Mohammad-Ali Ramin

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Mohammad-Ali Ramin

Mohammad-Ali Ramin (* 1954 in Dezful ) is an Iranian politician and Holocaust denier . From November 2009 to December 2010 he was Deputy Minister for Culture and Press Affairs.


Ramin lived in Germany from 1977 to 1994 . He studied at the TU Clausthal . In 1982 he spent a year in prison, from which he said he was released with the help of the government of Iran. For the Iranist Walter Posch , this process can point to an intelligence background.

Until 1994 Ramin studied mechanical engineering in Karlsruhe and Düsseldorf . During this time he founded the association “Islamic Community in Clausthal e. V. ”(today:“ Islamischer Weg eV ”), which called on all people to revolt against“ the oppressive machinery of this earth, led by the Zionists and the USA ”. He was also chairman of a "Society for the Representation of the Rights of Muslim Minorities in the West". He has been banned from entering Germany since 2003.


Activities for the Iranian government

Upon his return to Iran, Ramin joined the cadres of the Hezbollahis . Later he also became politically active in public. In 2004 he ran for parliamentary elections , where he achieved a respectable success. In 2006 he was commissioned by President Mahmud Ahmadineschād to coordinate the election campaign of his supporters for the municipal council elections.

Ramin has also appeared as a journalist for state media, including the daily Keyhan , and as a lecturer at state universities. Since his appointment as Vice Minister for Culture and the Media in November 2009, he has announced bans on several newspapers critical of the regime in Iran. His ministry (Ershad) examines newspapers, book manuscripts and film material for "immoral" content that contradicts the state idea of ​​the Islamic Republic of Iran, and exercises press censorship . Ramin's involvement in it had already feared Iranian exiles after his appointment.


Ramin is regarded in the West as an ideologue and alleged writer of speeches by the president in which he described the Holocaust as a "myth". He sees the " Holocaust story" as a "pretext for the emergence of the criminal Israeli regime".

On June 9, 2006, according to an Iranian newspaper report, Ramin said to students at the University of Medical Sciences in Rasht ( Gilan Province ): Anti-Semitism has no place in Iranian culture. However, among the Jews there were always murderers of the prophets and opponents of justice. This religious group caused cruelty, malice and cunning through plans against other peoples and ethnic groups, thus "causing the greatest damage to the human race".

As examples, he cited historical charges against Jews: they had been made responsible for plague pandemics and typhus because they were "very dirty people" and accused of murdering Christians by poisoning wells . He expressed analogous conspiracy theories on more recent events: AIDS emerged at the time when the Islamic Revolution in Iran also attracted many people in the West in order to scare them. This epidemic broke out after the attacks of September 11, 2001 and was destroyed by the US invasion of Afghanistan . The SARS Disease broke out before the start of the invasion of Iran by Iraq and then disappeared again. The H5N1 bird flu was said to have been spread in real and in the media by these states to cover up the failure of the USA, Israel and Great Britain in the Middle East. Since the Iranian health minister was able to stop this disease at the Iranian border, it must have been invented by birds. He did not know the cause of all these rumors, but he did know that Jews were repeatedly accused for such plans and did not look good doing it.

Similarly, the British, Americans and Zionists might have invented the Holocaust for four reasons: Represent the Germans as a nation burning people in order to control their striving for power; one offers a reason for the establishment of Israel's state in order to control the Islamic region and at the same time to get rid of the Jews from Europe; one conceals one's own, actual and far worse genocides , for example against the Indians or residents of Hiroshima . With the founding of the state of Israel, the Christian West secretly wanted to provoke an Islamic uprising that could lead to the total annihilation of Jews worldwide. The State of Israel must therefore be destroyed in order to bring peace to the Middle East and thus also to protect the Jewish people from annihilation. However, since it is not yet known for sure whether the Holocaust took place, he suggested that the president should clarify this question in an organized manner. His instruction to do so transfers Iran from the previous role of the accused to that of the accuser vis-à-vis the West, who frees either Germans or Jews from their oppression.

Holocaust denial

As head of the "Institute for Political and International Studies", which is subordinate to the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Ramin organized a so-called Holocaust conference in Tehran in December 2006 , attended by 67 Holocaust deniers, right-wing extremists and anti-Zionists from 30 countries. This meeting served the Islamist regime of Iran to provoke the West and deny Israel's right to exist . There Ramin was appointed "General Secretary" of a newly established "World Foundation for Holocaust Studies", which wants to relocate its headquarters to Berlin as soon as the ban on Holocaust denial in some European countries has been removed.

On December 28, 2006, Ramin gave an interview in Iran in which he first stated that the Tehran Conference was the prelude to the liberation of the world from Zionism, which has made questioning the Holocaust taboo everywhere. He then explained this by advocating the anti-Semitic conspiracy theory of an alleged “ World Jewry ” and other conspiracy theses derived from it. Among other things, he claimed that Adolf Hitler's mother was "a Jewish whore" and that Hitler had developed a hatred of Jews because of this. At the same time, his friends, relatives and most important supporters were Jews. Together with Great Britain, which is also ruled by Jews, they would have asked him to expel the Jews from Europe in order to bring about the establishment of the State of Israel. Jews also founded the United States, caused both world wars and destroyed the archives of the Russian newspaper Pravda on February 10, 2006 in order to destroy evidence of their crimes. When asked whether he agreed with the French Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson , who “accepted” three million Jewish deaths during the Nazi era, Ramin replied that independent research had shown that there weren't that many Jews living in Europe at the time.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tehran Times, November 2, 2009: Mohammad-Ali Ramin becomes deputy culture minister for press
  2. ^ A b Walter Posch (David, Jüdische Kulturzeitschrift, issue 84): Jews in Iran. Comments on an anti-Zionist letter to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ( Memento of the original dated May 12, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Der Stern, December 11, 2006: Holocaust Conference: German Nazis alien
  4. Mohammad-Ali Ramin ( Memento of the original from June 11, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. ^ ZDF, Forum on Friday, June 27, 2008: Forbidden Works: Censorship in the Islamic World
  6. TRANSMISSION November 2, 2009: Iran's Leading Holocaust Denier Named Deputy Minister
  7. Interview with Muslim-Markt , December 23, 2018
  8. Muhammad Sahimi (Los Angeles, March 30, 2010): An Administration Plagued by Fraud and Corruption
  9. ^ Anton Maegerle : Revisionist Ideologists: The leading Holocaust denier in Iran has excellent connections to Germany. ( Blick nach Rechts , issue 13/2006, June 21, 2006; paid article)
  10. Report according to MEMRI, June 15, 2006: Iranian Presidential Advisor Mohammad Ali Ramin: 'The Resolution of the Holocaust Issue Will End in the Destruction of Israel'
  11. Philipp Wittrock (Der Spiegel, February 17, 2006): Iranian Holocaust Conference: "Our President only means well"
  12. MEMRI, December 15, 2006: Iran Holocaust Denial Conference Announces Plan to Establish World Foundation for Holocaust Studies
  13. Original in Farsi on Baztab; English-translated excerpts from MEMRI, January 3, 2007: Mohammad Ali Ramin, Advisor to Iranian President Ahmadinejad: 'Hitler Was Jewish' ; full German translation according to Honestly Concerned, January 7, 2007: A document of Islamist anti-Semitism: Interview with Mohammad Ali Ramin (adviser to President Ahmadinejad and organizer of the Tehran Holocaust Conference) ; Reports and a. Israel News, February 1, 2007: Iran: Hitler was a Jew