Maximilian von Pappenheim

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Maximilian von Pappenheim
Coats of arms of Maximilian and his three wives above the entrance to Hohenlupfen Castle

Maximilian von Pappenheim (born February 2, 1580 - † February 14, 1639 ) was Landgrave of Stühlingen in Klettgau and Imperial Hereditary Marshal .


Maximilian von Pappenheim was the son of Conrad von Pappenheim († 1603) and his wife Catharina von Lamberg († 1599). From 1593 to 1597 Oswald Croll was his tutor. He then studied in Tübingen and Heidelberg and then went on a grand tour to France and Italy. After the death of his father, he was appointed to the inheritance of the Stühlinger rule by the emperor. On July 7, 1604, he acquired the small rule of Mettingen in the Steinatal from Count Carl von Zollern . He also owned the rulers Rotenstein and Calden in the Allgäu and Berolsheim .

Due to the advanced age of Alexander II von Pappenheim , he already held the office of Reichshermarschallamt from 1607. For this reason he took part in the Electoral Day in Nuremberg in 1611 , and in 1612 in the election and coronation day of Emperor Matthias in Frankfurt . A year later, 1613, he was a participant at the Diet of Regensburg and at the coronation of Emperor Ferdinand II. At the electors in Regensburg in 1630, which the dismissal of Wallenstein led, he also took part. From 1635 he officially took over the seniority of the Pappenheim family.

In 1613 he sold the "high forest, gelait and land court authorities" over St. Blasien for 88,500 guilders, and in 1621 he sold the Gräfenthal estate to Duke Johann Philipp von Sachsen-Altenburg for 130,000 guilders . From 1620 to 1624 Maximilian von Pappenheim had the old castle in Stühlingen torn down and replaced with a new, representative castle .

Hohenlupfen Castle , built between 1620 and 1624 under Maximilian von Pappenheim

Maximilian von Pappenheim was married a total of three times. In 1600 he married Elisabeth, daughter of Count Ludwig I von Sayn-Wittgenstein , who died in the same year. Two years later he married Juliana, daughter of Count Hermann I zu Wied . However, this marriage only lasted for two years until Juliana died in 1604. In 1606, his third and last marriage, he married Ursula Maria, daughter of Count Ludwig zu Leiningen-Leiningen . After her death in 1638, Maximilian von Pappenheim attempted a fourth marriage with Anna Sophia, a daughter of the Count Palatine August von Sulzbach . However, this failed when Maximilian died in 1639. Although this marriage did not take place, Maximilian had written a will on December 6, 1638, which Anna Sophia favored and bequeathed her, among other things, the rule of Mettingen near Stühlingen, with the seat at Untermettingen Castle .

With the death of Maximilian, around the time he was about to complete the Beylager , the Pappenheim line of Allgäu-Stühlingen, which with Heinrich XI. was founded by Pappenheim . Heir to the Landgraviate of Stühlingen was his only grandson, Count Maximilian Franz von Fürstenberg (* 1634, † 1681).

In memory of Maximilian von Pappenheim, an epitaph was erected in the parish church in Pappenheim , as well as a double marble tomb in the city church of the Assumption of Mary (Engen) in Engen .


From his third marriage he had three children, all of whom he survived:

  • Ernst Friedrich von Pappenheim (* December 20, 1608; † 1609)
  • Heinrich Ludwig von Pappenheim (* 1610 - 7 July 1633), killed by a shot in the head during the siege of Hohenstoffeln Castle . He was buried in Schaffhausen .
  • Maximiliane Maria von Pappenheim († October 16, 1635) ∞ Count Friedrich Rudolf von Fürstenberg (* 1602; † 1655)


  • Hans Schwackenhofer: The Reichserbmarschalls, counts and gentlemen from and to Pappenheim . Walter E. Keller, Berlin 2002, ISBN 3-934145-12-4 , pp. 164-169 .
  • ( M. ) Johann Alexander Döderlein : Historical news of the very-old high-priced house of the imperial and the realm marshals of Palatine, and of the married and dermahligen realm-hereditary marshals, lords and counts of Pappenheim, etc. Johann Jacob Enderes , Hoch-Fürstl. privil. Book dealer, 1739, p. 271–276 ( full text in Google Book Search).

Web links

Commons : Maximilian von Pappenheim  - Collection of images, videos and audio files