Mosquito houses yard

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The Mückenhäuser Hof is a residential area in the Rheindürkheim district of Worms . The homestead from which it is named is a four-sided farm located in the floodplains of the Rhine, about one kilometer north of the village of Rheindürkheim. A chicken farm was built about 600 m southwest of the estate in 1964, to which a gardening center was added a few years later .


In the so-called " Weistum des Pfalzgräflichen Hof zu Alzey" from 1494 a "Muckenhusen" is mentioned as one of the places belonging to the Palatinate County . This "Mückenhausen" can probably be identified with the Mückenhausen farm . The wisdom for this naming is based on an older text, which possibly dates back to the first half of the 12th century. The earliest mention of the farm that can be reliably dated comes from 1375, when the Lords of Bolanden-Hohenfels, among others, sold Muckenhusen to Heinrich zum Junge , the mayor of Oppenheim . After the death of Heinrich as a boy, the Mückenhausen farm fell to his daughter and her husband Hermann von Udenheim, who sold it to the Palatinate in 1422 . In 1489, the St. Paulus Stift in Worms was named as a part owner of the Mückenhäuser Hof, which sold the farm to Veltin von der Huben . In the 17th and 18th centuries, the Mückenhäuser Hof may have been part of the Eich district. At least from the beginning of the 18th to the beginning of the 19th century, the Mückenhäuser Hof had its own parcel . The Mückenhäuser Hof belonged to the Upper Palatinate Office of Alzey until the end of the 18th century and, unlike Rheindürkheim , was not transferred to the Worms Monastery when the territory was swapped in 1705 . The intricate history of ownership of the Mückenhäuser Hof since the 18th century is not fully known. After the death of Johann Carl von der Hauben (1651–1726), the von Leyser family inherited the farm. In 1753 the von Leyser'schen heirs sold 3/6 of the farm to Claudius Moritz von Gagern (1696–1758), who also owned the other half of the estate of Marie Anne Henriette von Zievel, née. von Dalberg, (1715-1793). 1766 Carl Christoph Gottlieb von Gagern sold the farm for 40,000 guilders to Carl Leonhard von Prittwitz and Gaffron (1733–1791). Presumably the property came into bourgeois hands during the French period. In the first half of the 19th century we find a Wittmann family as owners of the estate. In the second half of the 19th century, Carl (1824–1911) and Franziska Puricelli (1830–1896) acquired the Mückenhäuser Hof and other properties in Rheindürkheim and Osthofen. Around 1900 Baron von Schilling from Cannstadt bought the farm from the Puricellis. During the Second World War, 12 Polish prisoners of war, 47 predominantly Russian " Eastern workers ", 3 Polish, 23 Italian and 37 Slovak " foreign workers " were employed as workers on the Mückenhausen farm . The treatment of the forced and civilian workers on the farm is said not to have been bad. The von Schilling's heirs sold the farm in 1952/53.

Individual evidence

  1. Irene Spille: City of Worms (=  cultural monuments in Rhineland-Palatinate . Volume 10 ). Worms 1992, p. 282 .
  2. State Statistical Office Rhineland-Palatinate (ed.): Official directory of the municipalities and parts of the municipality. Status: January 2018 [ Version 2020 is available. ] . S. 83 (PDF; 2.2 MB).
  3. Hans Dlugosch: Our Rheindürkheim. Contributions to its history, integrated into events over the course of time . Local history working group, Worms-Rheindürkheim 1996, p. 13 .
  4. Friedrich Karl Becker: The wisdom of the Palatine court in Alzey . In: Historical regional studies . Volume X, Alzeyer Colloquium 1970. Wiesbaden 1974, p. 22–71 (in it p. 28: "It also listens to the Pfaltzen and we manage it: Rockenhusen, Hupholcz, Rußwiler, Wetzwiler, Gerbach disit der Bach, Gunterßwiler, Gerwiler, Filtzbach, Undenheym, Nordoltsheym, Gundarmßheym, and Onßheim and Muckenhusen " ).
  5. This results from the order of the place names in the Weistum: the list begins with Rockenhausen and then names several places around Rockenhausen, followed by places northeast of Alzey , namely Undenheim and Nordelsheim (wüst near Undenheim), and finally places southeast of Alzey , namely Gundersheim and Enzheim (near Gundersheim). Mückenhausen should therefore designate a place southeast of Alzey. There were the following other settlements of the same name in the Palatinate region: a desert Mückenhausen near Ebertsheim , west of Grünstadt , and a desert Mückenhausen near Eulenbis , cf. Ernst Christmann: The settlement names of the Palatinate . Part I. Speyer 1952, p. 398 . The desert at Ebertsheim is mentioned in 1281: Michael Frey, Franz Xaver Remling (ed.): Document book of the Otterberg monastery in the Rhine Palatinate . Mainz 1845, p. 168–170 No. 225, there p. 169 . About age and location: Jörg Fesser: Early medieval settlements in the northern Front Palatinate . Mannheim 2005, p. 653 f ., urn : nbn: de: bsz: 180-madoc-11610 . Mückenhausen near Ebertsheim can be ruled out because Ebertsheim and the surrounding area were owned by the Leininger family throughout the Middle Ages , cf. Willi Alter (Ed.): Palatinate Atlas . Volume of cards I. Speyer 1963, cards 54, 55 and 56. The Mückenhausen desert near Eulenbis cannot be meant either, because this area only came to the Electoral Palatinate in 1357/1375, cf. Meinrad Schaab, Peter Moraw: Territorial development of the Electoral Palatinate (from 1156 to 1792) . In: Willi Alter (ed.): Pfalzatlas . Text volume I. Speyer 1964, p. 393-428, therein p. 416 f .
  6. Becker, pp. 34–40 and P. 70f. Becker thinks it is possible (p. 37) that "Muckenhusen" and the other places on the list belonged to the Salier household .
  7. Ludwig Baur: Hessian documents . tape 3 . Darmstadt 1863, p. 389 f. No. 1298 .
  8. a b Wilhelm Fabricius: The dominions of the lower Nahe area . Bonn 1914, p. 467 .
  9. Sigrid Schmitt: Territorialstat and community in the Palatinate Oberamt Alzey . Stuttgart 1992, p. 193-207, especially p. 198 f .
  10. Ludwig Baur: Hessian documents . tape 4 . Darmstadt 1866, p. 72 No. 84 .
  11. Baur, Vol. 4, p. 263 No. 258. See also: Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, inventory A 2 No. 177/1 - 177/5.
  12. Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, holdings A 5 No. 138/4 u. No. 138/6.
  13. Hans Ramge: The settlement and field names of the city and district of Worms . Giessen 1979, p. 40 .
  14. Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, inventory P 22 No. 5 map of the Mückenhausen district (1700) [1] .
  15. ^ Johann Christian Lünig (Ed.): The German Reich Archive . tape 5 . Leipzig 1713, 4th section, p. 751–754 , urn : nbn: de: bvb: 384-uba000269-0773-0 .
  16. The exchange of territory of 1705 raised numerous detailed questions over the course of time, for which corresponding regulations were agreed in 1708 and 1722 in two further agreements between the Electoral Palatinate and the Diocese of Worms. Contract texts 1705, 1708 and 1722 with total index in: urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb10493302-2 .
  17. Johann Goswin Widder: Attempt of a complete geographic-historical description of the Electoral Palatinate on the Rhine . tape 3 . Frankfurt, Leipzig 1787, p. 112 .
  18. Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, inventory F 2 No. 88/8: sovereign disputes between Johann Carl vd Hauben and the Electoral Palatinate because of the Mückenhausen court in 1717.
  19. The Mückenhäuser Hof is nowhere mentioned in the contracts for the exchange of territory from 1705, 1708 and 1722. It is only determined in the contract of 1705 under point 7 that the village of Rheindürkheim with all accessories and all rights falls to the diocese of Worms. The only exception is the Rheindürkheim trip. Since the Mückenhäuser Hof presumably - as described above - had its own district or belonged to the district of Eich at the time of the exchange of territory, it cannot have belonged to the diocese of Worms together with Rheindürkheim. The important country descriptions of Rheinhessen also agree that the Mückenhäuser Hof belonged to the Electoral Palatinate until the end of the Old Kingdom: KA Schaab : The history of the Grand Ducal Hessian Rhine Province 2nd Abbot. (=  History of the City of Mainz . Volume 4 ). Mainz 1851, p. 225 f . , Karl Johann Brilmayer : Rheinhessen in the past and present . Giessen 1905, p. 398 . However, Walter Wagner arranges: The Rhine-Main area 150 years ago (1787) . Darmstadt 1938, p. 58 (explanations on the card of the same name by Kurt Strecker). the Mückenhäuser Hof to the diocese of Worms. In the Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, inventory O 1 A No. 158/7 (1730–1755), there is a file on the Mückenhäuser Hof on "Worms interventions in the Dalberg freedom of the court".
  20. On Marie Anne Henriette von Zievel see Robert Matagne: Les Zievel . In: Jules Mersch (Ed.): Biographie nationale du pays de Luxembourg depuis ses origines jusqu'a nos jours . Fasc. 10. Luxembourg 1960, p. 366 ( [accessed September 8, 2016]). The source for the year she died in 1793 is Chr. Von Stramberg : Das Nahethal. Historically and topographically represented (=  memorable and useful Rheinischer Antiquarius 2nd abb. Middle Rhine . Volume 16 ). Coblenz 1869, p. 187 .
  21. Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, holdings F 2 No. 112/7 and F 2 No. 141.
  22. Dlugosch p. 12f and Pp. 196-201.
  23. Volker Brecher: War economy in Worms . Worms 2003, p. 148 f., 263 f. u. 336 .
  24. Brecher p. 263. There also the names of the subsequent owners of the estate and the tenants since 1907.


  • Hans Dlugosch: Our Rheindürkheim. Contributions to its history, integrated into events over the course of time . Local history working group, Worms-Rheindürkheim 1996, p. 12-15 .

Coordinates: 49 ° 43 '  N , 8 ° 21'  E