Lovers (film)

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Original title Lovers
Country of production Austria
original language German
Publishing year 1995
length 89 minutes
Director Xaver Schwarzenberger
script Ulrike Schwarzenberger
production Wulf Flemming
music Mathias Rüegg
camera Xaver Schwarzenberger
cut Ulrike Schwarzenberger

Lovers is an Austrian feature film from 1995 . The television comedy was directed by Xaver Schwarzenberger , and his wife Ulrike (Ulli) Schwarzenberger was in charge of the script and editing. The film first aired on March 18, 1997 on 3sat .


When the Turnau family meets for dinner, the cheeky, cheeky daughter Kathi is looking forward to her leading role in the theater performance at her school. Father Jakob announced, however, that he could not be present for this performance because he was professionally arranged in Salzburg and that a lot of money was involved. The next morning his car doesn't start and when Lavinia is busy in town, Jakob fakes a train ride to Salzburg at the train station. When Lavinia broke the heel of her shoe and she had it repaired by a station employee, she watched in amazement as Jakob left the station.

When Lavinia wants to invite her mother Lydika, who owns an antiquarian bookstore, to the school theater, she complains Lavinia of her grief that she is too old to run the business, which is a mess. Lydika first announces the closure of her shop and accuses Lavinia of having started a family and not taking care of the business.

The older daughter Therese drives to the Mistelbach area with her boyfriend. When he turns out to be a brutal racist, they pick Lavinia and Kathi from there by car. You then stop in a classy restaurant and discover Jakob with another woman while eating at the next table. Thus, Jacob's alleged job-related absence is cleared up. Camouflaged, they pay their bill immediately, follow Jakob in the car and see him entering a hotel with the other woman . Lavinia and the daughters are shocked. Jakob then says on the phone that he is in Salzburg. Lavinia then looks for an apartment and secretly moves out of the common house with her daughters. On his return to the house, Jakob discovers the empty rooms and a slip of paper with the handwritten message: See you at the lawyer .

The divorce lawyer does not take Lavinias statement seriously and points out that a divorce is not that easy. Jacob also denies his adultery and announces that his affair is meaningless. Now Lavinias plan is that she will get 10 lovers in return.

Lavinia decides to take over and run Lydika's bookstore. When Lydika and Lavinia have a drink in the vinotheque , Lavinia discovers the Italian Claudio, who later offers her his help in the bookstore and suggests a picnic . When Jakob stands in front of the shop door, she first kisses her “first” lover and then she staged a kick-out. There is now a fight between Jakob and Claudio in front of the vinotheque.

Later Lavinia is called to the director of Kathi's school, who initially demands a dismissal for Kathi because she made an obscene remark to the director. Then Lavinia visits a wine tavern with the director . There she puts him in a drunken state in order to influence him in such a way that Kathi keeps the place at the school, which also works. Soon afterwards she receives the strange customer Beierlein in the shop, who orders the book Badereise von Montaigne and then invites Lavinia to a vegetarian meal, but this fails because of his strange behavior. Lavinia also needs a computer, has a consultant come into the business and also invites him to dinner in the apartment. But the daughters misunderstand this situation, consider him a lover and chase him away.

Soon afterwards, the two daughters move back to their father Jakob, who is now constantly after Lavinia and asks them to talk to him. However, she always reacts negatively and always rejects him. The next lover is the gardener Diego, who lives in a parked train car, from whom she also orders flowers for her empty-looking apartment. For the time being she sleeps with Diego and Jakob watches the lovemaking from his car. When she comes to Diego's nursery, a younger woman is in the car. Daughter Therese now wants to know the exact reasons for Jacob's adultery, to which he is unable to offer a correct answer.

Once Jacob manages to get Lavinia into a café and complains to her that she had given him too little love and tenderness and that he had an affair with someone because of it. Lavinia escapes him again and seeks out the vinotheque owner Claudio as a new lover. The two eat asparagus - risotto , father Jakob and the daughters at the same time too. Before Lavinia wants to sleep with Claudio, Jakob lies in bed and the two men (Claudio and Jakob) are involved in the same fight as before in front of the vinotheque. Jakob passes out, Lavinia sends Claudio away and revives Jakob. Ultimately, Lavinia and Jakob find each other again.


"Frivolous, charming comedy on a solid television level, sympathetic due to the good-humored actors."

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Lovers. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 3, 2015 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used