Just a Woman (1958)

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Original title Just one woman
Country of production GDR
original language German
Publishing year 1958
length 105 minutes
Age rating FSK 6
Director Carl Balhaus
script Erich Ebermayer ,
Hedda Zinner
production DEFA studio for feature films
music Eberhard Schmidt
camera Götz Neumann
cut Helga Emmrich

Only one woman is a biographical GDR film from 1958 about the women's rights activist Luise Otto-Peters . The novel of the same name published by Hedda Zinner in 1954 served as a template . Other titles in the film were "Nachtigall im Winter" and "Luise Otto-Peters" .


Louise Otto grows up as the well-protected daughter of the court director Fürchtegott Wilhelm Otto and his wife Charlotte in Meißen . At an early age she showed sympathy for political and social problems and thus met resistance from her bourgeois environment. She turns down the rich Baron Rödern's wedding offer and begins a relationship with the young, committed teacher August Peters. Luise begins to write socially critical novels and founds Germany's first women's magazine.

In the fighting of the 48s revolution , she meets the wounded August again, who is wanted by the police. She cannot prevent him from being arrested and sentenced to ten years in prison. After his imprisonment, Louise and August marry.

Release dates

  • Premiere: March 6, 1958


  • Hedda Zinner: "Only a woman" . Publishing house culture and progress, Berlin 1960
  • F.-B. Habel : The great lexicon of DEFA feature films . Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-89602-349-7 , pp. 440 to 441 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. defa-stiftung.de
  2. defa-stern hours.de