Matthias Drude

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Matthias Drude (born May 18, 1960 in Dannenberg , Lower Saxony ) is a German composer and university professor .


Having grown up in a parsonage, Matthias Drude studied school music (piano: Konrad Meister , singing: Renate Altmann) and music theory with Diether de la Motte at the Hanover University of Music and Drama , history at the University of Hanover and composition with Ulrich Leyendecker at the University for Music and performing arts, today: Hamburg University of Music and Theater . After teaching assignments in music theory and ear training at the Academy of Music and Drama (1984-1993) and at the Music Academy in Lübeck (1988-1993), he was in 1993 as a professor of music theory at the University of Church Music in Dresden the Lutheran Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Saxony called and Appointed professor in 2001. There he teaches the subjects of music theory , ear training , form theory , instrument studies and score playing . In addition, between 1995 and 2003 he held a teaching position for music theory at the Carl Maria von Weber University of Music in Dresden and from 2005 to 2009 a teaching position for form theory in the dance pedagogy course at the Palucca School in Dresden .

Since 2001 he has been the first chairman of the Saxony regional association in the German composers' association .

Many of his works are performed at home and abroad. Several of Drude's works have been recorded on CD. A production recording of the 2nd Piano Sonata in C minor was also made on Bayerischer Rundfunk with Julius Severin, piano.


The main focuses of his compositional work are chamber music , songs and church music , including several oratorios :

  • Christmas Oratorio for speaker, soprano, baritone, choir and orchestra based on a text by Dietrich Mendt (1995–96), premiere 1997 Dresden (conductor: Christfried Brödel , CD production by Dabringhaus & Grimm , Detmold ).
  • "Von den Mühlen der Heimkehr" - oratorio for speaker, soprano, baritone, choir and chamber ensemble based on the book Esra and a text by Dietrich Mendt (1998–99), WP Halle (Saale) 2000 (conductor: Wolfgang Kupke ).
  • "For your honor I fought, suffered" - stations of the Passion of Jesus, oratorio for speaker, soprano, baritone, choir and orchestra based on a text by Hartwig Drude (2000), WP 2004 Dresden (conductor: Christfried Brödel).
  • "Everything that breathes, praise the Lord" - a creation oratorio, text: Hartwig Drude (2003-04) for speaker, soprano, baritone, choir and orchestra, premiere Dannenberg 2006 (conductor: Evelyn Hartmann), chamber music arrangement for soloists, choir , Violin, viola, cello and piano 2008: Premiere 2010 Meldorf (conductor: Paul Nancekievill ).
  • "Auf - er - haben", an Easter oratorio for soprano, baritone, speaker, choir and orchestra based on a text by Hartwig Drude (2009-10), WP Dannenberg 2011 (conductor: Evelyn Hartmann).
  • "On the Spirit of Diversity", a Pentecost oratorio based on a text by Hartwig Drude (2013–2014), World Premiere Hannover 2015 (director: Stefan Vanselow )
  • "We can dare our life with you", a passion oratorio based on a text by Detlev Block (2014–2015), premier Dresden 2017 (conductor: Markus Leidenberger).

The tonal language of Drude, which is characterized in the same way by formal stringency, strong emotionality and sometimes tonal opulence, is essentially rooted in the musical late romanticism and classical modernism .

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