Munich green belt

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Satellite image of the Munich region, with district boundaries

The Munich green belt denotes the undeveloped open spaces on the outskirts of Munich and in the transition area to the neighboring communities. The Munich green belt covers around 335 square kilometers.

Green spaces

Traditionally, the areas around Munich are mainly used for agriculture. There are currently around 100 full-time farms in the city as well as several herb gardens and berry cafes for self-harvest.

However, there are also valuable, still preserved parts of the original landscape in the area of ​​the Munich gravel plain : the forests in the north ( Hartelholz , Schwarzhölzl ), west ( Angerlohe , Allacher Forst , Aubinger Lohe ) and south ( Forstenrieder Park , Grünwalder Forst , Perlacher Forest ), the partially renatured Isar with its gravel banks and floodplain areas, the wide, flowery heath areas ( Panzerwiese , Fröttmaninger Heide , landscape park Hachinger Tal , Feldmochinger Anger , dry biotope gravel route ) in the north and southeast and the moss landscapes in the west ( Aubinger Moos ) and north ( Dachauer Moos , Erdinger Moos , Johanneskirchener Moos ). There are also a few biotope areas in the city area ( Hirschau with the Upper Isarau , northern Munich canal system , amphibious biotope Fasanerie , biotope at Ackermannbogen , Flaucher , Virginia-Depot , Munich Olympic Stadium ; see also: Green areas in Munich ). In 2001 the city of Munich decided to set up an eco-account and to renaturalize further areas. One of the three remaining locations of the wood apple (Malus sylvestris) in Bavaria is in the Allacher Lohe .

The Bavarian dwarf snail (Sadleriana bavarica), the Munich gold buttercup (Ranunculus monacensis and Ranunculus constans) and the Munich primrose (Primula auricula var. Monacensis) are unique in the world .


The Munich green belt is an extremely popular local recreational area for two and a half million citizens.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Agriculture in the Munich Green Belt Department for Urban Planning and Building Regulations on, accessed on June 10, 2020
  2. Münchner Krautgärten Department for Urban Planning and Building Regulations on, accessed on June 10, 2020
  3. Vegetables from the herb garden - Free parcels in the green Article in the evening newspaper of April 3, 2015
  5. a b Munich green belt area green planning on, accessed on February 7, 2016
  6. Biotope development areas in the area of ​​green planning on, accessed on February 7, 2016
  7. Thomas Anlauf: Munich: Rare wild apple in the middle of the city. Retrieved May 19, 2020 .
  9. Pflanzen-und-ein-tier-sie-sind-muenchen-exklusiv.2383f30c-70d9-4003-a41a- 46623d35c7f5 .html