Lawrence of Ratibor

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Laurentius von Ratibor (also Lorenz von Ratibor ; Laurentius Nicolai Neuschin ; Latin Laurencius de Raciborz ; Polish Wawrzyniec z Raciborza ; * 1381 in Ratibor , Duchy of Ratibor ; † April 14, 1448 in Cracow ) was a Silesian mathematician , astronomer and theologian . 1428/29 he held the post of rector at the University of Cracow .


Laurentius came from the Ratibor branch of the wealthy bourgeois family of the Kaczer, who probably came from Katscher and whose other line had moved to Krakow. The Cistercian Markus de Kaczer and the Dominican Martin de Kaczer are known from the Krakow line.

Laurentius' father was Nikolaus de Radbor (also Neuschin or Nueschin ). It is not known why Laurentius did not enroll in the Artistic Faculty of the University of Krakow until 1411, at the age of 30 , which was rebuilt in 1400. Three years later his brother Augustine, who was two years his junior, also began studying at Cracow University. In 1414 Laurentius passed the examination as a bachelor's degree and in 1416 he obtained the master's degree . He then taught arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, optics and music theory in Cracow until 1433 in a chair that had been donated in 1410 by the Cracow citizen Johannes Stobner. In 1421/22 and 1426/27 he was dean of the artist faculty. As early as 1424 or earlier he had turned to theology studies alongside his teaching activities. In 1426 he was given an altar endowment at Kraków Cathedral as a benefice , which he returned a year later for unknown reasons. In the same year, he and his brother Cyprianus, who was pastor of Katscher, set up a choir at the Ratibor collegiate and parish church of St. Marien ( Church of Our Lady ), where he owned a canonical . In 1428 or earlier he was given a canonical at the Collegiate Church of St. Florian near Cracow, whose academic canonies were reserved for members of the theological faculty. For the academic year 1428/29 he was elected rector. In addition, he worked as an astronomer at the court of King Władysław II Jagiełło , constructed astronomical instruments and created astronomical tables. He gained special recognition with the prediction of a solar eclipse for 1433.

After completing his theological bachelor's degree, he received his doctorate in theology in 1433. Since he now belonged to the theological faculty, he had to give up the endowed chair for mathematics and astronomy. His theological career has been little researched, but can be inferred from the scriptures he used. So he commented z. B. the sentences of Petrus Lombardus . After 1439 he gave an expert opinion on the question of the schism for the Basel council , which the council had requested from the Krakow theologians. The report consists of nine conclusions , each of which is explained. So far it has not been possible to clarify whether Laurentius performed personally in Basel. His name is missing in the acts of the council. In any case, in 1441 he was back in Silesia when he gave books and liturgical clothing to the Ratibor Church of Our Lady. He remained connected to his home in Ratibor to the end. He is listed as a Canon of Ratibor in the membership directory of the Ratibor Guild of Our Lady.

It was last mentioned in terms of sources in 1446. A necrology by the Krakow theologian and rector Mattheus de Labiszan ( Matthäus von Łabiszyn ) indicates that Laurentius died in 1448. In the necrology his mathematical and scientific achievements are emphasized. His burial place is not known.


  • Determinatio Basiliensis


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Individual evidence

  1. Graduated from Cracow University with a master's degree .
  2. 1462 as prior of the Cracow Dominican monastery and lecturer of theology.
  3. Manuscript evidence