calville Hogg See: Red Star Renette
Early Richmond
Pomological Watercolor POM00001817.jpg
Early ripe
Pomological Watercolor POM00002107.jpg
Early Russian
Pomological Watercolor POM00002109.jpg
Early track Rome e
Early strawberry
Pomological Watercolor POM00002111.jpg
a, e
Early Strawberry Of Great Malvern f
Early Victoria 1899 (first launched) in Essex, UK a, c
Early Windsor a
Early Wine
Pomological Watercolor POM00001813.jpg
Early Worcester See: Tydeman's Early Worcester
East Lothian Pippin
Cross section of East Lothian Pippin, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1949-279) .jpg
Eastbourne Pippin f
Easter orange
Easter Orange on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1941-007) .jpg
Eaton 1
Cross section of Eaton 1, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1974-078) .jpg
Eb 52 f
Eb 54 f
Ebner's taffeta apple See: Late blooming taffeta apple
Eccleston Pippin f
Real gray French renette See: Gray French Renette
Real Kasseler Renette See: Kasseler Renette
Real White French Renette O
Real cabbage apple See: Brauner Matapfel
Real Altländer pancake apple See: Altländer pancake apple
Real boiking See: Boikenapfel
Real yellow Gravensteiner See: Gravensteiner
Real bells See: bell apple
Real Heimeldinger O
Real pancake apple See: Altländer pancake apple
Real prince See: Prinzenapfel
Real white bell apple See: bell apple
Real winter streifling h (No. 630, p. 698), j, o
Echtermeyer (or: Ökonomierat Echtermeyer) description
Corner apple See: Eisbrucker, Weißer Winter-Calville
Eckbepler See: hard apple
Ecklinville See: Seedling from Ecklinville
Ecks See: Elstar Ecks
Éclat O
Ecolette Apples sections.JPG
f, j, o
Ed Gould Golden f
Eddie April a
Noble Bohemians See: Böhmer
Edel-Renette (or: Franse Renette, Reinette Franche)
German Pomology - Aepfel - 085.jpg
description e, h (No. 422, p. 470), o
Edelböhmer See: Böhmer
Edelborsdorfer (or: Borsdorfer, Edler Winterborsdorfer, Leipziger Renette, Reinette Batarde, Reinette D'Allemagne, ruby ​​apple, Schwarzer Borsdorfer, gypsy apple)
Malus Edelborsdorfer 4495.jpg
1175 Pforta Monastery , Germany f, h (No. 341, p. 385), j, o
Edelchrüsler O
Edelgrauech (or: Grauech)
Edelgrauech jm55161.jpg
j, o
Noble king See: Roter Herbstkalvill
Edelrambour Von Winniza (or: Knysche, Rambour Podolskii, Rambur Podolski)
Cross section of Rambour Podolskii, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-460) .jpg
1899, Ukraine description f, g (p. 256), o
Edelroter (or: Edelrother)
Pom.Mon.Hefte 1856 Edelrother.jpg
h (No. 241, p. 268), j, o
Edelroter from Lake Constance See: French gold renette
Edelrother See: Edelroter
Cross section of Eden, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1957-003) .jpg
Cox Orange × Unknown f
Eden Trusty O
Edgar (or: Edgar (Canada))
Cross section of Edgar (Canada), National Fruit Collection (acc. 1967-068) .jpg
Mcintosh x Forest description f
Edgar (Canada) See: Edgar
Edith e
Edith Hopwood
Cross section of Edith Hopwood, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1925-029) .jpg
Cox Orange × Unknown f
Edith Smith a
Noble from Leipzig See: Edler Von Leipzig
Noble princess apple h (No. 233, p. 259), j
Noble rose streifling h (No. 176, p. 197), j
Noble Szercsika h (No. 99, p. 113)
Noble From Leipzig (or: Noble From Leipzig) Ontario × Jakob Lebel around 1900 O
Noble Winterborsdorfer See: Edelborsdorfer
Edmund Jupp
Cross section of Edmund Jupp, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1957-001) .jpg
Eduard Vii (or: Edward Vii)
London MMB »0M5 King Edward Memorial Park.jpg
1908 (launched) in Worcestershire, UK a, c, e, f, j
Edward Vii See: Eduard Vii
Cross section of Edwards, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1957-160) .jpg
Edward's Coronation e
Egers Red Renette h (No. 476, p. 529)
Eggin's ornamental description
Egle in Lithuania c
Egremont Russet
Egremont Russet Apple.jpg
1872 in Sussex, UK a, c, d, e, f, j, o
Egremont Russet 2 O
Acorn gold O
Egg leather apple O
Egg bakery apple O
Eifeler rambur (or: Dürener rambur, autumn rambur, red-striped rambur, winter rambur)
Eifeler Rambour.jpg
j, o
Eight Square f
A shemer 1963 in Israel c
Einset 8
Cross section of Einset 8, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1965-039) .jpg
Ice apple See: Roter Eiserapfel, Steirischer Maschanzker
Ice apple from croncels See: Apple From Croncels
Eisbrucker (or: corner apple, striped corner apple)
Eisbrucker jm55160.jpg
j, o
Eisenacher See: Wagenerapfel
Iron apple See: Crimson Cousinot
railwayman See: Jakob Lebel
Ice blush See: Red Eiserapfel
Eisrenette j
Elan on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1974-255) .jpg
1967 (breeding) in Wageningen , Netherlands, 1984 market launch f, j, 0
Elanared Mutant by Elstar
Elbee f
Elektra jm55159.jpg
Cox Orange × Privy Councilor Dr. Oldenburg Müncheberg f, j, o
Eleyi description
Elisabeth Rathke See: Elise Rathke
Elise (or: De Roblos, Red Delight)
Elise (apple) jm29910 ji.jpg
a, j, o
Elise Rathke (or: Elisabeth Rathke)
Elise Rathke (MM106) on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1949-050) .jpg
f, h (No. 459, p. 511), j, o
Cross section of Elize, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1987-042) .jpg
Elk River description
Pomological Watercolor POM00002126.jpg
Elliot trail e
Ellis Bitter around 1850 in Newton St. Cyres, Devon, England c, e, f
Ellison's Orange (or: Ellison's Orange Pepping)
Ellison's Orange.jpg
Cox Orange × Unknown 1911 in Lincolnshire, UK a, c, f, o
Ellison's orange pepping See: Ellison's Orange
Elmenhorster taffeta apple
Elmenhorster Taftapfel.jpg
Elmore Pippin f
Cross section of Elnica, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1999-016) .jpg
Mutant by Elstar f
Elrosa See: Elstar Elrosa
Alsatian red reindeer h (No. 494, p. 547)
Elshard Mutant by Elstar
Elshof (or: Elstar Elshof)
Cross section of Elshof, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1999-017) .jpg
Mutant by Elstar f
Elstar (apple) jm26872.jpg
Golden Delicious × Ingrid-Marie 1950s in the Netherlands Aromatic, crunchy, juicy, slightly sour a, c, d, f, j, o
Elstar Armhold Mutant by Elstar
Elstar Bel-El See: Bel-El
Elstar Boerekamp (or: Boerekamp) Mutant by Elstar
Elstar Bougie (or: Bougie) Mutant by Elstar
Elstar Ecks (or: Ecks) Mutant by Elstar
Elstar Elrosa (or: Elrosa) Mutant by Elstar
Elstar Elshof See: Elshof
Elstar Elswout See: Elswout
Elstar Kressbronn (or: Kressbronn) Mutant by Elstar
Elstar Palm (or: Palm, palm apple) Mutant by Elstar O
Elstar Pcp (or: Pcp)
Red Elstar Mutants.jpg
Mutant by Elstar
Elstar Schrama (or: Schrama) Mutant by Elstar
Elstar Stechmann (or: Stechmann) Mutant by Elstar
Elstar Van Der Grift (or: Van Der Grift)
Red Elstar Mutants.jpg
Mutant by Elstar
Elstar Van Der Zalm (or: Van Der Zalm) Mutant by Elstar
Elstar Van Vliet (or: Van Vliet) Mutant by Elstar
Elstar Zweeren (or: Zweeren) Mutant by Elstar
Elston Sweet
Pomological Watercolor POM00002128.jpg
Elswout (or: Elstar Elswout)
Elton Beauty
Cross section of Elton Beauty, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1963-108) .jpg
1952 market launch a, f
Eman's Renette h (No. 603, p. 670)
Cross section of Emilia, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1957-193) .jpg
Emilie Müller h (No. 405, p. 453)
Emneth Early
Cross section of Emneth Early (LA), National Fruit Collection (acc. 1975-321) .jpg
in UK a, c, e, f
New York Empire Apples.jpg
Mcintosh × Red Delicious 1945 Cornell University a, c, d, e, f, j, o
Empress a
Empress Spur Golden Delicious e
Encore on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1921-014) .jpg
e, f
Endsleigh Beauty (or: Castle Major, Castlemajor, Wisley 182)
Cross section of Castle Major, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-454) .jpg
Engelsberger See: Engelsberger Renette
Engelsberger Renette (or: Engelsberger, Engelsberger Sämling)
Malus Engelsberger 4491.jpg
h (No. 344, p. 388), j, o
Engelsberger seedling See: Engelsberger Renette
Engelshofer j
Engelskt Drottningäpple See: Queen Apple
Angel star j
Angel star j
Engishofer O
English pear reinette See: Summer Parmane
English garnets See: Ribston Pepping
English North Green Renette O
English autumn renette h (No. 590, p. 653), o
English red lime renette O
English Spital-Renette (or: Mennoniten-Renette, Reinette Des Hospitaux, Russet Aus Syke-House, Syke-House-Russet, Sykehouse Russet)
German Pomology - Aepfel - 032.jpg
description e, h (No. 553, p. 614 and No. 552, p. 613), j, o
English white winter renette O
English winter gold parmane See: Goldparmäne
English strawberry apple h (No. 179, p. 200), o
English striped short stem O
English spice apple h (No. 151, p. 171)
English Spicy Russet O
English gold pepping
German Pomology - Aepfel - 074.jpg
h (No. 363, p. 410)
English calvilla See: London Pepping
English cantapple See: Summer Spice Apple
English king apple (or: Royale D'Angleterre) Schlotterapfel l (pp. 11, 25), o
English pepping See: Red Riga Pigeon Apple
English piper j
English pipe apple See: Pommerscher Langsüßer
English bragging rambour (or: Englischer bragging rambour, Glory Of The West)
German Pomology - Aepfel - 079.jpg
h (No. 290, p. 323), l (p. 17)
English bragging rambour See: English brag rambour
English prince See: English prince's apple
English Prince Apple (or: English Prince)
English prince's apple jm55163.jpg
j, o
English scarlet pepping h (No. 198, p. 220), o
English Red Streak
Pomological Watercolor POM00003263.jpg
English Russet
Pomological Watercolor POM00002130.jpg
Grandchildren Bellefleur See: Brabanter Bellefleur
Enkhuiser agate apple O
Pomological Watercolor POM00002136.jpg
Enterprise (or: Coop 30) 1993 in Illinois, USA a, c, d, j, o
Pomological Watercolor POM00002137.jpg
Crab apple variety
Entz-Rosmarin (or: Dulce-Amarui, Entz Rozmarin, Entz Rozmaring, Entz's Rosmarin, Honti Alma, Husveti Rosmarin, Husveti Rozmarin, Romarin D'Entz, Teli Czitrom Alma)
Cross section of Entz-Rosemary, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-365) .jpg
before 1860 in Hungary f
Entz Rosemary Alma
Révai nagy lexikona;  az ismeretek enciklopédiája (1911) (14580051587) .jpg
Entz Rozmarin See: Entz rosemary
Entz Rozmaring See: Entz rosemary
Entz's rosemary See: Entz rosemary
Envy Apple.jpg
2009 in New Zealand c
Epine O
Epicure Cox Orange × Unknown 1909 in UK a, c, e, f
Epicurean f
Equilibro O
Era Red-fleshed fruit, sweet and sour
Erbacher cider apple See: Erbachhofer Mostapfel
Erbacher Weinapfel See: Erbachhofer Mostapfel
Erbachhofer See: Erbachhofer Mostapfel
Erbachhofer Mostapfel (or: Erbacher Mostapfel, Erbacher Weinapfel, Erbachhofer, Erbachhofer Weinapfel)
Malus Erbacher Mostapfel 4487.jpg
j, o
Erbachhofer Weinapfel See: Erbachhofer Mostapfel
Strawberry apple See: Danzig Kantapfel, Roter Herbstkalvill, Red winter raspberry apple, White winter Calville
Strawberry Apple From Washington h (No. 173, p. 194)
Strawberry apple from Wimmis O
Strawberry apple Giswil O
Strawberry apple See: Aargauer Herrenapfel
Erecta e
Erfurt rose apple j
Eri Zagarra
Cross section of Eri Zagarra, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1973-114) .jpg
Erich Neumann's Red
Erich Neumann's Roter on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1957-067) .jpg
Erler O
Cross section of Erlijon, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1974-057) .jpg
Ermak e
Ernst Bosch
Ernst Bosch Europom Luxembourg 332.jpg
Manks cooking apple x Ananasrenette 1906 in Grevenbroich . Breeder: Diedrich Uhlhorn junior Named after the painter Ernst Bosch e, f, j, o
Harvest apples See: Charlamowsky, Gravensteiner, Roter Astrachan
Eros on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1963-005) .jpg
Erovan Mutation of Red Delicious
Erpolzheimer Wildling h (No. 130, p. 146)
First substitute Luiken O
Ervin Red e
Erwin Baur
Malus Erwin Baur 4563.jpg
Privy Councilor Dr. Oldenburg ×? 1928 in Müncheberg There is a red-skinned mutation Roba. a, g (p. 211), j, o
Erwin Baur Roba See: Roba
Erwin boy j
Archduke Anton h (No. 541, p. 598)
Archduke Franz Calvill O
Archduke Johann h (No. 178, p. 199)
Archduchess Sophie h (No. 181, p. 202)
Eschbacher cider apple
Eschbacher Mostapfel jm55167.jpg
Eschenauer sweet apple
Malus Eschenauer Sweet Apple 4257.jpg
Pomological Watercolor POM00002149.jpg
Esopus Spitzenburg (or: Esopus Spitzenburgh)
around 1750 in Esopus, New York a, c, d, e, f, h (No. 51, p. 56), j
Esopus Spitzenburgh See: Esopus Spitzenburg
Cross section of Essching, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1948-603) .jpg
Esterbinne O
Estiva on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1973-104) .jpg
Estivale a
Etlins Reinette See: Etlins Renette
Etlins Renette (or: Etlins Reinette)
Pom.Mon.Hefte 1865 Etlins Reinette.jpg
f, h (No. 550, p. 608), o
Etter's gold a, e
Pomological Watercolor POM00001927.jpg
Eustis f
Eutin Yellow Richard See: Yellow Richard
Eva jm55166.jpg
Instituto Agronômico do Paraná (IAPAR), Brazil, 1999. Specially developed for tropical regions. j
Eva Lotta
Cross section of Eva Lotta, National Fruit Collection (acc. 2000-119) .jpg
Evagil (or: Evagil Renette)
Cross section of Evagil, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1945-191) .jpg
Evagil Renette See: Evagil
Evangil e
Eva's apple See: Eve apples
Evas Calvill See: Eve apples
Evasni See: Scarlet Spur Delicious
Eve Apple Of Scotland See: Eve apples
Eveapfel (or: Evas Apfel, Evas Calvill, Eve Apple Of Scotland, Irish Codlin, Manks Apple, Manks Codlin, Manks Kitchen Apple)
Malus Manks kitchen apple 4387.jpg
1815 in Isle of Man c, f, g (p. 239), h (no. 33, p. 37 and no. 60, p. 68), o
Evelina (or: Roho 3615, Roter Hofmann)
Evelina jm25977.jpg
Mutant of Pinova 2007 market launch Taste sweet, slightly sour, fresh a, o
Pomological Watercolor POM00001934.jpg
Evening party
Pomological Watercolor POM00001968.jpg
Everbearing See: Jefferies
Evereste description
Pomological Watercolor POM00001970.jpg
Cross section of Excel, National Fruit Collection (acc. 2002-041) .jpg
Excel Jonagold a
Excellent star Mutant by Elstar
The apples of New York (1905) (19125206913) .jpg
Exeter Cross
Exeter Cross (LA 63A) on tree, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1973-135) .jpg
a, f
Cross section of Exquisite, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1957-197) .jpg
Cox Orange × Unknown f
Extertaler (or: Extertaler Katzenkopf, Lippische turnip, Schöner Aus External)
Extertaler Europom Luxembourg 331.jpg
before 1920 in Extertal (Lippe) The "External" is most likely a typo in the NFC. f, j, o
Extertal cat head See: Extertaler
Cross section of Extraordinaire, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1947-357) .jpg
Eynsham Challenger
Cross section of Eynsham Challenger, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1960-042) .jpg
Eynsham Dumpling
Cross section of Eynsham Dumpling, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1960-047) .jpg

Individual evidence

  1. ^ NFC variety description: Echtermeyer , accessed on February 17, 2017
  2. Description Edelrenette (JPG; 246 kB)
  3. Description: Edelrambour von Winnitza (PDF; 321 kB)
  4. ^ NFC variety description: Edgar (Canada) , accessed on February 20, 2017
  5. NFC variety description: Eggins Ornamental , accessed on February 17, 2017
  6. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Gerhard Baab. Elstar. Still a star with new mutants . 2011. p. 4
  7. variety description of the NFC: Eleyi , accessed on February 17, 2017
  8. NFC variety description: Elk River , accessed on February 17, 2017
  9. Gerhard Baab. Elstar. Still a star with new mutants . 2011. p. 7
  10. Gerhard Baab. Elstar. Still a star with new mutants . 2011. p. 6
  11. Description of the variety Englische Spital-Renette (PDF; 176 kB)
  12. IAPAR. 15/01/2008. IAPAR lança nova cultivar de maçã para climas quentes durante reunião da Escola de Governo , accessed on April 1, 2020
  13. NFC variety description: Evereste , accessed on February 17, 2017