Miklós Szentkuthy

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Miklós Szentkuthy (Photo: Laszlo Csigo)

Miklós Szentkuthy (born as Miklós Pfisterer June 2, 1908 in Budapest , Austria-Hungary ; died July 18, 1988 in Budapest) was a Hungarian writer and important novelist of the 20th century.

life and work

Szentkuthy's work includes numerous novels , essays , translations and his voluminous diary from the years 1930–1988. With his literary works Prae , the 10-volume Breviarium St. Orpheus ' and Zu der Sole Metaphor , he occupies a very important position in the Hungarian literature of the 20th century. His oeuvre has been partially translated into French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak and English. In semi- fictional biographies (including Handel , Haydn , Mozart , Brunelleschi , Cicero , Goethe , Luther ), Szentkuthy wrote imaginary chronicles that resemble the literary experiments of Jorge Luis Borges .

Szentkuthy was 26 years old when his monumental work, the Prae , appeared in 1934, and it has been compared to Proust's In Search of Lost Time and Joyce ' Ulysses . In terms of content and form, the novel, which breaks with all conventional structures, is groundbreaking in Hungarian literary history. It offers an incomparable panorama of the 1920s of European philosophy and culture . In 1980 it appeared in the second edition.

Since the 1920s, Szentkuthy has been working on the historical cycle of novels Breviarium von St.Orpheus , the first volume of which appeared in 1938 with the title Marginalia to Casanova and immediately triggered a scandal. The blasphemy charges were dropped, but the book was blacklisted and disappeared from the book market. In the following years he added the sequels Black Renaissance , Escorial , Europa Minor , Cynthia , Confession and Puppet Show to the work. In 1972 the new "Orpheus" sequel, The Second Life of New Year's Eve II, contributed significantly to the success of the entire cycle . Several individual volumes were published several times and brought the writer recognition abroad. Almost all of the great motifs of the last 2,000 years of European history appear as objects - in the tradition of the great storytellers such as Balzac and Zola - in the cycle.

In 1988, the band appeared Interview frivolities and creeds with his autobiographical and time documentary memoirs .

In the same year he was honored for his life's work with the highest Hungarian award, the Kossuth Prize in the Hungarian Parliament. He died on July 18, 1988.

His unpublished manuscripts and some fragmentary writings were edited by his colleague and estate administrator Ms. Maria Müntzberger (Tompa) , including Robert, the Baroque Man and The Mirror of Narcissus and In the Footsteps of Eurydice .

The Petőfi Literature Museum in Budapest keeps Szentkuthy's previously unpublished diaries from 1930–1988 (in notebook form approx. 80–100,000 pages). The first part of the diaries became accessible in 2013, on the 25th anniversary of the writer's death, the second part (1948–1988) will not be opened until 2038. These materials are a great treasure trove Template: future / in 5 yearsfor the Hungarian archive to understand and interpret the Szentkuthy phenomenon.

Novels and short stories

  • Prae (1934; 1980; 2004)
  • Az egyetlen metafora felé (1935, 1985)
  • Fejezet a szerelemről (1936; 1984)
  • Fekete Orpheus-füzetek 1. "Széljegyzetek Casanovához" [Marginalia on Casanova] (1939; 2008); 2. Fekete Reneszánsz [Black Renaissance] (1939); 3. Eszkoriál (1940); 4. Europa minor (1941) 5. Cynthia (1941) 6. Vallomás és bábjáték (1942).
  • Divertimento. Változatok Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart életére (1957; 1976; 1998; 2006)
  • Cicero vándorévei (1945; 1990)
  • Doctor Haydn (1959; 1979; 2009)
  • Burgundi krónika (1959; 1978)
  • Hitvita és nászinduló: Wittenberg, Bizánc (1960)
  • Arc és álarc (Johann Wolfgang Goethe) (1962; 1982)
  • Megszabadított Jeruzsálem (1965)
  • Saturnus fia [Albrecht Dürer életregénye] (1966; 1989)
  • Angyali Gigi (1966)
  • Handel (1967; 1975)
  • Meghatározások és szerepek (1969)
  • Szent Orpheus breviáriuma Vol. 1.-10.
  • Szárnyatlan oltárok: Burgundi krónika, Wittenberg (1978)

Published posthumously :

  • Barokk Róbert (1991; 2002)
  • Bianca Lanza di Casalanza (1994)
  • Narcisszus turkre (1995)
  • Bezárult Európa (2000)
  • Pendragon és XIII. Apolló (2008)
  • Meghatározások és szerepek (1969)
  • Múzsák testamentuma (1985)
  • Iniciálék és ámenek (1987)
  • Frivolitások és hitvallások (1988)
  • Ágoston olvasás közben (1993)
  • Az alázat kalendáriuma (1998)
  • Fájdalmok és titkok játéka (2001)

Published in foreign languages :


  • Breviary of Saint Orpheus, "Pannonia, number 1 (1985). Excerpt.
  • Divertimento. A reader on Hungarian literature, Hungary focus of the Frankfurt Book Fair (Frankfurt: 1999). Abstract.


  • Marginalia on Casanova New York 2012
  • Towards the One and Only Metaphor. New York 2013


  • Vers l'unique métaphore (Paris, 1991)
  • En marge de Casanova (1991)
  • Renaissance noire (1991)
  • Escorial (1993)
  • Chroniques burgondes (1996)
  • En lisant Augustin (1996)
  • Le Calendrier de l'humilité (1998)
  • Robert baroque (1998)
  • Les Confessions frivoles (1999)
  • Europa Minor (Aux éditions Phébus, 2006)


  • Margem de Casanova (1992)
  • Escorial (1999)


  • Bianca Lanza di Casalanza (1999)


  • Divertimento. Variacie na zivot Wolfganga Amadea Mozarta (1990)


  • A Proposito de Casanova (2002)
  • Renacimiento Negro (2007)
  • En lisant Augustin (2013).


  • József J. Fekete: POST
  • Rainer J. Hanshe: Entering the World Stage: Miklós Szentkuthy's Ars Poetica ( online )

Web links

Commons : Miklós Szentkuthy  - collection of images, videos and audio files