Piwdenno-Sachidna Zaliznytsia

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Piwdenno-Sachidna Zaliznytsia
legal form
Seat Kiev , UkraineUkraineUkraine 
management Volodymyr Tjahulskyj
Branch Railway company
Website www.swrailway.gov.ua

The Piwdenno-Sachidna Salisnyzja (Ukrainian Південно-Західна залізниця ; German about "South-Western Railway") is a regional railway company in Western Ukraine with headquarters in Lyssenka Street ( Ukrainian вул.Лисенка ) No 6 in. Kiev and belongs to Ukrainian railway company Ukrzalisnytsja .

The railway company operates the route networks in the Oblasts of Khmelnitsky , Kiev , Zhytomyr , Sumy , Chernihiv and Vinnytsia as well as parts of the Oblasts of Rivne , Chernivtsi , Cherkassy , Poltava and Ternopil . In 2008, it comprised 4668 kilometers of railway line, 93% of which were electrified, and 315 stations were served. The railway lines are designed in Russian broad gauge (1520 mm). The director of the company was Oleksiy Kryvopishyn from 2002 to 2005 and from 2006 to 2015 .


Regional Railway Companies of Ukraine as of 2014

The railway history of the Ukrainian territories of the Russian Empire began in the 1860s. Later there was a need for a connection between central Russia ( Moscow ) and the port in Odessa .

The first railway line Odessa – Balta was 293 km long. It was built from 1862 to 1865 at state expense. The head of the construction work was the Chamberlain Baron von Ungern-Sternberg . Supervision and control were carried out by Adjutant General Kozebu. Prisoners and soldiers from criminal detachments were used as workers.

In May 1868 the construction of the Kiev-Balta railway began as a continuation of the existing line. On June 7, 1870, it was put into operation and founded as the Russian Southwest Railways .

When the railway bridge was completed in February 1870 by the engineer Struve in Kiev, the Kiev station also served the Kursk-Kiev railway , which reached the opposite bank of the Dnieper in 1868.

Until 1876 the Schmerynka – Volotschysk and Berdychiv – Staryj Kryvyn lines were built. From 1890 to 1897 the Schmerynka – Mohyliw – Podilskyj, Kosjatyn – Uman, Chrystyniwka – Shpola, Berdychiv – Zhytomyr lines were put into operation. On January 1, 1897, the Fastow-Snamenka private railway was merged with the Südwestbahnen. The state railway line Kiev – Korosten became part of the Southwest Railways on October 6, 1902.

In 1883 the 293.5 km long railway line Bendery - Galați (Romania) was connected, although it was not yet completed and the operation was loss-making.

The architects O. von Hohen and B. Kulikowski built the administration building of the Südwestbahnen from 1888–1889 (today's address: Kiev, Lysenkostr. 6).

1900–1902 the 400 km long line Kiev (Volhynischer Bahnhof) –Kovel was built.

On January 1, 1904, the railways had more than 50,000 employees.

In 1913 they owned 3906 werst (old Russian length unit of 1.066 km) main lines, of which 1349 were double-tracked. There were 1480 steam locomotives, 31809 freight cars and 1650 passenger cars. The administration of the south-west railways consisted of track, traction, traffic, telegraph, commercial, cost and material services. In addition, the railroad director's office had an accounting, teaching department and medical service.

On November 30, 1913, the Proskuriv – Starokonstiantyniw – Shepetivka line was put into operation. At the same time, construction work began to extend this line to Korosten and also to build lines Shepetivka-Isjaslav-Lanivtsi and Yarmolynzi-Husiatyn. They were completed in 1915–1916. The Korosten – Wystupowytschi – Mazyr line was also built in 1916.

After the end of the First World War, additional lines were built, mostly local lines. The Nizhyn-Chernihiv route was built in 1925, Chernihiv-Ovrutsch in 1928, and Chernihiv-Homel in 1930. 1931 followed Voroschba-Orsha, 1935 Ovrutsch-Bilokorowytschi, 1936 Fastiw-Zhytomyr and Kalyniwka-Starokonstiantyniw. The 27 km long route from Zhytomyr to Korostyshiv was built in the 1950s.

This was followed by only two routes: the freight railway from the Kiev hydropower plant (in operation since 1961), which has also taken over passenger transport since 2010, and the Kiev - Moscow station - Myroniwka route (in operation since 1983).


  1. Kiev Railway Directorate, responsible for parts of the Oblasts of Kiev, Chernihiv, Cherkassy and Poltava
  2. Railway Directorate Kostyatyn, responsible for parts of the Oblasts of Kiev, Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia, Khmelnytskyi and Rivne
  3. Schmerynka Railway Directorate, responsible for parts of the Khmelnytskyi, Chernivtsi and Vinnytsia oblasts
  4. Korosten Railway Directorate, responsible for part of the Sumy and Chernihiv oblasts
  5. Konotop Railway Directorate, responsible for parts of the Kiev, Zhytomyr and Khmelnytskyi oblasts

Railway lines

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Про Південно-Західну залізницю

Coordinates: 50 ° 26 ′ 52 ″  N , 30 ° 30 ′ 42 ″  E