Meinard Simon du Pui

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Meinhard Simon du Pui

Meinard Simon du Pui also: Menrad, Meinhardus Simon du Puij ; (* March 21, 1754 in Enkhuizen ; † June 14, 1834 in Leiden ) was a Dutch medic.


The son of the medical doctor and city councilor in Enkhuizen Peter du Pui had attended the schools in his hometown and the Latin school in 's-Hertogenbosch . He enrolled at the University of Groningen on September 12, 1771 , where he attended lectures on Greek and Latin literature with Jacobus de Rhoer (1722-1813) and history with Leonard Offerhaus . Above all, Antonius Brugmans introduced him to the works of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz , Jakob I Bernoulli , Jean-Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert , Leonhard Euler and others. Due to his mathematical and physical education, he found a way to the medical sciences. To this end, he attended the lectures of Wynoldus Munniks (1744–1806), Peter Camper , and Paulus' s Graeuwen (1715–1779) and had completed his internship under the direction of the then doctor Matthias Steevens van Geuns . After receiving his doctorate in philosophy in Groningen on June 28, 1775 with the dissertation Dissertatio physico-mathematica de Formulis mechanicis et nonnullis earumdem usibus (Groningen 1775), he moved to the University of Leiden for further medical studies .

In Leiden he had himself enrolled in the matriculation of the university on September 14, 1775, and attended the lectures Adriaan van Royen , David van Royen , Hieronymus David Gaub , Eduard Sandifort , Frederik Bernard Albinus , Gualtherus van Doeveren , Johann David Hahn and Nicolaus Georgius Oosterdijk . After completing his medical exam, he went on an educational trip in 1778, which initially took him to London for a year . Here he completed his medical knowledge under John Hunter , William Hunter , Percivall Pott and the obstetrician William Lowder (1732-1801). In 1779 he moved to Paris, where he undertook further studies at the Hôpital de la Charité and the Hotel Dieu . After he had dealt with obstetrics with Jean Louis Baudeloeque (1746-1810) , among others , he returned to Leiden. Here he received his doctorate on February 25, 1780 with the treatise de homine dextro et sinistro as a doctor of medicine.

He then established himself as a city doctor in Kampen , where he also lectured on anatomy, surgery and obstetrics. In 1788 he moved to Alkmaar in a similar capacity, where he received the title of honorary professor for anatomy and surgery and began his task with the Latin speech de Opinionibus praejudicatis, Medicinae progressuum obstaculo perpetuo . On May 14, 1791, the curators of the University of Leiden appointed him extraordinary professor of medicine, specializing in obstetrics and practical surgery, which he did on September 27, 1791 with the introductory speech de legum naturalium vi et ratione in usum artis chirurgicae et obstetricae prudenter adhibendis began. After a few years he was appointed full professor of medicine for obstetrics and practical surgery on September 19, 1795, which task he took on on November 7, 1795 with the speech de novissimis quae artem chirurgicam et obstetriciam illustrarunt, incrementis . In this capacity, on November 14, 1798, he was appointed head of the Leyden University Clinic Collegii Medico Practici, which he began in 1799 with the speech de vera quae Medicorum est experientia .

On February 2, 1801 he was appointed professor of the chair of practical medicine, for which he gave the inaugural speech de iss, quae in exercenda Praxi medica omnium partium utile ac necessarium connubbium ad mittunt vel prohibent on September 26, 1801 . After the university was restored, he was confirmed in office on October 16, 1815. In addition, du Pui also took part in the organizational tasks of the university and was rector of the Alma Mater in 1799/1800 and 1819/20 . He resigned these two offices with the speeches de iis quae in exercenda praxi medica omnium partium utile ac necessarium connubium admittunt vel prohibent (unprinted) and de prosperis atque adversis, quae Academiae Lugduno-Batavae anno elapso contigerunt (Leiden 1820). He was a knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion , in 1814 personal physician to King Wilhelm I and a member of the Batavian Society of Experimental Philosophy in Rotterdam (Dutch: Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelijke wijsbegeerte te Rotterdam). In 1824 he retired due to his old age, but held regular lectures until 1826 and then sporadically until his death.


  • Abraham Jacob van der Aa : Biographical Woordenboek der Nederlanden. Verlag JJ van Brederode, Haarlem 1872, vol. 15, p. 484, ( online , Dutch)
  • PH Simon Thomas: PUI (Meinardus Simon you) . In: Petrus Johannes Blok , Philipp Christiaan Molhuysen (Ed.): Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek . Part 2. N. Israel, Amsterdam 1974, Sp. 1137–1138 (Dutch, / - first edition: AW Sijthoff, Leiden 1912, reprinted unchanged).
  • GC B Suringar: Manufacture of het clinical Onderwijs in 1787. Aankoop van een Daarvoor bestemd Afzonderlijk born in 1797. The practical.geneskundige Lessen van Odsterdijk en Paradijs, benevens de heelkundige Klinik en het practical-riveted onderwijs van Meinhard Simon du Pui. Het theoretically Onderwijs der drie taken Hoogleeraren. In: Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde, tevens organ of the Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Geneeskunst. HA Frijlink, Amsterdam, 1869, vol. 13, part 2, section 2, p. 133, ( online )
  • August Hirsch , Ernst Julius Gurlt : Biographical lexicon of the outstanding doctors of all times and peoples . Urban & Schwarzenberg, Vienna and Leipzig 1886, Vol. 4, p. 637