Marianne Wünscher

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Marianne Wünscher , married Wünscher-Pietsch (born December 30, 1930 in Berlin ; † August 9, 1990 there ), was a German actress .


The daughter of a violin maker and a cook received after elementary and high school from 1947 to 1949 acting lessons at the drama school "Der Kreis" (Fritz Kirchhoff School) in Berlin. She worked as a news and radio play announcer for the Berliner Rundfunk. From 1950 to 1951 she continued her acting training at the Marie Borchardt Studio . On February 4, 1951, she passed the stage entrance examination .

Marianne Wünscher appeared on the stage for the first time on May 7, 1951 as Monika in Baller versus Baller by Karl Veken at the Deutsches Theater . After an engagement at the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm in 1952 , she switched to the Deutsches Theater in 1953. From 1954 to 1990 she was a member of the ensemble of the Berliner Volksbühne .

After her film debut in 1954 in Kein Hüsung , she played supporting roles in numerous DEFA productions , especially in the sixties and seventies . In later years she made a name for herself in theater and television acts as a character actress and embodied mothers and grandmothers from the common people. In 1980 she gave a guest appearance at the Komische Oper . She played around 125 roles, including at the theater in The Marriage of Nikolai Gogol or in What you want by William Shakespeare .

Marianne Wünscher was married from 1949 to 1953 to the director Gottfried Herrmann, who was 15 years her senior . Their first son, Thomas, comes from this marriage . In 1963 she married the composer Wolfgang Pietsch and had a second son with him. In 1971 she joined the Liberal Democratic Party of Germany (LDPD) and from 1977 to 1981 she was a member of the Berlin city council. In the 8th electoral term (1981-1986) she was the successor candidate for the People's Chamber of the GDR .

Marianne Wünscher died of cancer on August 9, 1990. She found her final resting place in the Pankow III cemetery .


Radio plays

  • 1952: Nikolai Gogol : The Marriage - Director: Gottfried Herrmann ( Broadcasting of the GDR )
  • 1955: Anna Seghers : The Seventh Cross - Director: Hedda Zinner (Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1960: Rosel Willers : Opportunity Makes Love (Hanni Heinz) - Director: Werner Wieland (radio play - Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1960: Rolf Schneider : Affären - Director: Werner Stewe (radio play - Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1960: Anton Chekhov : A marriage proposal (Natalja Stepanowa, daughter of the landowner) - Director: Peter Brang (Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1964: Józef Hen / Jadwiga Plonska : Scandal in Gody (Helena Wiktus) - Director: Edgar Kaufmann (radio play - Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1968: Willi Bredel : Relatives and acquaintances (8 episodes) - Director: Fritz-Ernst Fechner (Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1968: Ulrich Waldner : The Forgotten Wedding Day (Mother Neumann) - Director: Joachim Gürtner (Radio play series: Neumann, ring twice - Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1968: Joachim Witte : The clearing operation (mother Neumann) - Director: Joachim Gürtner (radio play series: Neumann, ring twice - radio of the GDR)
  • 1968: Werner Jahn : Everything goes better with music (Mother Neumann) - Director: Joachim Gürtner (Radio play series: Neumann, ring twice - Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1968: Peter Brock : The bet dog (mother Neumann) - Director: Joachim Gürtner (radio play series: Neumann, ring twice - Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1968: Gerhard Jäckel : Grandma and the sub-tenants (mother Neumann) - Director: Joachim Gürtner (radio play series: Neumann, ring twice - Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1969: Claude Prin : Potemkin 68 (Kundin) - Director: Edgar Kaufmann (radio play - Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1969: Armin Müller : Faces (facility manager) - Director: Wolfgang Brunecker (radio play - Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1969: Franz Freitag : Der Egoist (Sabine Ziegler) - Director: Gert Andreae (radio play - Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1970: Wolfgang Kohlhaase : A trumpeter is coming (Helene) - Director: Fritz-Ernst Fechner (Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1970: Rolf Schneider: Platanenstraße 10 (Helga) - Director: Werner Grunow (Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1970: Boris Evsejew : And the third is not superfluous either (Frau Galkin) - Director: Peter Groeger (Comedy - Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1971: Heinrich Mann : The Completion of King Henri Quatre - Director: Fritz Göhler (Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1972: Heinrich von Kleist : Amphitryon (Charis) - Director: Werner Grunow (Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1974: Helga Schütz : Le Rossignol is called Nachtigall (Frau Schulz) - Director: Werner Grunow (Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1976: Hans Skirecki : Behind Wittenberge (Clara) - Director: Barbara Plensat (radio play - Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1980: Brigitte Hähnel : Friday night (mother) - Director: Fritz-Ernst Fechner (radio play - Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1981: Brigitte Hähnel: The Invitation (Daughter) - Director: Barbara Plensat (Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1982: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe : Die neue Melusine (landlady) - Director: Petra Wellner (children's radio play - radio of the GDR)
  • 1982: Peter Hacks : The Tower Dungeon - Stories Henriette and Uncle Titus (Jakoba) - Director: Fritz Göhler (Children's radio play - Litera )
  • 1983: Linda Teßmer : 9 p.m. Erlenpark (Mrs. Saad) - Director: Fritz-Ernst Fechner (detective radio play / short radio play - Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1985: Wilhelm Jacoby / Carl Laufs : Pension Schöller (U. Sprosser) - Director: Norbert Speer (radio play - Broadcasting of the GDR)

Synchronous roles



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