Messier 36

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Open star cluster
Messier 36
Constellation Carter
equinox : J2000.0
Right ascension 05 h 36 m 17.7 s
declination + 34 ° 08 ′ 27 ″

classification I, 3, m (Trumpler),
f (Shapley)
Brightness  (visual) 6.0 likes
Brightness  (B-band) 6.09 mag
Angular expansion 10 '
Number of stars 60
Brightest star 9 likes
Physical data

Redshift −4  ·  10 −6
Radial velocity −1.18 km / s
distance  4100 ly
(1300 pc )
diameter 14 years
Age 25 million years
Discovered by GB Hodierna
Discovery time around 1654
Catalog names
 M  36 •  NGC  1960 • C 0532 + 341 • OCl 445 •  Mel  37 •  Cr  71 • Lund 191 • OCISM 103

Messier 36 (also known as NGC 1960 ) is one of the three open star clusters in the winter constellation Fuhrmann . Its brightness is +6.0  mag , its angular extent is 10 '.

In the 10 × 50 binoculars he shows a cloud with 10 to 15 stars 9-10. Size, already over 60 in a 20cm mirror telescope, but less than its neighbors M37 and M38 . In total, it should have almost 200 stars.

Individual evidence

  2. a b c d e f g Messier 36 at SEDS
  3. a b c SIMBAD
  4. Seligman
  5. Bernd Koch, Stefan Korth: The Messier objects. The 110 classic destinations for sky watchers. Kosmos-Verlag, 213p., ISBN 9783440117439 , Stuttgart 2010