Martin Dörmann

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Martin Dörmann, Member of the Bundestag (2017)

Martin Dörmann (born June 30, 1962 in Herten ) is a German politician ( SPD ) and lawyer. He was a member of the German Bundestag from 2002 to 2017 .

Life and work

After graduating from high school in 1981 at the Cologne-Rodenkirchen grammar school , Dörmann did his community service and, from 1982, completed a law degree in Cologne and Bonn , which he completed with the first state examination in law. After completing his legal clerkship , he also passed the second state examination in 1999. From 1992 to 1998 he worked as a student and research assistant for the Bundestag members Walter Rempe , Renate Schmidt and Anke Fuchs . From 1999 to 2003 he worked as a lawyer in Cologne.

Martin Dörmann is married and lives in Cologne.

Political party

Dörmann became a member of the SPD as early as 1979 as a student. From 1995 to 2007 he was a member of the SPD sub-district executive committee in Cologne, where he was deputy chairman from 1997 to 2007.


Martin Dörmann was a member of the German Bundestag from 2002 to 2017 and has been a member of the SPD parliamentary group since December 2005 . As rapporteur for the SPD parliamentary group for the areas of telecommunications and space travel , he was a member of the Committee on Economics and Technology from 2005 to 2013 (from 2009 as deputy chairman) and the subcommittee on new media . From 2009 to 2013 he was a member of the Internet and Digital Society Enquête Commission (until February 2011 as deputy chairman) and media policy spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group.

In the 18th legislative period from 2013 to 2017 Dörmann was a member of the committees for transport and digital infrastructure and culture and media as well as a deputy member of the digital agenda and economy and energy committees . In addition, the SPD parliamentary group elected him spokesman for the working group for culture and media.

Martin Dörmann has entered the Bundestag four times as a directly elected member of the Cologne I constituency . In the 2009 Bundestag elections he achieved 34.97% of the first votes , and 37.00% in the 2013 Bundestag elections . In the 2017 federal election, he narrowly missed re-entry; Dörmann was defeated by the CDU candidate Karsten Möring with just 884 votes (0.6 percent) behind.


Martin Dörmann is a member of the administrative board of Deutsche Welle as well as on the board of the media and network policy commission of the SPD party executive. From 2005 to 2017 he was a member of the advisory board of the Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railways (regulatory authority).

Political positions

Martin Dörmann's main areas of work are digital infrastructure, culture, media and network policy. Until 2013 he was also responsible for the space sector in the economic committee.

Digital infrastructure

In his role as rapporteur for the SPD parliamentary group in the committee for transport and digital infrastructure, Dörmann was active on the topics of telecommunications and broadband coverage . Until September 2013, he had looked after these topics in the economic committee.

For around 12 years, Dörmann contributed to the positioning of the SPD parliamentary group for broadband expansion. The coalition proposal “Modern Networks for a Modern Country - Fast Internet for Everyone” (printed matter 18/1973) was passed in plenary in October 2014 and, with its five-pillar strategy, prepared the conceptual framework for a comprehensive broadband expansion concept. This can be found in a very similar form in the Federal Government's “Digital Agenda”.

In 2015 Dörmann also publicly campaigned for an appropriately financed federal program to promote broadband, which was started in November 2015 by the Federal Minister for Transport and Digital Infrastructure.

In October 2016, Martin Dörmann worked on the resolution of the SPD parliamentary group “#DigitalLeben: Digitization in society and the economy”. This also reflects his position on the further expansion into the gigabit society: The increased expansion of fiber optic connections as well as the provision of the latest mobile communications standard (5G) with up to 10 Gbit / s with latencies of less than a millisecond will play a central role. In addition, by 2025, speeds in the gigabit range should be available as widely as possible, but at least for at least 90% of the buildings.

In 2011 and 2012 he headed a political group project working group on telecommunications networks, in which industry experts from business, science and trade unions took part. The result was a comprehensive concept for broadband expansion in Germany, which the SPD parliamentary group adopted in September 2012. Central points of this broadband strategy are the legal safeguarding of a nationwide basic service through a universal service obligation in accordance with European law as well as a mix of measures for the further expansion of high-performance networks. With regard to cellular solutions in broadband expansion, he takes the position that LTE cannot function as a full replacement solution for DSL, since the LTE cellular network is used as a "shared medium" in which several users have to share a radio cell at the same time and thus the available bandwidths vary greatly. In addition, the LTE expansion in rural areas does not necessarily lead to nationwide coverage in rural regions. Despite this problem, Dörmann sees LTE as a step forward for all regions without DSL and important technology for a modern mobile network.

In July 2009 Dörmann presented the results of a comprehensive industry survey of his group on the prospects for broadband expansion in Germany.

Cultural and media policy

German wave

Martin Dörmann, who has been a member of the Board of Directors of Deutsche Welle since 2014, repeatedly campaigned in the Bundestag to improve the budget of the foreign broadcaster, which is financed from federal funds. Dörmann sees Deutsche Welle as a counterweight to the global restrictions on freedom of the press. In 2017, he said that he would permanently increase Deutsche Welle's budget by a double-digit million amount. With a development proposal initiated by Martin Dörmann from the coalition factions of the Union and the SPD, the Bundestag called on the federal government in June 2017 to work for a further increase in funding for Deutsche Welle. Deutsche Welle should therefore be financially comparable to other major European foreign broadcasters - such as the BBC or the French international broadcaster . During the plenary debate, Dörmann said: “Deutsche Welle will then be able to deal with the suppression of free media even better and react to crises and propaganda tendencies, because it will then be able to expand its program and the languages ​​it offers to a technically high level. This means that in the end it will reach even more people. "

Development of newspapers and magazines

As spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group for culture and media in the 18th electoral term, Dörmann campaigned for quality journalism and media diversity, particularly with a view to the digital change in the media world and the associated economic problems for newspaper publishers. A parliamentary group project group led by him on the reform of the media and communication system examined individual aspects of media convergence by means of a large-scale industry survey and various dialogue events.

In the case of the amendment to cartel law in autumn 2016 (9th amendment to the GWB), Dörmann advocated an area exception for press publishers. This should facilitate business cooperation below the editorial level and thus take economic pressure off the publishers. In his plenary address on March 9, 2017, he pointed out that, from his point of view, the economic sector exceptions are primarily a contribution to quality and diversity in the print media: “Let us ensure that more income is generated for good research, for strong editorial teams be available! With this we strengthen the press and independent journalism, and that is exactly what we need today. "

In September 2012, Dörmann presented a comprehensive catalog of measures to ensure diversity and quality in the media, which the SPD parliamentary group introduced as Bundestag motion 17/10787 . Dörmann pleaded for a revival of the press statistics in order to adapt the newspaper market to the future. In 2012, he also fought together with the other parliamentary groups for the maintenance and legal protection of the press wholesaling sales system.

Broadcasting policy

In the area of ​​broadcasting, Martin Dörmann advocates independent public broadcasting and a non-state composition of the broadcasting bodies . After the ZDF board of directors decision not to extend the contract for ZDF editor-in-chief Nikolaus Brender ("Causa Brender") , from Dörmann's point of view the ZDF state treaty had to be put on a constitutional basis to ensure independent journalism and the reputation of public broadcasting to strengthen. He supported the initiative of the then state broadcasting coordinator and Minister-President of Rhineland-Palatinate, Kurt Beck , to initiate a judicial review procedure at the Federal Constitutional Court .

Dörmann supported the broadcast license reform implemented in 2013 , which provides for a move away from device dependency to household and business premises-related broadcasting tax. He considers it more future-proof, fairer and less bureaucratic than the previous model. He advocates that possible excess income also benefit the contributors.

Network policy

Access Barrier Act

Dörmann supported the controversial initiative of the then (2005 to 2009) Family Minister Ursula von der Leyen to block websites to combat child pornography (cf. Law to Combat Child Pornography in Communication Networks ). From his point of view, the easy-to-bypass barriers make access more difficult for “some” of the consumers of child pornography. The IT security researcher Hannes Federrath, who was invited by the German Bundestag as an expert, described the Internet blocking from a technical point of view as "completely ineffective."

Dörmann had previously negotiated a corresponding draft law with Martina Krogmann (CDU) as the SPD negotiator. Against the background of existing contracts between the BKA and the most important Internet providers in Germany, through which the blocking infrastructure has now been set up, the SPD supported a legal regulation for the blocking of websites with child pornographic content. The law was massively criticized by lawyers, the IT specialist press, a large number of IT specialist associations, civil rights activists, victims of abuse, victim protection organizations and the opposition.

After the federal election in 2009, the application of the law was suspended by the current federal government and repealed in 2011.

In a speech in the Bundestag in February 2010, Martin Dörmann justified a draft law by the SPD parliamentary group to repeal the law on access restrictions. A mere failure to apply a passed law is not tenable under the rule of law. It was a mistake that the grand coalition also relied on the instrument of blocking, as it was ineffective and had aroused fears of internet censorship in many people . Child pornographic content must be consistently deleted.

Net neutrality

In the dispute over the fixed network tariff model of Deutsche Telekom in spring 2013 ("Drosselkom") Dörmann criticized the consumer law problematic regulations of the new volume tariffs. In the public debate, Dörmann reinforced his demand for a statutory safeguard of net neutrality. A proposal for amendments to the Telecommunications Act (TKG) was put into concrete terms in a motion to the Bundestag (printed matter 17/13892) submitted by the SPD parliamentary group in the summer of 2013 . For example, the federal government was asked to amend the TKG “to prevent arbitrary restrictions on the classic Internet, to make the guarantee of net neutrality a binding regulation as one of the regulatory goals in the TKG. In particular, net neutrality and the associated low market access barriers are intended to promote the diversity of content, services and service providers, which in turn serves freedom of expression and economic freedom and technical progress; The main objective is to prevent the slowing down, disadvantage or blocking of content, services or service providers without a sufficient objective reason. Intentional violations of net neutrality are to be punished with sanction instruments ”. According to Dörmann's ideas, the Federal Network Agency should be assigned stronger enforcement rights and reporting obligations in this context. This also has to define minimum standards for the transmission of content.

Web links

Commons : Martin Dörmann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. SPD member of the Bundestag of the 17th legislative period ( Memento from September 27, 2010 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on September 3, 2010.
  2. Election presentation of the German Bundestag , accessed on May 30, 2016.
  3. ^ The Federal Returning Officer for the 2013 Bundestag election ( Memento from May 31, 2016 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on May 30, 2016.
  4. German Bundestag Printed Matter 18/1973, 18. term, July 2, 2014
  5. see Digital Agenda 2014–2017
  6. Daniel Delhaes: "Broadband expansion plans - 100 points for burying", from October 19, 2015 6:35 pm. Retrieved October 24, 2017 .
  7. Dobrindt gives the go-ahead for broadband funding. Retrieved October 24, 2017 .
  8. "#New success - Digitization in society and the economy," positions of the SPD parliamentary group, 12/2016 ; very similar also in DEMO - The monthly magazine for local politics 3–4 / 2017, p. 17
  9. ^ "Cf. SPD parliamentary group" Position fast Internet "".
  10. Martin Dörmann: Realize fast internet for everyone at last. Positions of the SPD parliamentary group on broadband expansion and network neutrality. ( Memento from February 1, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) In: DEMO - The monthly magazine for local politics. No. 7–8, 2013, pp. 25 ff.
  11. cf. also Bundestag printed matter 17/5902 "See SPD motion to regulate net neutrality and freedom from discrimination by law, ensure minimum quality for broadband contracts and achieve fast internet for everyone (Bundestag printed matter 17/13892)"
  13. pro media May 2017, pp. 4–5.
  14. development application "draft update of the Task Scheduler 2014-2017 Deutsche Welle for the year 2017," Drs. 18/12514
  15. Further strengthening Deutsche Welle as the voice of freedom. SPD parliamentary group, June 22, 2017, accessed on October 25, 2017 .
  16. Plenary minutes of June 23, 2017, Drs. 18/241, Item 31b
  17. "See Martin Dörmann's contribution to the debate" More research! "In The European, January 19, 2013"
  18. ^ Reform of the media and communication regulations, answers to the industry survey of the SPD parliamentary group, as of November 2014
  19. ^ Plenary minutes of March 9, 2017, Drs. 18/221, Item 5
  21. ^ "Cf. Bundestag printed matter 17/9155."
  22. "Cf. article" Media policy spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group calls for legal safeguards for the wholesale distribution system "on dnv-online from September 17, 2012."
  23. Union missed the opportunity to quickly amend the ZDF state treaty - now a standards control procedure is inevitable . Press release of the SPD parliamentary group, March 25, 2010.
  24. ARD makes an important contribution to a pluralistic and democratic society . Press release from the SPD parliamentary group, June 9, 2010.
  25. Bundestag resolves Internet blocking - law against "random users" , June 19, 2009, online at
  26. Actionism does not help against child porn.
  27. Planned child porn blacklist - Schaar does not want to control. , June 15, 2009, at
  28. ^ Spiegel Online
  29. SPD parliamentary group  ( page no longer available , search in web archives ) (PDF)@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /
  30. Declaration by parents in IT professions on Internet blocking ( Memento from June 18, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  31. Working group against Internet blocking and censorship
  32. MOGIS (Abuse Victims Against Internet Locks)
  33. Despite everything eV
  34. CareChild calls for decisive action against child pornography ( memento of the original from May 31, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  35. ^ Spiegel Online
  36. ^ Speech in the Bundestag on the Access Difficulty Act. Retrieved October 25, 2017 .
  37. "Cf. SPD motion to regulate net neutrality and freedom from discrimination by law, ensure minimum quality in broadband contracts and realize fast internet for everyone."
  38. "See also the SPD motion to ensure net neutrality on the Internet - freedom from discrimination, transparency obligations and ensuring minimum quality are regulated by law in Bundestag printed matter 17/5367."
  40. "Cf. June 21, 2013."