Max Jähns

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Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Max Jähns

Max Jähns (born April 18, 1837 in Berlin ; † September 19, 1900 there ) was a Prussian officer and (military) writer .


Max Jähns was the son of the Berlin composer and music teacher Friedrich Wilhelm Jähns and his wife Ida, née von Klöden, a daughter of Karl Friedrich von Klöden . In 1863 he married Marie Tannhäuser. The marriage had the daughters Elisabeth (Lilli) (1868–1934), married to Otto von Glasenapp and Hildegard (Hilde) since 1890, married to Theodor Seitz , governor of Cameroon since 1907 .


Jähns joined the 28th Infantry Regiment of the Prussian Army stationed in Aachen in 1854 , joined the War Academy in 1859 and was appointed regimental adjutant in 1864. After a short break, he returned to the service in 1866 and served as a department head in the War Ministry during the German War . In 1867 he went to the geographic-statistical department of the Great General Staff . In the war against France in 1870/71 he served as Commissioner of the General Staff for the Weißenburg - Paris railway , one of the crucial transport connections for the course of the war.

In 1872 Max Jähns was appointed to the chair for the history of the art of war at the War Academy. In 1885 he was promoted to lieutenant colonel and retired in 1886.

From 1894 Jähns was chairman of the General German Language Association . He was the biographer of his grandfather, the historian Karl Friedrich Klöden, and the author of the article on Klöden in the Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie .

Portrait relief on the tombstone of Max Jähns, created by Fritz Heinemann

Max Jähns died on September 19, 1900 at the age of 63 in Berlin. His preserved grave is in the cemetery of the Bethlehem community in Berlin-Kreuzberg . A massive zippus made of black granite, designed by Franz Schwechten, serves as the gravestone . A bronze relief with the portrait of Jähns in profile, a work by Fritz Heinemann , is embedded in the front .


  • History of the 2nd Rhenish Infantry Regiment No. 28. Cologne 1865.
  • Horse and rider in the life, language, belief and history of the Germans. 2 vols. Leipzig 1872
  • The French Army from the Great Revolution to the Present. Leipzig 1873.
  • Youth memories of Karl Friedrich von Klöden. Leipzig 1874.
  • The battle of Königgrätz. Leipzig 1876.
  • Atlas on the history of warfare from prehistoric times to the end of the 16th century: armament, marching and fighting methods, fortifications, sieges, sea life. 100 sheets for his lectures at the Königl. War Academy. Without location 1878; Reprint Osnabrück 1979 (= Bibliotheca rerum militarium , 22 - Atlas)
  • Handbook of a history of warfare from prehistoric times to the renaissance, technical part: armament, mode of combat, fortification, siege, sea life. Along with an atlas of 100 plates. Leipzig 1880; Reprint (declared as "first part") Osnabrück 1979 (= Bibliotheca rerum militarium. Sources and representations on military science and military history , 22 - text volume)
  • Army constitutions and life of nations. Berlin 1885.
  • History of war science, mainly in Germany. I – III, Munich and Leipzig 1889–1891 (= History of Science in Germany: Modern Times , 21); Reprint Hildesheim 1965.
  • About war, peace and culture. Berlin 1894.
  • Field Marshal Moltke. 2 parts. Berlin 1894.
  • The fatherland idea and German poetry. Berlin 1896.
  • Development history of the old defensive weapons. Berlin 1899.
  • Reinhart. Berlin 1859 (fairytale epic).
  • A year of youth. Dresden 1861 (lyric poems)
  • Macchiavelli and the idea of ​​general conscription. Lecture published in: Klönische Zeitung. Nos. 106, 110, 112 and 112 of April 18, 20, 22 and 25, 1876.


Web links

Wikisource: Maximilian Jähns  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans-Jürgen Mende : Lexicon of Berlin burial places . Pharus-Plan, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-86514-206-1 , p. 221.