Ludwig Gottfried Madihn

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Ludwig Gottfried Madihn (born January 12, 1748 in Wolfenbüttel , † March 6, 1834 in Breslau ) was a German professor and rector of the University of Breslau.


Ludwig Gottfried Madihn was born as one of 14 children of the local auditor general and court judge David Gottlieb Madihn ( 1755). His brother was Georg Samuel Madihn , a lawyer and university professor in Halle and Frankfurt an der Oder .

He received his doctorate in law at the University of Halle in 1772 , where he held colleges and repertories. From 1773 on he was an associate professor of law at the University of Frankfurt an der Oder , and from 1785 a full professor of civil law . He gave lectures on all areas of law, which were also attended by Heinrich von Kleist , among others , and wrote various compendia for his students , which he had printed at his own expense. During this time he was also director of the poor, the hospital, the orphanage and other charitable foundations in Frankfurt (Oder).

After the University of Frankfurt was closed after the Treaty of Tilsit , he went in 1811 as a full professor at the new Silesian Friedrich Wilhelms University in Breslau . After the University Senate was asked on May 1, 1812 to submit a draft of the statutes and the deed of foundation to the Department of Culture and Public Education , Ludwig Gottfried Madihn presented a first compilation in which the two drafts were linked by the rector Carl August Wilhelm Berends revised it again.

In 1817 he became the first elected rector; by then the government had appointed the respective rectors.

After his retirement on May 10, 1822, despite being paralyzed by a stroke, he continued to teach as an honorary professor .


Ludwig Gottfried Madihn was a member of the Freemasons and belonged to the Frankfurt lodge Zum honestigen Herzen .


For his fiftieth anniversary on April 11, 1822, he received the Order of the Red Eagle, 3rd class.

Fonts (selection)

  • Ludwig Gottfried Madihn, Georg Samuel Madihn , Johann Christian Hendel : Lvdovici Godofredi Madihn Commentatio De Ivre Testandi Prodigis Frvstra Vindicato Optimo Fratri Georgio Samveli Madihn Ivris Antecessori In Academia Reg. Frid. Natales Svos Celebranti Oblata D. XXIV. Dec. MDCCLXXI. Halae Litteris Hendelianis, 1771.
  • Comment. de jure te standi prodigis frustra vindicato. Halae 1771.
  • Ludwig Gottfried Madihn, Beniamin Hermann Dryander, Friedrich Karl Beyer, Johann Jacob Curt: Vicissitudines cognition. criminal. apud Romanos usque ad Caesarum tempora. Halae Curt, Halle (Saale) 1772.
  • Ludwig Gottfried Madihn, Friedrich Karl Beyer, Johann Jacob Curt: Dissertatio Ivris Civilis De Ivre Adcrescendi Post Venditam Hereditatem ad l. 2. §. ID de hered. vel act. vend. Halae Curt, Halle (Saale) 1772.
  • Ludovici Godofredi Madihn opusculum I. vicissitudines substitutionis exemplaris eiusque veram indolem continens. Johann Christian Hendel, Halae ad Salam 1775.
  • Martinus Lipenius, Ludwig Gottfried Madihn, August Friedrich Schott , Renatus Leopold Christian Carl von Senkenberg : ML Bibliothecae Realis Juridicae supplementa ac emendationes. Collegit et digessit AF Schott. (ML Bibliothecæ Supplementorum ac emendationum volumen secundum. Collegit et digessit RC de Senkenberg, etc. Volumes tertium, quartum.) Lipsiae, Vratislaviæ 1775–1823.
  • D. de quarta D. Pii ejusque usu hodierno. Frankof ad Viadr. 1776.
  • Ernst Karl Wieland , Karl Renatus Hausen , Ludwig Gottfried Madihn, Christian Alexander Vivektiven von Winterfeld, Charles Philippe Ernest de Vernezobre, Johann Christian Winter: Dissertatio Inavgvralis De Pactis Bellicis Inter Gentes. Traiecti Cis Viadrum Typis Ioannis Christiani Winteri 1776. ( )
  • Ludwig Gottfried Madihn, Johann David Wustrow, Christian Alexander Vivektiven von Winterfeld, Johann Georg Friedrich Schmidt, Fridericus Leopoldus Raue, Gottlob Christophorus Hennicke, Johann Christian Winter: Dissertationem Ivridicam De Qvarta Divi Pii Eivsqve Vsv Hodierno Praeside D. Lvdovico Godofredo Madihn Ivr. Prof. Pvbl. Extraord. Et Facvlt. Ivrid. Ads. Pvblice Defendet D. Ivnii MDCCLXXVI. Ioannes David Wvstrow Berolinas. Traiecti Cis Viadrum Typis Ioannis Christiani Winteri 1776. ( )
  • Ludwig Gottfried Madihn, Natanael Kikebusch, Johann Christian Winter: Varias Ivris Observationes. Traiecti Ad Viadrum Winter . Halle (Saale) 1781.
  • About the Majority Series in the current Lieberosischen Successionsfall. Frankfurt an der Oder 1783. (
  • Systema jurisprudentiae criminalis in usum praelectionum editum. Trajecti ad Viadrum, 1783.
  • Systema jurisprudent. crimin., in us. praelect. ed.PI 1784.
  • Principia juris romani de successionibus seu de jure hereditario systematice in usum praelectionum disposita. Francofurti cis V., 1785
  • Johannes Theophil Heinrich Pirner; Ludwig Gottfried Madihn: De portione legitima, non portione portionis ab intestato debitae. Apitz, Traiecti Cis Viadrum 1788.
  • Even in peacetime, soldiers have It is not necessary to observe the internal form of the will . Kunze, Frankfurt ad Oder 1789.
  • Principles of natural law. Berlin 1789–1796. (
  • Justification of the Frankfurth Urthels in the case of Frhrn. von Moser against Mr. Hofrath Reuss and the reviewers of the ALZ: As a counterpart to the script: des Freyhrn. v. Moser years of service in the prince. Darmstadt. Apitz, Frankfurt an der Oder 1789. (
  • Absolute natural law. Kunze, Frankfurt on the Oder 1789.
  • Principia juris Romani in usum praelectionum systematice disposita. Francofurti 1791.
  • Ludovici Godofredi Madihn Principia iuris Romani. Francofurti 1791. (
  • Absolute natural law. Kunze, Frankfurt on the Oder 1794.
  • Hypothetical natural law. Kunze, Frankfurt on the Oder 1794.
  • Ludwig Gottfried Madihn, Johann Andreas Kunze: Principles of natural law for the use of his lectures by Ludwig Gottfried Madihn. In: Commission by Johann Andreas Kunze, Frankfurt an der Oder 1794.
  • Progr. Quo demonstratur consuetus in praxi receptus et jure novissimo Boruss. Brandenburg. confirmatus mode computandi in antichresi contra novissimas impugnation. Schmidii dicti plisel deck. 1bid. 1797.
  • Ludwig Gottfried Madihn, Christian Hoffmann, Typographeo Apitziano, Christian Ludwig Apitz: D. Ludovicus Godofredus Madihn Direct. Univ. Fac. Jur. Ordin. Eiusdemque HT Dec. Viri Consultissimi Et Meritissimi Christiani Hoffmanni Elect. Saxon. Procurate. Steur. Reverendiss. Capit. Eccles. Chathedr. Misn. Syndic. Et Justitiarii Hirschtein Etc. Promotionem In Juris Doctorem Publici Juris Facit Simulque Consuetum In Praxi Receptum Et Jure Noviss. Boruss. Brandenb. Confirmatum Modum Computandi In Antichresi Contra Novissimas Impugnationes Schmidii Dicti Phiseldeck Defendit (Scrib. D. XXX. Septbr. MDCCLXXXXVII.). Traiecti Cis Viadrum Typographeum Apitzianum 1797.
  • Consuctus in praxi receptus et iure noviss. Boruss. Brandenb. confirmatus modus computandi in antichresi contra novissimas impugnationes Schmidii dicti Phiseldeck defensus. Trajecti Viadr., 1797.
  • Message from the poor institutions u. mild foundations to Frankfurt an d. Or; z. Best of the Reiman Foundation. Berlin 1798.
  • News of the state. d. called. Luther. Orphanage at the end of the 1st. 1800 a. of the merkw. Fates of this institution etc. Frankfurt an der Oder 1800.
  • Theoriam specialem iurium personarum et rei iudiciariae sistens. Bernuth, Berolini 1803.
  • De vera servitutis usus notione. Apitz, Traiecti ad Viadrum 1803.
  • Praecognita theoriam generalem et theoriam specialem iuris in personam exhibens. Bernuth, Berolini 1803.
  • Principia juris Romani system. In usum praelectionum disposita . 1785. (3rd ed. 1803)
  • De iure rerum. Bernuth, Berolini 1803.
  • Institutions of private law applicable in the Prussian states: for the use of his lectures. Berlin 1804.
  • Institutions of the entire private law, the encyclopaedic historical dogmatic introduction to the common private law, which both in Germany and in the Prssl. States applies: along with an attempt at a literature by the Prssl. common private law, for the use of his lectures. Wroclaw 1814.
  • Miscelles from all parts of jurisprudence, mostly caused by faculty cases, and worked out with consideration for more recent legislation. Wroclaw 1814.
  • Institutions of all private law. 1815.
  • Ludwig Gottfried Madihn's announcement of the supplement from 1816. 1816.
  • Martin Lipenius; Ludwig Gottfried Madihn: Martini Lipenii Bibliotheca realis iuridica post Friderici Gottlieb Struvii et Gottlob August Ienichenii curas emendata, multis accessionibus aucta et locupletata. Suppl. 3rd Auct .: Lud [ovicus] God [ofredus] Madihn. Ioannes Wendler, Leipzig 1816.
  • Bibliotheca realis iuridica. Published from 1816 to 1830.
  • Martinus Lipenius, Ludwig Gottfried Madihn, Friederich Gottlieb Struve, Gottlob August Jenichen: Martini Lipenii Bibliotheca realis ivridica. Post Friderici Gottlieb Strvvii et Gottlob Avgvsti Ienichenii cvras emendata, mvltis accessionibvs avcta et locvpletata adiecto etiam accvrato scriptorvm indice instrvcta. Martini Lipenii Bibliothecae realis ivridicae Svpplementa ac emendationes 4. Wendlerus et al., Lipsiae u. a. 1823.
  • Martini Lipenii bibliotheca realis iuridica supplementorum ac emendationum. Olms, Hildesheim 1971.
  • Ladislao Reti, Ludwig Gottfried Madihn: Codex Madrid I, Codex Madrid II. Ebrisa, Barcelona 1998.
  • Ludwig Gottfried Madihn, Johann Christoph von Woellner , Johann Christian Winter: Theoriam Specialem Ivris In Rem, Praeter Hereditatem, Sistens. Greifswald University Library 2017.
  • Ludwig Gottfried Madihn, Otto Karl Friedrich Voss, Johann Christian Winter: Theoriam Specialem Ivris In Personam Complexa. Greifswald University Library, 2017.
  • Ludwig Gottfried Madihn, Karl Abraham von Zedlitz : Theoriam De Ivre Hereditario Continens. Greifswald University Library, 2017.
  • Ludwig Gottfried Madihn, Typographeo Apitziano: Theoriam Specialem Ivrivm Personarvm Sistens. Greifswald University Library, 2017.
  • Ludwig Gottfried Madihn, Heinrich Julius von Goldbeck , Johann Christian Winter: Praecognita Et Theoriam Generalem Exhibens. University Library, Greifswald 2017.
  • Scholarly history of the University of Frankfurt on the Oder. In: Contributions to the legal literature. 3. Collection, Berlin 1779, p. 238.

He is also said to have produced the news from the Frankfurt legal scholars in Hymmen's Contributions to Legal Literature in the Prussian States.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. German Biography: Madihn, Ludwig Gottfried - German biography. Retrieved January 14, 2018 .
  2. ^ New necrology of the Germans . 12th year, 1st part. Voigt, 1836, p. 221–223 ( [accessed June 2, 2018]).
  3. ^ Jenaische Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung . Newspaper expedition; Brockhaus, 1820, p. 305–308 ( [accessed June 2, 2018]).
  4. ADB: Madihn, Ludwig Gottfried - Wikisource. Retrieved June 3, 2018 .
  5. ^ Kleist portal: Heinrich von Kleist: "Fellow student Heinrich". Retrieved June 2, 2018 .
  6. Blake Lee Spahr: Barocker Lust-Spiegel: Studies on the literature of the Baroque: Festschrift for Blake Lee Spahr . Rodopi, 1984, ISBN 90-6203-816-6 , pp. 417 ( [accessed June 2, 2018]).
  7. Biography of Duke Maximilian Julius Leopold of Braunschweig . Tempel, 1839, p. 70 ( [accessed on June 2, 2018]).