Max Momsen

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Max Momsen (born September 4, 1896 in Tondern , † September 19, 1939 near Kutno (fallen)) was a German National Socialist educator and university professor.


Momsen attended elementary school , secondary school and preparatory seminar in Tondern. Then he served voluntarily in the First World War . He studied gymnastics and sport (teaching qualification in 1922) and was a teacher from 1922 to 1924 and assistant from 1927 to 1929 at the Prussian University for Physical Education in Spandau . In between he was a senior teacher for gymnastics in Wandsbek . On April 1, 1929 he was appointed lecturer at the Pedagogical Academy , from 1933 University for Teacher Training in Kiel . In November 1933 he signed the professors' confession of Adolf Hitler . In 1934 he was appointed rector and professor for physical and military education at the Cottbus College for Teacher Training , which he led in the sense of education under National Socialism , organized it as SA - Sturm and with which he wanted to be at the "head of the all-German university revolution" . During the attack on Poland in 1939, he fell as a lieutenant . R. and platoon leader in the 337 Infantry Regiment of the 208th Infantry Division . The sports and celebration hall of the Cottbus Teachers Training College was renamed Momsen-Halle in 1941 .

Momsen emphasized the value of sport and camp life for the formation of the National Socialist youth. In off-road sport, the individual is inevitably broken. What is important is the idea of ​​a fight, the hand-to-hand fight, hardening and trust in the Führer principle. He was an SA storm leader and joined the NSDAP in 1937 after the suspension of admission was lifted . In the same year he praised the successes in the reorganization of teacher training by the Nazi state, »to equalize the lecturers and students by joining the party branches. In this way, the spirit of the marching column and the camp, the unified commitment of the team and the common service could very soon prevail in teacher training. "

His book physical exercises also under the simplest conditions (1938) appeared in four editions, the last time in 1954 and 1964. Already during the Second World War it was widely read because of the destroyed gyms. In the post-war period it experienced a new boom due to the lack of sports equipment.


  • Accident and damage prevention in school gym classes. Union, Berlin 1930.
  • Helmet exercise block for off-road sports. Instructions for making terrain and view sketches. Registration forms for training in the field (= Union learning resources ). Ashelm, Berlin / Cologne 1933, OCLC 72287167 (24 sheets).
  • Physical education in Germany. In: International Journal of Education. Volume 4 (1935), ZDB -ID 6643-6 , pp. 317-326, urn : nbn: de: 0111-bbf-spo-15970444 .
  • Physical education including off-road sports. Osterwieck, Berlin 1935; 2nd Edition. Deutscher Schulverlag, Berlin 1942, OCLC 770676587 (excerpts in Hajo Bernett , Karl Hofmann: National Socialist Physical Education: A Documentation of Their Theory and Organization. 1966, p. 82 ff.).
  • The way from seminar to university. In: The University Team Cottbus. H. 1, 1937/38.
  • The college for teacher training as a place of education in the Third Reich. In: Cottbuser Anzeiger. 19./20. June 1937.
  • Physical education in colleges for teacher training. In: German public education. (1937), no. 1/2, pp. 22-25 (reprinted in Hans-Jochen Gamm : Leadership and Seduction. Pedagogy of National Socialism. List, Munich 1964, pp. 225-227).
  • Physical exercise even under the simplest conditions. 4th edition. Zickfeldt, Hannover 1964, DNB 453446043 (127 pages).


  • Alexander Hesse: The professors and lecturers of the Prussian educational academies (1926-1933) and colleges for teacher training (1933-1941) . Deutscher Studien-Verlag, Weinheim 1995, ISBN 3-89271-588-2 , p. 521-522 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  • Jost Hermand : As a Pimpf in Poland: Extended Kinderlandverschickung 1940–1945. Frankfurt am Main 1993, ISBN 3-596-11321-0 (e-book, Fischer, 2015; on Momsen's importance for National Socialist youth sport).

Individual evidence

  1. List of the signatories of the appeal “To the educated in the world” (November 11, 1933). In: German Press Museum in Ullsteinhaus e. V (with all names in alphabetical order).
  2. ^ The Cottbus Pedagogical Academy was closed in 1932 for reasons of cost. Her reopening as HfL in 1934 should help establish a new pedagogical style, in which Momsen was a pioneer. See Alexander Hesse: A memorial is being erected. Speech after a writing about the Brunswick art teacher Professor Ernst Straßner (1905–1991). In: critical reports . 3/94. Heidelberg 1994, pp. 97–104, here p. 100 ( [PDF; 6.8 MB; accessed on January 18, 2020; review of Regine Nahrwold: Ernst Straßner. Life, position on contemporary art, work 1924–1990 (= Braunschweiger Werkstücke. Volume 82). Braunschweig 1991]).
  3. So 1937, after Ulrich Albrecht : War in Europe - how is it to be understood? In: operations . Volume 34 (1995), issue 129, pp. 85–96, here p. 90 ( preview in Google book search).
  4. Chronicle Cottbus 1941 ; Stadthaus Cottbus, p. 31 ; also in picture explanation 2009 .
  5. Thomas Kühne: The Rise and Fall of Comradeship: Hitler's Soldiers, Male Bonding and Mass Violence in the Twentieth Century. Cambridge 2017, p. 92; - Jost Hermand, Als Pimpf in Polen, p. 44, made this anchored in the constantly practiced dodgeball game .
  6. Max Momsen: The way from seminar to university. In: The University Team Cottbus. H. 1, 1937/38, pp. 8-10, quotation p. 9.
  7. Josef Kaufhold: The Göttinger Turnstab. Alwin Mortzfeld and the idea of ​​the simplest piece of sports equipment. In: Klaus Klattenhof u. a .: Contributions to the school history of East Frisia. Volume 10.3. BIS-Verlag, Oldenburg 2007, p. 103–109, here p. 103 ( [PDF; 3.2 MB; accessed on January 18, 2020]).