Maurice Holleaux

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Memorial plaque for Maurice Holleaux at the Archaeological Museum Delos.

Eugène Maurice Holleaux (born April 15, 1861 in Château-Thierry , † September 22, 1932 in Limon near La Ferté-sous-Jouarre ) was a French Graecist , ancient historian , epigraphist and classical archaeologist .

Maurice Holleaux first attended the École normal supérieure in 1879 , then studied history from 1881. In 1882 he became a member of the École française d'Athènes in Athens , which was headed by Paul Foucart at the time . His scientific interest focused in particular on an Apollon sanctuary on the Ptoion mountain range in Boeotia , where he was active until 1891. He also carried out epigraphic research on Samos , Rhodes and Lycia , and had also traveled to both regions. From 1886 he was Maitre de Confèrençes at the University of Bordeaux . Two years later he became professor of archeology at the University of Lyon . In 1904, Holleaux succeeded Théophile Homolles as director of the École française d'Athènes in Athens . Here he redirected the organ of publication, the bulletin , to the target and directed the important excavations in Delos . He was able to greatly improve the tight financial situation by raising donations from the Duc de Lombat. He had particularly good connections with his German colleagues at the German Archaeological Institute in Athens . In 1909, at the request of Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff and with the support of Hermann Diels , Reinhard Kekulés , Johannes Vahlens and Eduard Meyers, he was accepted as a corresponding member of the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences . On his return to France in 1912 he became professor of Hellenistic history and Greek epigraphy at the Sorbonne . In 1925 he became a member of the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres , in 1927 he succeeded Paul Foucart as epigraphist at the Collège de France .

Holleaux devoted himself in particular to Hellenistic history and published not only French periodicals but also German magazines such as Hermes and Klio . In 1918 he published with Étude sur la traduction en grec du titre consulaire , a preliminary form of his habilitation thesis.


  • Werner Hartkopf: The Academy of Sciences of the GDR. A contribution to their history. Biographical Index , Akademie, Berlin 1983, p. 200
  • Christa Kirsten (ed.): The ancient studies at the Berlin Academy. Nominations for the admission of members from FA Wolf to G. Rodenwaldt. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1985 (Studies on the History of the Academy of Sciences in the GDR, Volume 5), pp. 140–141.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Stratègòs Upatos: étude sur la traduction en grec du titre consulaire: Holleaux, Maurice, 1861-1932: Free Download & Streaming: Internet Archive . Website Retrieved November 4, 2012.