Meinolf Splett

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Meinolf Splett (born May 14, 1911 in Halle (Saale) ; † July 31, 2009 there ) was a German painter and graphic artist .


Meinolf Splett came from a Catholic family of teachers. His father Otto Splett was chairman of the German Center Party in Halle. Splett was already fascinated by art as a child and, after a serious tram accident, had learned in childhood not to let adverse circumstances get him down. From 1926 to 1929 Splett did an apprenticeship in lithography . He also took drawing lessons from Otto Fischer-Lamberg and modeling from Paul Horn . He began to paint watercolors on extensive kayak tours . In 1932 Splett received the master's title for the lithography trade. From 1932 to 1933 he was a master student with Erwin Hahs at the Burg Giebichenstein School of Applied Arts, and from 1933 at the State Academy for Graphic Arts and Book Trade in Leipzig with Walter Buhe . This was followed by years of traveling with the Lower Rhine church painter Bernd Terhorst .

After an apprentice denounced him because of an anti-Nazi statement, Splett was imprisoned from 1939/1940. Some of his artistic works were destroyed as " degenerate art ". From 1940 Splett was conscripted, in military service and in captivity. Then he came back to Halle, where he worked as a freelance artist. In 1947 he was one of the founders of the Halle artists' association “ Die Fähre ”, from which he soon withdrew due to differences in content. From 1954 to 1976 Splett was a lecturer in lithography at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design. In the 1950s and 1960s in particular, he saw his work hindered by the official art policy of the GDR, which also prevented him from obtaining a professorship. In 1957 Splett was one of the founders of the “Wort und Werk” gallery in Leipzig . In 1958 he founded the printing workshop of the district association of visual artists in Halle, which he headed until 1976. Splett lived and worked in Halle until his death.


Splett described himself as a deeply religious person. His artistic work grew out of his roots in the Christian faith. He worked mainly as a church artist. His paintings, mosaics, murals, glass windows and others can be found in many Catholic parishes in Germany. He created a bishop's cross for Bishop Friedrich Maria Rintelen . Also significant Spletts expressive color are woodcuts , including the cycle From War to Peace of the 1957th


"Meinolf Splett is an artist who has been infected with his keen sense of freedom and justice all his life - and certainly not just in the church."

“One topic that has repeatedly interested him in different ways is, for example, Christ's Way of the Cross . However, he does not see the actual language of art represented in the theme, but rather in theme and form, which promote a dynamic process within the image. "



Building-related art (selection)

Panel paintings (selection)

Graphic (selection)

  • The great sufferer Job, woodcut, 1960

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 2006: Halle, Paul Riebeck Foundation
  • 2012: Halle, Kunstforum Halle (Fritz Baust (1912–1982) - painting and drawings)

Literature (selection)

  • Ilse Bongardt: Faith as a supporting force. From the artistic work of Union friend Meinolf Splett. In: Neue Zeit , Berlin, No. 227. September 25, 1968. p. 4.
  • Meinolf Splett (1911–2009) painter and graphic artist. In: Central German yearbook for culture and history. Bonn 2011, pp. 251-255.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Famous Halle residents - Splett, Meinolf. Website of the city of Halle, accessed on August 22, 2020.
  2. [1]
  5. Image index of art & architecture