Minorite Monastery Krumlov

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The monastery area

The Minorite and Poor Clare Monastery was founded in Český Krumlov in 1350 as a double monastery and dissolved in 1950. The monastery building has been a protected cultural monument since 1958 and is now used as a museum.


The monastery was founded by Katharina, the widow of Peter I von Rosenberg and their sons Peter , Jost , Johann and Ulrich in 1350 based on the model of the Agnes Monastery in Prague . Pope Innocent VI approved on April 6, 1358 the establishment of a monastery of the Minorites with 12 brothers and a Poor Clare monastery with 12 sisters. The monastery was consecrated on Corpus Christi May 31, 1358, and in 1359 the monastery church was consecrated in honor of the body of Christ and the Virgin Mary by Bishop Albert. In 1361 the first three Poor Clares came to the monastery with Abbess Elisabeth from Opava . After the two convents had settled, the Rosenberg brothers issued the official charter on April 24, 1362.

After the Minorite convent burned down around 1560, Wilhelm von Rosenberg planned to dissolve it and convert it into a brewery. At the request of the abbess, this plan was dropped. Wilhelm built the new Krumau brewery southwest of the monastery in the Moldau loop and in 1588 called monks from Vienna to Krumau.

In 1609 Julius d'Austria , who had brutally murdered his lover the year before, was buried in the monastery at a location that is now unknown.

The Poor Clare Monastery was dissolved in 1782 by Emperor Josef II and the Minorite Monastery after the February coup in 1948 in 1950 by the communist rulers of Czechoslovakia . Since 1995 the area has been managed by the Brotherhood of the Cross with the Red Star . In 2014, extensive reconstruction work was started to reactivate the desolate area. The renovated monastery complex opened on November 28, 2015.


Monastery church

The monastery church is located between the Clariss monastery in the north and the Minorite monastery in the south. From the first church building, a Gothic altar hall with broken arcades on the south side of the triumphal arch (below the now baroque altar) and the large-scale figural paintings on the nuns' gallery, which are dated to the period after 1400, are still preserved. Major alterations were made in the 17th century (1649–1681). The church was extended and vaulted by Giacomo Antonio de Maggi . The early baroque gable side was provided with a carved gate, two niches with statues of saints and a high volute gable . Johann Christian von Eggenberg (1641–1710) and his wife Marie Ernestine, who also laid out the baroque palace theater and the palace gardens, had the main altar erected between 1679 and 1682 and equipped with statues by Johann Worath .

Poor Clare Monastery

After secularization in 1782, the Poor Clare Monastery was converted into a seat for the army and later into apartments for the manorial officials and retired employees. From 1864 to 1939 it housed a primary school for girls run by school sisters.

Minorite Monastery

In the cloister there are pointed arched windows with Gothic tracery . In the two-aisled north wing of the cloister, twisted central columns support the reticulated vault . The chapel of St. Wolfgang , built to the east, was inaugurated on September 16, 1491 by Benedikt von Waldstein , Bishop of Cammin , and also served as a chapter house . The rococo paintings with scenes from the life of St. Wolfgang were created by Jan Václav Tschöpper in 1781. Marie Ernestine von Eggenberg had the Chapel of the Black Madonna by Maria Einsiedeln built in the courtyard of the cloister from 1687–1688 .

To the south-east of the Minorite monastery in the direction of the brewery is another building that Anna von Rosenberg (died 1375) had built and was intended for conversations and later for terziaresses or beguines .


It is possible that the Krumau Madonna and the Pieta z Všeměřic ( Pietà from Všeměřice / Schömersdorf) were intended for the double monastery.


  • Pavel Vlček: Český Krumlov. Historické center. Series České dědictí UNESCO. 2016, pp. 80–88.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Minoritský klášter se zahradou ÚSKP 33669 / 3-1174 in the monument catalog pamatkovykatalog.cz (Czech).
  2. ^ The baroque magnate Johann Christian I von Eggenberg . In: Online encyclopedia encyklopedie.ckrumlov.cz about Krummau .
  3. ^ Martin Hák, Petr Steinbauer: Český Krumlov. City and castle guide. Around 1997, p. 21.
  4. ^ Jan Mikeš: Pieta z Všeměřic a pieta z Českého Krumlova. K objednavatelské politice na rožmbrských panstvích v první polovině 15. století. In: Sborník prací filozofické fakulty Brněnské univerzity. Brno 2009, p. 34 (Czech).

Coordinates: 48 ° 48 '47.1 "  N , 14 ° 19' 7.3"  E