
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
State : SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : Canton of ThurgauCanton of Thurgau Thurgau (TG)
District : Arbon
Political community : Amriswili2
Postal code : 8587
Coordinates : 738 720  /  269196 coordinates: 47 ° 33 '32 "  N , 9 ° 16' 55"  O ; CH1903:  738720  /  269196
Height : 438  m above sea level M.
Residents: 59 (December 31, 2010)


Niederaach (Switzerland)
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Niederaach is a hamlet in the political municipality of Amriswil in the Arbon district of the canton of Thurgau in Switzerland .


Niederaach is located on the Aach between Oberaach and Amriswil, northwest of Amriswil. The streets Amriswil – Oberaach and Biessenhofen - Niedersommeri cross in Niederaach .


"National" inn

Aach was first mentioned in a document in 883 as Aha . Niederaach belonged to the so-called Almensberg Hospital Court , which was confirmed in 1525 by the ten federal locations.

From 1803 to 1816 Niederaach was part of the municipality of Sommeri , from 1816 it belonged to Hefenhofen , where in 1870 the spatially identical local and municipal municipality were merged to form the unitary municipality of Hefenhofen. In 1936 Niederaach was separated from the unified community of Hefenhofen in the Arbon district and assigned to the then local community of Oberaach and the municipality of Amriswil in the Bischofszell district. In 1960 Niederaach had 79 inhabitants. In 1979 the local community of Oberaach, including its part of Niederaach, merged with the local communities of Amriswil, Biessenhofen and Räuchlisberg to form the unitary community of Amriswil.

In church, Niederaach always shared the fate of Sommeri.


The “National” inn is on the list of cultural assets in Amriswil .

Individual evidence

  1. Locations and Settlements Directory. Canton of Thurgau, 2012 edition. On the website of the Statistical Office of the Canton of Thurgau (PDF; 3.4 MB), accessed on May 11, 2020.
  2. Erich Trösch: Oberaach. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  3. Gregor Spuhler : Almen mountain. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  4. Erich Trösch: Sommeri. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  5. Verena Rothenbühler: Hefenhofen. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  6. Population development of the municipalities. Canton Thurgau, 1850–2000 and resident population of the municipalities and change from the previous year. Canton of Thurgau, 1990–2018. On the website of the Statistical Office of the Canton of Thurgau (Excel tables; 0.1 MB each), accessed on April 28, 2020.
  7. ^ Gregor Spuhler: Amriswil. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .