Magdalena von Neuenahr-Alpen

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Magdalena von Neuenahr-Alpen (* around 1550 ; † January 13, 1627 at Altena Castle (Schüttorf) ) was the heir to the Neuenahr-Alpen family, by heir Countess of Limburg and by marriage Countess of Tecklenburg .


Magdalena was a daughter of Count Gumprecht II of Neuenahr-Alpen and Countess Amöna, daughter of Count Wirich V. von Daun-Falkenstein . Magdalena married Count Arnold IV of Bentheim on July 26, 1573 in Wesel . Both had happy family lives. She and her husband had seven sons and four daughters. The family alternately held court in Bentheim, Steinfurt and, in old age, mainly in Tecklenburg.

It was of considerable importance that Magdalena's family had close ties to the leading princes of the Reformed movement in the Holy Roman Empire . Her sister Amalie was with Elector Friedrich III. married from the Palatinate . Her brother Adolf was also a leading exponent of Calvinism . Her husband also converted to the Reformed faith in the year of their marriage. The marriage to Magdalena and her family connections may have played a role in this step. In a longer process, the new denomination was introduced in the areas belonging to the County of Tecklenburg. The Reformation was introduced in the county of Limburg in 1611.

After the death of her brother Adolf in 1589, Magdalena inherited the rule of the Alps , Helpenstein , the rule of Linnep and the Cologne hereditary bailiwick , but in 1590 she ceded the rights of use to her half-sister Amalia . After the death of her half-sister Amalia in 1602, Magdalena became heiress of the County of Limburg with Hohenlimburg Castle . As a feudal lord, the Duke of Jülich-Kleve-Berg laid claim to the county as a reverted fiefdom . In doing so, he ignored Magdalena's claim to inheritance. With the support of the emperor, the Cologne elector Ernst of Bavaria had the county of Limburg occupied in 1584 to prevent the expansion of Jülich-Kleve and Berg. At the same time, he aimed to win this area for Kurköln. Although Magdalena's and her husband's rights were eventually recognized, the castle and county remained occupied until 1610. This was only ended under pressure from the Netherlands.

After the occupiers left in 1610, Magdalena appointed her son Konrad Gumprecht as a commissioner in the county, which she then ceded to him entirely in 1616. After Konrad Gumprecht's death in 1618, Magdalena continued his widow Johannetta Elisabeth, nee. of Nassau-Dillenburg as regent.

The Tecklenburg areas were badly affected by the Eighty Years War in the neighboring Netherlands. Magdalena's husband Arnold died in 1606. The paternal territories were divided among the sons. Since the younger ones were not old enough, Magdalena took over the reign for them until 1609.


They had the following offspring:

  • Otto (born December 22, 1574 in Steinfurt; † 1574)
  • Eberwin Wirich (born January 14, 1576 in Bentheim, † May 31, 1596 in Padua)
  • Adolf (born July 7, 1577 in Steinfurt; † November 5, 1623)
⚭ 1606 with Margarethe von Nassau-Wiesbaden
  • Anna (January 4, 1579 - December 9, 1624)
⚭ 1595 with Prince Christian I of Anhalt-Bernburg
  • Arnold Jost (April 4, 1580 - August 26, 1643)
⚭ 1608 with Anna Amalia von Isenburg-Büdingen
  • Amalie Amoena (born May 15, 1581 in Tecklenburg, † January 31, 1584 in Bentheim)
  • Wilhelm Heinrich (born February 13, 1584 in Bentheim; † October 6, 1632)
⚭ 1617 with Anna Elisabeth von Anhalt-Dessau
⚭ 1616 with Johannetta Elisabeth , daughter of Count Johann VI. from Nassau-Dillenburg
  • Amoena Amalia (born March 19, 1586 in Bentheim; † September 3, 1625)
⚭ 1606 with Prince Ludwig von Anhalt-Köthen
  • Friedrich Ludolf (born August 23, 1587 in Bentheim; † January 8, 1629)
  • Magdalena (born May 6, 1591 in Steinfurt, † February 17, 1649 in Terborg)
⚭ May 24, 1631 in Steinfurt with Georg Ernst, son of Jobst von Limburg-Styrum


  • Hermann Schaub: The rule of Rheda and their residence city. From the beginning to the end of the Old Empire (= publications from the Gütersloh district archive. Vol. 10). Publishing house for regional history, Bielefeld 2006, ISBN 3-89534-610-1 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. different dates of birth are mentioned. The year of birth mentioned is 1548, 1551 a. a.
  2. Hermann Schaub: The rule of Rheda and their royal seat. 2006, p. 81.
  3. Hermann Schaub: The rule of Rheda and their royal seat. 2006, p. 82f.
  4. ^ Stephanie Marra : Alliances of the Nobility. Dynastic action in the Grafenhaus Bentheim in the 16th and 17th centuries. Böhlau, Cologne et al. 2007, ISBN 3-412-31105-7 , p. 35.
  5. Hermann Schaub: The rule of Rheda and their royal seat. 2006, p. 82.
predecessor Office successor
Amalia from Neuenahr-Alpen Countess of Limburg
Konrad Gumprecht from Bentheim-Limburg
Adolf von Neuenahr Hereditary Vögtin of the Archbishopric of Cologne
(represented by her husband)
Adolf von Bentheim-Tecklenburg