Martin Edward Trench

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Martin Edward Trench

Martin Edward Trench (born November 30, 1869 in Dennison , Minnesota , †  January 6, 1927 in Worcester , Massachusetts ) was an American naval officer. Between 1925 and 1927 he was the military governor of the US Virgin Islands .


Martin graduated from the trench in 1893 United States Naval Academy in Annapolis ( Maryland ). He then began a lifelong career as an officer in the US Navy . He participated in both the Spanish-American War of 1898 and the First World War. During this war he commanded the cruiser USS Charleston .

On September 12, Trench was introduced to his post as military governor of the Virgin Islands, succeeding Philip Williams . He was able to exercise this office in Worcester until his death on January 6, 1927. He had spent his Christmas vacation there. He was buried in Arlington National Cemetery , Virginia .

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