Ludwig Schellenberg

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Ernst Ludwig (Louis) Theodor Schellenberg (born March 23, 1772 in Usingen , † February 23, 1834 in Wiesbaden ) was a German bookseller , printer and publisher .


Ludwig Schellenberg was born as the son of the pastor Jacob Ludwig Schellenberg (born April 16, 1728 in Grävenwiesbach , † March 8, 1808 in Bierstadt ) and his wife Charlotte Sophie Christiane, nee. Ibell (born June 12, 1738 in Idstein , † January 10, 1800 in Bierstadt). He had eight siblings, including:

After a six-year bookseller apprenticeship in Frankfurt am Main , he took a position in Marburg and later expanded his knowledge in a bookstore in Giessen and Bern .

In 1803, Prince Friedrich August von Nassau-Usingen gave him the privilege of running Wiesbaden's first assortment bookstore with an attached lending library , which he set up in the house of the farmer Andreas Faust in Langgasse / Webergasse. Shortly afterwards, a reading museum was added in the Badhaus Zum Schützenhof , where newspapers, magazines and journals could also be viewed.

Schellenberg'sche Hofbuchdruckerei (today: Pressehaus)

After the principalities of Nassau-Usingen and Nassau-Weilburg were merged to form the Duchy of Nassau in 1806 , it became clear that Heinrich Frey's printing works could no longer cope with the increasing number of government jobs, whereupon Ludwig Schellenberg, who had meanwhile been appointed court bookseller , on January 20, 1809, was given the privilege to set up a second printing plant in Wiesbaden.

His print shop moved into the townhouse that was in Long Street on the site later his grandson in the press building established, and was associated with initially three, and later four presses, Nassau's largest Offizin . In the first year he received a really large order from the government with the Ducal Nassau general state calendar , which had to be printed annually in editions of around 50,000 copies.

From 1816 to 1818 he produced Nassau's first political newspaper, the Rheinische Blätter .

In order to keep the business running evenly, he produced books in various fields of knowledge at his own risk, which were then sold at trade fairs, so he was Nassau's first publisher.

In 1819 he was awarded the title of Hofbuchdrucker.

In 1823, his printing company first printed the Wiesbadener Wochenblatt, which emerged from the Schirmer'schen Buchdruckerei in 1769 .

After his death, Ludwig Schellenberg was buried opposite his printing works in the old cemetery at the Römertor .

Ludwig Schellenberg had been in Bierstadt since January 9, 1806 with Johannette Justine Christiane Friederike, b. Schmidtborn (born May 17, 1772 in Grävenwiesbach; † May 26, 1841 in Wiesbaden) married.

His sons Louis († 1842) and August Schellenberg (born April 18, 1814 in Wiesbaden, † March 8, 1869 ibid) continued the company and August founded the Wiesbadener Tagblatt in 1852 ; his son Louis Schellenberg continued the company, who in 1905 converted the print shop into the press house.


Individual evidence

  1. Schellenberg'sche Hofbuchdruckerei. In: Stadtlexikon. State capital Wiesbaden - City Archives, accessed on March 18, 2019 .
  2. ^ Hessisches Wirtschaftsarchiv - L. Schellenberg'sche Hofbuchdruckerei. Retrieved March 18, 2019 .