Louis Charles d'Orléans, comte de Beaujolais

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Louis Charles d'Orléans, Comte de Beaujolais (Portrait of Charles-François Phelippes, posthumously around 1838)

Prince Louis Charles d'Orléans, comte de Beaujolais (born October 17, 1779 in Paris , † May 30, 1808 in Valletta , Malta ) was the younger brother of the last French king, Louis-Philippe I.


Louis Charles was the third and youngest son of Louis-Philippe II. Joseph de Bourbon, duc d'Orléans (1747–1793) and his wife of Princess Louise Marie Adélaïde de Bourbon-Penthièvre (1753–1821), only daughter of Louis Jean Marie de Bourbon, duc de Penthièvre and his wife Princess Marie-Thérèse-Félicité d'Este-Modena. His paternal grandparents were Duke Ludwig Philipp I of Orléans and Princess Louise Henriette de Bourbon-Conti .

First he was brought up with his older brothers by Félicité de Genlis , after she became his father's mistress - in 1783 Abbé Mariottini took over the education of the royal princes. When the French Revolution broke out , Louis Charles was ten years old. His father was nicknamed Égalité and was a keen supporter of the republic. After the takeover by General Charles-François Dumouriez and his brothers failed, he and all the Bourbons still alive in France were placed under house arrest. On November 6, 1793, his father was tried and guillotined the same day . Three years later the Directory offered his older brother Louis-Phillippe their release if he left the country for America. So he went to the United States and settled in Philadelphia in October , followed a few months later by Louis Charles and Antoine-Philippe. For two years they traveled around New England, the Great Lakes region and the Mississippi River . Then when the news of Napoleon's coup d'état of 18th Brumaire arrived, they decided to return to Europe . When they arrived there in 1800, they found that Napoleon Bonaparte had already consolidated his power.

Cenotaph of the Comte de Beaujolais in Dreux

Louis Charles d'Orléans, comte de Beaujolais, died of tuberculosis on May 30, 1808 in Malta, where he had been taken for an air change . He was buried in Valletta and ten years later his body was reburied in St. John's Co-Cathedral . His magnificent marble tomb was donated by King Louis-Philippe in 1843 in memory of his beloved brother. The famous sculptor Jean-Jacques Pradier carried out the work. A copy of the tomb, made by the same artist for the Museum of Versailles, was installed in 1986 in the Chapelle Royale Saint Louis zu Dreux .


Pedigree of Louis-Charles d'Orléans, comte de Beaujolais

Louis XIV (1638–1715)
Françoise-Athénaïs de Rochechouart de Mortemart, marquise de Montespan (1640–1707)

Anne-Jules de Noailles (1650–1708)
⚭ 1671
Marie- Françoise de Bournonville (1656–1748)

Rinaldo d'Este (1655–1737)
⚭ 1696
Charlotte Felicitas von Braunschweig-Lüneburg (1671–1710)

Philippe II. De Bourbon, duc d'Orléans (1674–1723)
⚭ 1692
Françoise Marie de Bourbon (1677–1749)

Margrave Ludwig Wilhelm (Baden-Baden) (1655–1707)
⚭ 1690
Franziska Sibylla Augusta of Saxony-Lauenburg (1675–1733)

François Louis de Bourbon, prince de Conti (1664–1709)
⚭ 1688
Marie Therese von Bourbon-Condé (1666–1732)

Louis III de Bourbon, prince de Condé (1668–1710)
⚭ 1685
Louise Françoise de Bourbon (1673–1743)

Great grandparents

Louis-Alexandre de Bourbon, comte de Toulouse (1678–1737)
⚭ 1723
Marie-Victoiré-Sophie de Noailles, marquise de Gondrin (1688–1766)

Francesco III. d'Este (1698–1780)
⚭ 1720
Charlotte Aglaé d'Orléans (1700–1761)

Louis I. de Bourbon, duc d'Orléans (1703–1752)
⚭ 1724
Auguste of Baden-Baden (1704–1726)

Louis Armand II. De Bourbon, prince de Conti (1695–1727)
⚭ 1713
Louise-Elisabeth de Bourbon-Condé (1693–1775)


Louis Jean Marie de Bourbon, duc de Penthièvre (1725–1793)
⚭ 1744
Maria Teresa Felicita d'Este (1726–1754)

Louis Philippe I de Bourbon, duc d'Orléans (1725–1785)
⚭ 1743
Louise Henriette de Bourbon-Conti (1726–1759)


Louis-Philippe II. Joseph de Bourbon, duc d'Orléans (1747–1793)
⚭ 1769
Louise Marie Adélaïde de Bourbon-Penthièvre (1753–1821)

Louis-Charles d'Orléans, comte de Beaujolais (1779–1808)


  • Detlev Schwennicke: European family tables. Volume XI, 1989, plate 156/157.
  • Guy Antonetti: Louis-Philippe. Librairie Arthème Fayard, Paris 1994.

Individual evidence

  1. Maltagenealogy: Prince Louis d'Orleans, Comte de Beaujolais
  2. Peintures des Musées de France: DREUX Crypte galerie