Marion Freisler

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Marion Freisler , née Russegger (born February 10, 1910 in Hamburg ; † January 21, 1997 in Munich ), was the wife of the President of the National Socialist People's Court , Roland Freisler .


Marion Russegger married Roland Freisler on March 24, 1928, who was a lawyer and city ​​councilor for the NSDAP in Kassel at the time. They had two sons (* 1937 and * 1939), both of whom were baptized. Her husband Roland Freisler was killed in the heavy US air raid on Berlin on February 3, 1945. In his will of October 1, 1944, Freisler had decreed: “The two houses Hüttenweg  14A and Habelschwerdter Allee  9 belong to my wife. So they are not part of my estate. "

After the war, Marion Freisler took on her maiden name Russegger again, she moved to Munich and no longer wanted to know anything about her husband's deeds. Marion Russegger was buried in her parents' grave at the Dahlem forest cemetery on Hüttenweg in Berlin , where Roland Freisler was also buried anonymously. The name Freisler is not mentioned on the tombstone.

Widow's pension

In 1985 it became known that Marion Freisler's monthly widow's pension for war victims had been increased by 400 DM in 1974  . The responsible pension office justified this increase with the fact that her deceased husband would presumably have worked as a lawyer or civil servant of the higher service due to his professional qualifications in the event of survival after the war. Despite the moral doubt, this was in accordance with the law. The decision of the pension office was taken up at the time by a member of the Bavarian state parliament , but the state government led by the CSU weighed it down and there were no consequences.

It was not until 1997 - the year Marion Russegger died - that a change in the Federal Pension Act for war victims who had violated the principles of humanity or the rule of law during the rule of National Socialism, as well as for their surviving dependents, excluded care. Old cases were also affected by this amendment . In these cases, the right to care with effect for the future no longer applies if the offenses were particularly serious.

This affair thus provided one of the last reflexes on the extremely problematic issue of the social integration of National Socialist lawyers into the Federal Republic of Germany. It is a striking contribution to coming to terms with the past with regard to National Socialism.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Information on the biography in Blazek.
  2. Freisler, Karl Roland. Hessian biography. (As of September 7, 2012). In: Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen (LAGIS).
  3. ^ Jonas Huebner: Injustice. Roland Freisler and the Hessian judiciary 1926–1941. digital archive marburg .
  4. ^ Quote from Blazek.
  5. ↑ In 1958, an atonement fine of 100,000 D-Mark was imposed on the estate of Freisler by a court in Berlin. It was offset against the previous seizure of two properties. Marion Freisler objected to this decision because the land had been paid for from her dowry. In the ruling chamber decision, however, it was found that the payments for the land corresponded to the salaries of Freisler. It was also found that the widow had been penniless when she got married.
  6. Roland Freisler. Grave of Freisler's in-laws in the Dahlem forest cemetery in Berlin . In: Klaus Nerger's website.
  7. As early as 1955 it was known that the widows of Reinhard Heydrich , Himmler , Göring , Freisler and a Goebbels sister received “befitting” pensions, see: Prominent assets / denazification: She should inherit everything . In: Der Spiegel . No. 30 , 1955 ( online edition of July 20, 1955 - note the date ).