Milk and honey

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German title Milk and honey
Original title Revivre
Country of production France
original language French
Publishing year 2009
length 6 × 45 minutes
Director Haim Bouzaglo
script Haim Bouzaglo,
Laure Balzan-Sorin ,
Lisa Mamou ,
Sarah Romano ,
Daniel Saint-Hamont
production Nelly Kafsky
music Stéphane Zidi
camera Romain Winding
cut Katya Chelli
Olivier Mauffroy ,
Lisa Pfeiffer

Milk and Honey (original title: Revivre ) is a French multi-part television series from 2009 about the Jewish Aliyah in 1947. The melodrama was first broadcast on German television on ARTE on July 23 and 24, 2009 in six parts, each about 45 minutes long . The German title is an allusion to the promised land, in which, according to biblical tradition, milk and honey flow ( Exodus 33.3  EU ). The French original title Revivre means "to revive" and refers to the Jewish nation and the revived nation-state.


In Morocco , Hagana agent Dov, disguised as a French police officer, made contact with the Jewish community and organized their secret emigration to Palestine with a refugee ship that was supposed to sail from Algeria via France to Palestine. Most of the Jewish community in Casablanca managed to flee to Algeria unnoticed by the Sultan's secret police and waited on the beach with Algerian Jews for the ship. When the ship Annali arrives late, most of the Jews can barely escape access by the French police.

In Europe, the Holocaust survivors Lea, Angèle and Max return from the concentration camps to their French homeland. However, you find yourself in a reality that is still hostile to Jews. They make their way to Marseille , where the refugee ship from Algeria is expected. On the bus trip to Marseille they are joined by David, who also wants to board the ship to Palestine.

Antoine lost his wife and daughter in the last days of the war. All he has left is Marc, the son of his Jewish friend, whom he took into his care after his death. The broken Antoine wants to enable Marc a future according to his Jewish roots and brings him to Marseille.

When the Annali in Marseille arrives, one prevents strike of dockworkers loading with food and supplies. The Jews of the Annali want to bring the cargo on board themselves, but are prevented from doing so by the strikers. Before the conflict escalates, Antoine can intervene. With reference to the fate of the people on the ship, he managed to give in to the port workers, who interrupted their strike for the Annali . Antoine realizes that his heart has already connected with the Jews. Since he no longer has any caregivers in France and his foster son Marc asks him to come along, Antoine struggles and goes on board, which the Jews celebrate with loud applause. Overloaded with over 400 people, Annali sets off for Palestine.

On board the Annali , which was given the code name Yehuda Halevi based on the Jewish poet , the close coexistence created tensions. Reservations and prejudices between European and African Jews, between religious and secular people, between Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews are breaking up and burdening the community. The situation worsens when David is exposed as a British spy who is in secret radio contact with the British. Dov forces David to broadcast a fake message as a deception and then changes the destination of the Annali from Haifa to Atlit . Then Dov wants to shoot the spy, but has qualms about carrying it out. That's why David is just arrested.

South of Crete , the Annali suffers a machine breakdown and is rudderless on the sea. The captain is about to give up and call the British Navy for help over the radio. But because that would mean the internment of the Jews of Annali , Jacob, with his experience on trucks, tries successfully on the ship engine. Shortly before arriving in Eretz Israel, the Annali is spotted by British patrol planes and overflown. The machine is discovered in good time, so that Dov succeeds in sending all passengers to the accommodations in the holds and covering the hatches. The deception succeeds, the Annali is seen as a harmless freighter and left alone.

There are also positive moments on board. So the different groups grow together in need and with humor. There are Hebrew offered Language Courses and cultural performances, a child is born, and between Moishe and Perla first love gang tension.

While the Annali is on the Mediterranean , Ilan and Avraham and several helpers prepare the kibbutz for the arrival of the immigrants. They organize more sleeping tents, medical supplies and vehicles to bring the Annali passengers from the coast to the kibbutz. The poor supply situation is a great challenge and forces the kibbutzniks to improvise.

The Annali reached the coast of Palestine during the night. The helpers from the kibbutz are on hand with several vehicles and help the passengers to the shore. While the refugees are being disembarked, the ship is discovered and arrested by a British patrol. A scuffle ensues and shots are fired. Moische is injured in the process. In the confusion, some of the refugees and the injured Moische are taken away from the coast and hidden in the kibbutz. The arrested Jews of the Annali , including Perla, are deported to the Famagusta internment camp in Cyprus .

Raphael and Alice, who from the beginning found it difficult to break away from their comfortable life in Morocco, are very disillusioned with life in the camp and give up hope of a life in Palestine. Urged by his wife, Raphael negotiates the return of his family to Morocco with the camp management. For this, they earn contempt from the other Jews in the camp.

The Jews in the camp contact the Cypriot underground movement through the garbage collection . These contacts can be used to smuggle important goods into the warehouse. During a bathing day, the Palmachniks who were arrested explore the area and decide to dig an escape tunnel. After a lot of work and successful deception maneuvers, the tunnel is ready. While the British are distracted in a boxing match between Dédé and Boyd, a British guard, a large number of the camp inmates are able to flee to the coast and are picked up by a fishing boat that takes them to Palestine.

In the kibbutz, Jacques and Antoine's efforts to establish good contact with the neighboring Arab village are bearing their first fruits. One helps each other, the Arab midwife Leila can help herself in the kibbutz medical station, a motor-driven pump is installed together at the well. But the immigration of Jews and the friendship between Jews and Arabs is a thorn in the side of Arab fanatics. With increasingly drastic means they try to drive a wedge between Jews and Arabs. The kibbutz's doctor, Avraham, is ambushed and murdered, the common well is blown up, and the Arab villagers are threatened to have no contact with the Jews. But Antoine, who fell in love with Leila, does not want to break off contact. Jacques doesn’t want to lose his new friends either, and at the end of Ramadan he gives them groceries according to Arab custom. When Jacques and Leila are found murdered, the less moderate can assert themselves in the kibbutz and decide to take revenge. Moische explores the Arab village disguised as an Arab in order to locate the houses of the fanatics. Moische is fatally wounded in a massive night attack by the kibbutzniks on the Arab village. News of his death reached the Jews in the Famagusta and Perla camps on November 29, 1947, while the UN vote on the partition of Palestine was broadcast on the radio.


The film depicts the real events of the illegal immigration of Jews to Palestine with fictitious individual fates, as well as the longing for peace of the local Jewish and Arab population in Palestine, which collides with global politics and anti-Jewish pan-Arabism and is drowned in the spiral of violence and counter-violence.

The real ship that went to Palestine with the Hagana code name Yehuda Halevi was the freighter Annali ex Earl of Zetland . For the film, the story of the Yehuda Halevi was mixed with that of other immigrant ships. It was like that B. the Susana , who was only able to successfully bring a part of the immigrants ashore, and was then discovered by a British patrol. Or the Yildrim , which had an engine failure and therefore could not even be used as an immigrant ship. The death of an immigrant girl on the Yehuda Halevi , however, is historically correct, as is the discovery during the disembarkation.

Like a novella, the film leaves the further prehistory as well as the further story open.


Cinematographer Romain Winding was awarded a prize at the Festival du film de télévision de Luchon .

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