NGC 7492

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Globular cluster
NGC 7492
Constellation Aquarius
equinoxJ2000.0 , epoch : J2000.0
Right ascension 23 h 08 m 26.7 s
declination -15 ° 36 ′ 41 ″
Concentration class XII
Brightness  (visual) approx. 11.2 mag
Physical data
Affiliation Milky Way , outer halo
distance about 27,000  pc
discovery William Herschel
Discovery date September 20, 1786
Catalog names
 NGC  7492 • C 2305-159 •  GCl  125 •  GC  4896 • H III-558 • h 2208

NGC 7492 is a globular cluster of the outer galactic halo. NGC  7492 lies in the constellation Aquarius and has an apparent magnitude of about 11.2 mag. The object was discovered by William Herschel on September 20, 1786 .