Mussy Kononenko

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Mussij Stepanowytsch Kononenko ( Ukrainian Мусій Степанович Кононенко , Russian Моисей Степанович Кононенко Moissei Stepanovich Kononenko ; born August 22, jul. / 3. September  1864 greg. In Turiwka , Poltava Governorate , Russian Empire ; † 14. June 1922 in Novi Sanschary , Poltava Governorate , Ukrainian SSR ) was a Ukrainian poet , prose writer, and playwright, active leader of the cooperative movement and the Taras Brotherhood .


Mussij Kononenko came as a child of serfs in Turiwka in Ukraine today Rajon Zghurivka the Kiev Oblast to the world. He took private lessons and in 1884 attended the pedagogical school in Novosybkow in what is now Bryansk Oblast . From 1885 to 1890 he served in the Russian army where he was stationed in the cities of Koselez , Chernihiv and Baturyn .

After military service he first settled in Odessa and in 1892 moved to Kiev, where he worked as an official of the Ministry of Education and Science at the South-Western Railway .

In his own house he organized secretly held lectures by Volodymyr Antonovytsch on the Cossack period in Ukraine and participated in the preparation of the dictionary of the Ukrainian language completed by Borys Hrinchenko . In 1897 he was one of the initiators and a leading member of the constituent assembly of the All-Ukrainian non-party organization. In 1905 he was arrested for anti-government views, placed under police supervision and banned from civil service.

Between 1913 and 1916 he lived in Lubny and then moved to Poltava . During the Ukrainian Revolution from 1917 to 1921, he took an active part in educational and community life. In 1919 he headed the Soyuzbank branch in Sinkiw and in 1920 he headed the cooperative bank. In 1921 he went back to Poltava where he was elected a member of the Credit Union cooperatives. After the Bolsheviks came to power , he was arrested in Poltava by the Soviet authorities. During his several months in detention, he developed tuberculosis . In 1922 he moved to Novi Sanschary, where he died of tuberculosis in June 1922 at the age of 57.

His daughter Charytja Kononenko ( Харитя Мусіївна Кононенко ; October 18, 1900 - October 15, 1943) was a well-known journalist and public figure.


Kononenko began his activity as a poet in 1883 with the poem Neschasne Kohannya ( Нещасне кохання ) printed in Lviv , which was followed by the collection of poems Lira ( Ліра ; 1885). Kononenko published his poems later (sometimes under the pseudonym M. Shkolichenko) in Galician magazines like Pravda , Sorja and Dswinok . He has also written journalistic articles, including some on Ukrainian history. His work on the work of Taras Shevchenko received special attention .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Entry on Mussij Kononenko in the Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine ; accessed on April 30, 2018 (Ukrainian)
  2. a b c Entry on Mussij Kononenko in the Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine ; accessed on April 30, 2018 (Ukrainian)
  3. entry to Mussij Kononenko in Brockhaus and Efron ; accessed on April 30, 2018 (Russian)