Memorialul Revoluției din Timișoara

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Memorialul Revoluției din Timișoara ( German  Memorial of the Revolution in Timișoara ) is a foundation that was founded on April 26, 1990 . The aim of the foundation is to research and clarify the events of the revolution of December 1989 , which ultimately led to the overthrow of the Ceausescu regime in Romania , and to preserve the memory of the victims of the revolution.


When it was established in 1990, the Asociaţia Memorialul Revoluţiei 16-22 Decembrie 1989 Foundation had as a research object the documentation of the heroes of the revolution from December 16 to 22 in Timișoara. Gradually she expanded her research area to all of Romania and is currently documenting the events of the revolution days in Cluj , Bucharest and Sibiu . The foundation has existed since 1996 as a national documentation, research and information center for the elucidation of the events of the revolution of 1989 in Romania ( Romanian Centrul Naţional de Documentare, Cercetare și Informare Publică privind Revoluţia din Decembrie 1989 ). In 2000 the foundation was declared by law (Legea nr. 46/2000) to be an organization of national importance and is generally led under the common name Memorialul Revoluției din Timișoara .


Theresienbastei Timișoara

The Memorialul Revoluției din Timișoara Foundation is located in the old town center of Cetate , at Strada Emanoil Ungureanu number 8, in the immediate vicinity of the Cathedral Square . The head of the foundation is Traian Orban . The building in which the foundation is based dates from the 18th century.

It was expropriated in 1948 in the course of nationalization. The former owners received compensation in the early 1990s. In 1995, the city administration leased the property and the building to the foundation for 99 years. Since the building was in a desolate condition when it was taken over, the foundation extensively renovated and added additional floors for 17 billion old lei , i.e. almost half a million euros. The financing came from donations and government grants . The value of the property has now risen significantly as a result of the general price increase and the extensive renovation. A change in the law made it possible for the former owners to reclaim the building and the land. After a court ruling in 2010 about the return of the property, the city administration provided the foundation with premises in the newly renovated Maria-Theresia-Bastei . The exhibition rooms have moved there for the time being. The documentation center is currently still on Strada Emanoil Ungureanu, but must vacate the building within two years. However, there is not enough space for a complete move to the Theresienbastei.

After years of dispute, a solution was finally found at the end of October 2011 for the revolution memorial. The building of the Timisoara military garrison on Strada Oituz was transferred to the Ministry of Culture by a government resolution, which in turn donated the building to the Memorialul Revoluției Foundation. The property covers a total of 1600 square meters, with a built-up area of ​​850 square meters. The building was assigned to the Revolutionary Memorial for 43 years with the option to extend that period.


The foundation documents the events of the revolution of December 1989 and informs the general public about the research results. In order to better recognize the causes and connections, the foundation is also dedicated to researching the communist era in Romania and the connections between the Romanian revolution and the events of 1989 in south-eastern Europe . To this end, the foundation publishes leaflets , magazines , books , illustrated books and video films . It organizes symposia , conferences and exhibitions on the subject of revolution and built a memorial and several monuments in honor of the heroes of the revolution. The foundation supports students in their research on the subject of revolution. The broad-based work on information about the results of the foundation's research work is completed by permanent exhibitions and video presentations.


The foundation consists of several departments:

Documentation and research center

The documentation and research center includes numerous original documents that document the events of the revolution, such as pictures, the manifesto of the revolutionaries, the list of the victims of the revolution from Timișoara cremated in the Bucharest crematorium Cenușoara , testimonies from contemporary witnesses.

Library and press archive

The library comprises a large number of volumes with scientific documentation and literary contributions on the subject of the revolution in Romania. An extensive collection of newspapers that reported on the revolution in Romania, such as Adevărul , Drapelul roșu , Evenimentul Zilei , Luptătorul Bănăţean , Oblo , Orizont , Revista 22 , Strict secret , Timișoara , Ziua , Victoria , Ziua de Vest are housed in the press archive.

Chapel Heroes of the Revolution

The Chapel Heroes of the Revolution was inaugurated in 2002 thanks to financial support from the Banat Metropolitan Region . The interior painting comes from the painter Manole Pătraşcu

Audio and video archive (selection)

  • Short monograph by Timișoara , duration 10 minutes, demonstrations in Romanian, German, English and French
  • The revolution in Romania 1989 , duration 30 minutes, demonstrations in Romanian, German, English, French and Hungarian
  • The 12 monuments in honor of the heroes of the revolution in Timișoara , duration 40 minutes, screenings in Romanian, English, French and Hungarian
  • The communist era in Romania , duration 50 minutes, demonstrations in Romanian, German, English and French

Museum "Memorial"

The memorial houses a museum and several permanent exhibitions:

  • Ceausescu - personality cult
  • Cold War Chronology
  • The Romanian Revolution in documents, newspaper clippings, pictures and objects
  • Monuments in honor of the heroes of the revolution in pictures
  • The revolution in the national and international press

On December 20, 2012, in the presence of the mayor of Timisoara "Nicolae Robu", an original segment of the Berlin Wall was unveiled as a gift from the German capital Berlin in front of the Museum of the Romanian Revolution "Memorial". Also present were the director of the museum "Traian Orban" and the consul of the Federal Republic of Germany "Klaus Christian Olasz".


Liberty Bell on the Piața Traian

The foundation established a memorial at the Heroes' Cemetery (Romanian Cimitirul Eroilor ) on Calea Aradului as well as twelve other monuments in different parts of the city where there were fatalities in honor of the heroes of the revolution:

  • Omul ținta (human target), bronze statue of Bela Sakats in front of the Church of the Brothers of Mercy on Piața 700
  • Fântâna Martilrilor (Martyrs' Fountain ) by Victor Gaga , behind the Banat Philharmonic
  • Martiri (Martyr), bronze statue by Petru Jecza , behind the Hunyadi Castle
  • Învingatorul (The Victor ), bronze statue by Constantin Popovici , on Bulevardul Take Ionescu
  • Evoluție (Evolution), bronze statue by Gheorghe Iliescu-Călineşti , next to the Hotel Continental
  • Eroica (Heroika), bronze statue by Paul Vasilescu , on Calea Lipovei
  • Clopotul Libertații (Liberty Bell) by Ștefan Călărășanu , on the Piața Traian
  • Biserica Plângatoare (Weeping Church) by Marian Zidaru , on the Piața Alexandru Mocioni
  • Deschidere (opening), steel monument, at Calea Martirilor 1989
  • Martiri Studenți (Student Martyr ) by Stefan Keleman , on the campus of the Western University of Timişoara in Strada Cluj
  • Sfântul Gheorghe (Saint George), bronze statue by Silvia Radu , on the Piața Sfântul Gheorghe
  • Pieta (Pieta), bronze statue by Petru Jecza on the Decebal Bridge

Publications (selection)

The foundation brought out several of its own publications dedicated to the events of the 1989 revolution:

  • At that time we were trembling with fear (illustrated book), 1999
  • Questions with and without answers , Verlag Mirton 2001
  • Documentation '89 - The Timișoara Trial , Vol. I, Mirton Publishing 2004
  • Documentation '89 - The Timișoara Trial , Vol. II, Mirton Verlag 2004
  • Documentation '89 - The Timișoara Trial , Vol. III, Mirton Verlag 2005
  • Documentation '89 - The Timișoara Trial , Vol. IV, Mirton Verlag 2006
  • Documentation '89 - The Timișoara Trial , Vol. V, Mirton Publishing 2007
  • Memorial 1989 , Science and Information Bulletin, No. 1; 2/2007, 2007
  • Memorial online magazine

Events (selection)

The events of the revolution are illustrated and explained through events:

  • Exhibition on the 1989 revolution in Timișoara and Caransebeș
  • Exhibition on the 1989 revolution in Jimbolia and Sânnicolau Mare ,
  • Exhibition 20 years later , photographs from the days of the 1989 revolution
  • Cold War Chronology
  • Photo documentation, exhibition in Mannheim
  • Pictures of the revolution of 1989, exhibition in Gera
  • Visit of the royal family to the Timișoara Memorialul Revoluției Foundation

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Baza de date , on, in Romanian
  2. a b c d Asociaţia Memorialul Revoluţiei , on, in Romanian
  3. a b c Scandalul de la Memorialul Revoluției din Timișoara continua ( Memento of March 12, 2016 in the Internet Archive ), on, in Romanian
  4. Andreea Oance: New seat for the Timişoara Revolution Memorial . Minister of Defense visits the memorial on
  5. Documente Revolutie , on, in Romanian
  6. ^ Incinerati , on, in Romanian
  7. Declaratii ale victimelor , on, in Romanian
  8. Biblioteca , on, in Romanian
  9. Arhiva Presa , on, in Romanian
  10. , Capela Eroilor , in Romanian
  11. A piece of the former Berlin Wall now also in the revolutionary city of Timisoara ( Memento from April 3, 2016 in the Internet Archive ), on,
  12. Monuments , on, in Romanian
  13. Publicatii , on, in Romanian
  14. Acel maior, Paul, şi ofiţerii cu care înainta pe jos trăgeau în oameni ... , on, in Romanian
  15. (Română) Vernisajul expoziţiei Decembrie 1989 - Momentul Timişoara, Caransebeş , on, in Romanian
  16. Vernisajul expoziţiei cu fotografii-document la Jimbolia și Sânnicolau Mare , on, in Romanian
  17. Expoziţia itinerantă 20 de ani după - Fotografii din timpul Revoluţiei Române, 1989 , on, in Romanian
  18. O Cronologie a Războiului Rece on, in Romanian
  19. Expo foto documentară, Mannheim - Germania , on, in Romanian
  20. Expo: Imagini ale Revoluţiei Române din 1989, Gera - Turingia, Germania , on, in Romanian
  21. Vizita Familiei shelves - Memorialul Revolutiei, Timisoara , on, in Romanian