Moritz Ludwig Seyffert

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Moritz Ludwig Seyffert (born March 19, 1809 in Wittenberg ; † November 8, 1872 in Potsdam ) was a German philologist and educator.


Moritz Ludwig Seyffert was born on March 19, 1809 in Wittenberg, the son of a director. His schooling there with Gregor Wilhelm Nitzsch and Franz Spitzner offered him an excellent philological education at an early stage. In 1826 he enrolled at the University of Halle to study philology and theology . He soon turned more to philological studies and found his sponsor in Karl Christian Reisig , who integrated him into the philological circle of the university.

When he graduated as a senior teacher in 1830, he accepted an offer at the Nordhausen grammar school . However, he only worked there for a short time, until Easter 1831, when he switched to the Latin secondary school in Halle . On June 4, 1831 he received his doctorate with the dissertation "De duplici Iphigeniae Aulidensis recensione" and then passed the examination "pro facultate docendi". After passing exams, he switched to the Royal Pedagogy of the Francke Foundations in Halle. In 1833 he made his first literary appearance with the "Carmina aliquot Goethii et Schilleri latine reddita". With the "Palaestra Musarum" his three-volume methodical textbook on Latin verse was published 1834-1835, which was used for a long time in the teaching of high schools. His successes attracted attention, so that at Easter 1839 he was offered the position of vice-principal at the grammar school in Brandenburg an der Havel .

Seyffert's book "Palaestra Ciceroniana", which in the implementation of an expedient method and in the richness of the entire scientific equipment left other comparable works far behind, earned him a professorship in 1843. At Easter 1846 he was appointed professor at the Joachimsthalsche Gymnasium in Berlin , to which he belonged until the end of his teaching activities in 1871. Seyffert passed his retirement in Potsdam and died there on November 8, 1872.


Palestra Ciceroniana, Leipzig 1859 (title page)
  • Carmina aliquot Goethii et Schilleri Latine reddita. Orphanage, Halle 1833 ( digitized ).
  • Materials for translation from German into Latin for middle grades in scholarly schools. Leipzig 1834.
  • with Theodor Echtermeyer : Palaestra Musarum. Materials for practicing the more common metra and learning the poetic language of the Romans. 2 parts (in 3 volumes). Orphanage, Halle / Saale 1834/1835.
  • Gaius Iulius Caesar : C. Iulii Caesari de bello Gallico. Grammatically explained through references to the grammars of Zumpt and Schulz. Orphanage, Halle 1836.
  • Aretalogus sive Epigrammata et sententiae nostratium poetarum latine reddita. Müller, Brandenburg 1841 ( digitized version ).
  • Palaestra Ciceroniana. Materials on Latin style exercises for the upper level of high schools. Müller, Brandenburg 1841.
  • Carmina quaedam Rückerti latine reddita. Wiesike, Brandenburg 1842 ( digitized version ).
  • Greek reading book for Secunda, containing Xenophon's memoir and Lucian's dream, Anacharsis, Demonax, Timon and Jupiter tragoedus. Müller, Brandenburg 1842 ( digitized version ).
  • Marcus Tullius Cicero : Laelius sive De amicitia dialogus. With a commentary on private use for mature high school students and aspiring philologists. Müller, Brandenburg 1844.
  • Exercise book to translate from German into Latin for Secunda. Müller, Brandenburg 1846.
  • Epistola critica ad C. Halmium de Ciceronis per P. Sulla et per P. Sestio orationibus ab ipso editis. Brandenburg 1848.
  • The private study in its educational meaning. A sketch as a contribution to the criticism of our modern high schools. Müller, Brandenburg 1852 ( digitized version ).
  • Readings from Greek and Latin writers for the middle and upper grades of high schools. Holtze, Leipzig 1854.
  • Scholae Latinae. Contribution to a methodical practice of Latin style and composition exercises. 2 parts. Holtze, Leipzig 1855/1857.
    • Th. 1: The forms of tractatio. 1855 ( digitized version ).
    • Th. 2: The Chrie, the main part of the old school technology. 1857 ( digitized ).
  • Friedrich Ellendt : Latin grammar for the lower grades of high schools. 4th, improved edition. Weidmann, Berlin 1855.
  • Carmina latina. De poetiis alienigenis maxima germanicis. Holtze, Leipzig 1857 ( digitized ).
  • Progymnasmata. Instructions for Latin composition in practical examples for the Chrie and its parts. For the top level of education in grammar schools. Holtze, Leipzig 1859 ( digitized version ).
  • Palestra Ciceroniana, German original pieces to be translated into Latin , Leipzig 1859.
  • (corrected and increased by Seyffert) Ernst Friedrich Wüstemann : Promptuarium sententiarum. Ex veterum scriptorum Romanorum. Förstemann, Nordhausen 1864.
  • Exercise book for translation from German into Greek following Xenophon's Anabasis for middle and upper high school grades. Springer, Berlin 1865.
  • Sophocles : Antigona ad novissimam optimi codicis conlationem recensuit et brevi adnotatione instruxit. Weidmann, Berlin 1865.
  • Sophocles: Aiax ad novissimam optimi codicis conlationem recensuit et brevi adnotatione instruxit. Weidmann, Berlin 1866 ( digitized version ).
  • Sophocles: Philoctetes ad novissimam optimi codicis conlationem recensuit et brevi adnotatione instruxit. Weidmann, Berlin 1866.
  • Latin reader for sexta and quinta: following the grammar of Ellendt-Seyffert. Weidmann, Berlin 1871.


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