Mission Manifesto

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Mission Manifest is a private initiative of Catholic Christians who want to put the issue of the new evangelization in the focus of church life and call for a missionary awakening in the Catholic Church, as well as the name of the initiative itself. The initiative was launched in 2018 at the MEHR conference in Augsburg presented.

Content of the manifest

Mission Manifesto formulates 10 theses on the subject of the new evangelization . The initiative is based on the assumption that a missionary departure in the Catholic Church cannot be decreed by the hierarchy, but must be borne by the church members themselves. Mission Manifest does not see itself as a new institution of its own, but wants to bring together and network existing initiatives and spiritual communities .

The ten theses of Mission Manifesto are headed as follows:

Thesis 1: We are moved by the longing that people will convert to Jesus Christ.
Proposition 2: We want mission to be priority number one.
Thesis 3: We believe that the chances have never been greater than now.
Thesis 4: We address everyone in our countries and make no difference.
Proposition 5: We believe that our mission will be as powerful as our prayers are.
Thesis 6: We thank all Christians outside the Catholic Church who are already devoting to missionary work, baptizing and leading people to Jesus.
Thesis 7: We have to rediscover the content of faith.
Thesis 8: We want to proselytize, not indoctrinate.
Thesis 9: We need a “democratization” of mission.
Proposition 10: We must convert ourselves to the joy of the gospel in order to be able to lead others to Jesus.

Origin of the initiative

The idea for Mission Manifest came about in June 2017 at a meeting in the prayer house in Augsburg . Among the initiators of the theologian include John Hartl , head of the house of worship, P. Karl Wallner , Cistercian and National Director of the Pontifical Mission Missio Austria, Bernhard Meuser, co-author of YOUCAT ; Martin Iten from Switzerland, the theologian Paul Metzlaff of the Center for Youth Ministry of the German Bishops 'Conference , and Benedict Michal, Managing Director of the Coordination Office JAKOB, a facility of the Austrian Bishops' Conference in the field of youth work. On January 5, 2018, the initiative was presented to a broad public at the MEHR conference in Augsburg. Representatives from over 80 communities who supported Mission Manifesto came on stage to present. The first signatories include the Archbishop of Cologne Rainer Maria Woelki , the Passau Bishop Stefan Oster , the Austrian Youth Bishop Stephan Turnovszky and the two Swiss Youth Bishops Marian Eleganti and Alain de Raemy .


In an article on kathisch.de , the Internet portal of the Roman Catholic Church in Germany , Gabriele Höfling acknowledges that the initiators of Mission Manifest “want to initiate a real debate in the midst of the church crisis”; at the same time she criticizes that the manifesto sees the situation of the church too negatively.

In response to the initiative, many communities have expressed their support, including: a. the Charismatic Renewal (Austria), the media collective fisherman.fm , the Catholic Scouts of Europe and the seers of Medjugorje related Community Totus Tuus . The latter spoke of around 100 other supporting communities. There was also approval from several bishops and regional bishops 'conferences: The Swiss Bishops' Conference reported on the Mission Manifesto on the home page of their homepage. Archbishop Rino Fisichella , President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization , said in a statement: “I believe that the synergies created by the Mission Manifesto are gratifying and important. I accompany and support this commitment on behalf of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization. ” Auxiliary Bishop Florian Wörner from the Diocese of Augsburg also signaled his support. The Austrian auxiliary bishop Stephan Turnovszky emphasized that his support was "coupled with the implementation of his own missionary activities". He wants to set clear accents in 2018 and is already planning the event "Jesus in the City", a "Festival of Faith" with missionary and social activities in Wiener Neustadt.

Mission Manifesto was echoed outside the Catholic Church. Ulrich Parzany , head of the Bible and Confession network, described the initiative as an “encouraging initiative in the Catholic Church”.

Conservative-evangelical circles especially criticized the reference formulated in thesis 7 to the transmission of Christian doctrine by the Catholic Church, as formulated in the catechism. This would approve of Catholic teaching positions "such as the Assumption of Mary, veneration of saints, mass, the sacraments, purgatory, etc.", which Protestant Christians could not join.

In October 2018, the social ethicist Ursula Nothelle-Wildfeuer criticized that the manifesto meant a “ sectification and evangelicalization of the church”; The house of prayer in Augsburg also has “features of a sectarian orientation”. The organizers have recognized what is deficient in the church. She would look forward to reactions from the authors and followers. Johannes Hartl contradicted several of Nothelle-Wildfeuer's statements.


On May 2, 2018, the founders of the manifesto handed over a book of it to Pope Francis .

On July 28, 2018 the meeting “Meet Mission Manifest” took place in Altötting , to which the initiators of the manifesto had invited. Also Stefan Oster , youth bishop of the German Bishops' Conference , took part. The aim of the exchange was to report on the development of Mission Manifesto so far and to present the further timetable.


  • Bernhard Meuser / Johannes Hartl / Karl Wallner (eds), Mission Manifest. The theses for the comeback of the church , Herderverlag: Freiburg 2018, ISBN 9783451381478 .
  • Ursula Nothelle-Wildfeuer / Magnus Striet (ed.), Einfach nur Jesus ?: A review of the "Mission Manifesto" , Herderverlag: Freiburg 2018, ISBN 978-3-451-38318-2 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Mission Manifesto": The church's comeback is to start in Augsburg , www.augsburger-allgemeine.de , January 12, 2018, accessed on March 6, 2018.
  2. See Bernhard Meuser / Johannes Hartl / Karl Wallner (eds), Mission Manifest. The theses for the comeback of the church , Herderverlag: Freiburg 2018, ISBN 9783451381478 , pp. 15-16.
  3. See Bernhard Meuser / Johannes Hartl / Karl Wallner (eds), Mission Manifest. The theses for the comeback of the church , Herderverlag: Freiburg 2018, ISBN 9783451381478 , p. 19.
  4. ^ Bernhard Meuser / Johannes Hartl / Karl Wallner (eds), Mission Manifest. The theses for the comeback of the church , Herderverlag: Freiburg 2018, ISBN 9783451381478 , pp. 9-13.
  5. See Bernhard Meuser / Johannes Hartl / Karl Wallner (eds), Mission Manifest. The theses for the comeback of the church , Herderverlag: Freiburg 2018, ISBN 9783451381478 , p. 15.
  6. a b Just save the church quickly. Catholic.de from January 7, 2018, accessed March 13, 2018.
  7. 10 theses "for the comeback of the church": The "Mission Manifesto" (UPDATE) , https://de.catholicnewsagency.com , January 5, 2018, accessed on March 6, 2018.
  8. Preparation of the comeback , www.domradio.de , January 5, 2018, accessed on March 6, 2018.
  9. ↑ The “Mission Manifesto” campaign wants to help the church make a “comeback” , January 7th, 2018, homepage of the Catholic Archdiocese of Vienna, accessed on March 6th, 2018.
  10. Correct: Martin Iten is a co-initiator of “Mission Manifest” - website is online , www.kath.ch , January 7, 2018, accessed March 6, 2018.
  11. Mission Manifesto ... we're in! , www.ernerung.at, accessed March 7, 2018.
  12. [1] , January 6, 2018, accessed March 7, 2018.
  13. Mission Manifest , www.kpe.de, accessed March 7, 2018.
  14. MISSION MANIFESTO , http://www.totus-tuus.de , accessed on March 7, 2018.
  15. Mission Manifesto , www.bischoefe.ch, January 15, 2018 Access on March 7 2018th
  16. ^ Voices from initiators and supporters , www.erzdioezese-wien.at, January 24, 2018, accessed on March 7, 2018.
  17. A mission without prayer doesn't work! , http://www.kath.net , January 7, 2018, accessed March 7, 2018.
  18. ↑ The “Missions Manifesto” campaign wants to help the church make a “comeback” , www.katholisch.at, January 6, 2018, accessed on March 7, 2018.
  19. The Catholic Mission Manifesto gives courage , www.idea.de, January 10, 2018, accessed on March 7, 2018.
  20. Hans-Werner Deppe: The MEHR Conference 2018. In: betanien.de, March 1, 2018
  21. Madeleine Spendier: Social ethicist Ursula Nothelle-Wildfeuer sees Rolle backwards: “The 'Mission Manifesto' means the church is sectified.” Kathisch.de of October 10, 2018
  22. "I am amazed by the downright aggressive tone of the interview". kath.net from October 15, 2018
  23. Pope receives Mission Manifesto - Vatican News . May 2, 2018 ( vaticannews.va [accessed May 3, 2018]).
  24. Over 300 participants at "Meet Mission Manifest" in Altötting , CNA-Deutsch, July 31, 2018, accessed on September 25, 2018.