Municipio of San Pablo de Lípez

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Municipio of San Pablo de Lípez
Laguna Colorada in the canton of Quetena Grande
Laguna Colorada in the canton of Quetena Grande
Basic data

Population (state)
- population density
3371 inhabitants (2012 census)
0 inhabitants / km²
Post Code 05-1001
Telephone code (+591)
surface 13,557 km²
height 4400  m
Coordinates 22 ° 7 ′  S , 67 ° 12 ′  W Coordinates: 22 ° 7 ′  S , 67 ° 12 ′  W
Municipio San Pablo de Lípez (Bolivia)
Municipio of San Pablo de Lípez
Municipio of San Pablo de Lípez

Department Potosí
province Sur Lípez Province
Central place San Pablo de Lípez
Location of the Municipio San Pablo de Lípez in the Department of Potosí
Location of the Municipio San Pablo de Lípez
in the Department of Potosí
Climate diagram San Pablo de Lípez
Climate diagram San Pablo de Lípez

The municipality of San Pablo de Lípez is a district in the Potosí department in the highlands of the South American Andean state of Bolivia .

Location in the vicinity

San Pablo de Lípez is one of the three municipalities in the province of Sur Lípez . It borders in the north with the province of Nor Lípez , in the northwest with the province Enrique Baldivieso , in the west and south with the Republic of Chile , in the southeast with the Republic of Argentina , in the east with the municipality San Antonio de Esmoruco , and in the northeast with the municipality Mojinete and Sur Chichas Province . It stretches for 230 kilometers from northeast to southwest, its width varies between 25 and 110 kilometers. The main town of the municipality is the town of the same name, San Pablo de Lípez .


San Pablo de Lípez lies on the Bolivian Altiplano between the Andes mountain ranges of the Cordillera Occidental in the west and the Cordillera de Lípez in the east. The region's climate is arid and has a time-of-day climate.

The mean annual temperature of the region is 5.5 ° C (see climate diagram), with a monthly average of just over 0 ° C in July and 8 ° C from December to February. The annual precipitation is low 170 mm, whereby the months April to October are almost free of precipitation. Significant precipitation falls only from November to March, with a maximum of 45 mm monthly precipitation in January.

According to the climate classification , the climate in the municipality of San Pablo de Lípez is dry and cold ( BWk ) .


The district's population has increased by more than a third in the past two decades:

  • 1992 : 2,412 inhabitants ( census )
  • 2001 : 2,523 inhabitants (census)
  • 2010 : 3,371 inhabitants (census)

The population density of the municipality at the 2012 census was 0.2 inhabitants / km². The proportion of the urban population is 0 percent, the proportion of the population aged under 15 is 41.3 percent.

The literacy rate among those over 19 is 81 percent, 94 percent for men and 68 percent for women. The most important idiom with a share of 87 percent is Spanish , 80 percent of the population speak Quechua . 83 percent of the population are Catholic, 10 percent Protestant.

The life expectancy of newborns is 53 years. 99.5 percent of the population have no access to electricity, 92 percent live without sanitary facilities.


Results of the elections for the municipal council ( concejales del municipio ) in the regional elections on April 4, 2010:

valid votes MAS-IPSP MOP
1,034   903 657   408 249
  87.3% 72.8%   62.1% 37.9%


The municipality is divided into the following cantons :

Localities in the municipality of San Pablo de Lípez

Individual evidence

  1. Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) 1992
  2. ^ Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) 2001
  3. Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) 2012 ( Memento of the original of July 22, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Acta de computo Nacional Electoral Departamentales, Municipales y Regional 2010

Web links